A/N: Hm, title could use some work. XD But anyways…OK, so this was partially sparked from slyswn28's "SugaR KingdoM", but really I just wanted to do my version of fem!Grimm/fem!Ichi. XD I don't usually do holiday!fics or yuri, so I hope yu enjoy this little drabble!

Disclaimer: Bleach is still not mine. Sadly. D: And I own nothing from CoverGirl, literally. XD

Warnings: Genderbending, yuri, potential OOC, sexiness


Standing in the middle of her girlfriend's lavish bedroom, Ichigo was busying fiddling with the white satin lace-trimmed apron on her slight frame, a scowl on her pretty face. The orange haired girl was starting to regret letting the other pick out her Halloween costume, but at the time she hadn't really thought it'd be so...perverted, though she should have known better considering just who she was dating.

Geneviève, AKA Gen or Gigi to her friends, had wrestled the younger girl into a French maid's outfit, the short midnight velvet dress reaching about mid-thigh with a square neckline framing her face and short, slightly puckered sleeves. A frilly white underskirt beneath it expanded the dress, lifting it up a couple inches and making it even shorter, and the strawberry blonde had trouble keeping it from flashing things that don't need to be flashed outside the bedroom, especially the one she was standing in now in her black stilettos, tied criss-cross with dark blue ribbons up her calves, which were covered in white lace-trimmed stockings that went with the apron and held up by a matching garter belt. Her hands were enveloped in white gloves of the same theme like the choker necklace around her neck, and on top of her head was a little frilly white headband that sat in between a pair of white-tipped orange fox ears, going with the big bushy tail sticking out from behind her to finish the look.

Why animals were involved when their friends decided to throw a costume party where what you wear is picked out of two hats, she didn't know, but when she had gotten 'Fox' from one hat and 'Maid' from the other, her girlfriend had the widest grin on her face that had immediately worried her, and now she knew why.

A defeated sigh escaped her glossy pale pink lips just as the door to the connected bathroom opened. Ready to complain about her costume, she turned glaring smoky tea colored eyes up at the blunette standing in the doorway, before they went wide with shock as her brain registered just what the woman was wearing.

Gigi had a smirk curving her dark colored lips, her eyes raking up and down the younger girl's body and liking what she sees a lot, before slowly turning in a circle to show off her costume, "Well? Whaddaya think?" her low, luscious alto voice caressed her Berry-chan's ears, turning them a lovely shade of red like the rest of her face as the other girl blushed hotly.

Ichigo couldn't help but ogle and stare in awe, taking in the violet satin corset laced up both in the front and back, exposing skin through the black ribbons. A dangerously short leather skirt hugged Gigi's curvy hips and thigh high lace up leather boots came up to meet them, leaving only a strip of skin in between. Around her neck was a studded leather collar holding a silver circle tag with the initials 'G. J.' engraved on it while a pair of black cat ears sat on top of her long sky blue, gently wavy locks. Behind her weaved a black cat tail through the air with every step she made, looking and moving like a real tail would, and to complete the outfit, a leather fitted half jacket with soft fuzzy white faux fur covering the lapels of the collar hung from her shoulders and fingerless leather gloves lined with the same fur encased her slender hands. She couldn't believe it. All this from 'Biker' and 'Cat'?

"…U-um…" was Ichigo's intelligent response while her honey brown pools stayed glued to her hot, drop-dead gorgeous supermodel girlfriend.

The blunette's smirk turned seductive as she sauntered over to her adorable berry, tilting her head up with a finger to meet her playful cerulean orbs – also skillfully shadowed with some black make-up and outlined with her usual teal eyeliner to make her eyes stand out even more – once she was in reach, "Hm, is my vixen maid speechless?"

That snapped Ichigo out of her daze and she frowned (read: pouted) before wrapping her arms around the taller girl's back and hid her face in Gigi's gifted chest, "If anyone's a vixen, it's you," she mumbled into soft, smooth skin.

"Oh? So if we're switching roles, does that make you my little sex Kitten then, Ichi-chan?" the older woman asked teasingly and brushed some short tangerine tresses out of the way of those beautiful amber eyes, loving the way Ichigo squeaked when she slipped a knee between her thighs while her hands trailed down her sides to cup her bum under the skirts of the dress. She pulled the smaller girl flush against her body to knead them gently, their breasts pressed up against each other and fitting like two puzzle pieces due to their height difference. Gigi leaned down and captured those pretty pink lips with her own plum colored ones, glad that their outlast lipstain stayed on for hours and wouldn't come off to ruin either girl's make-up, allowing them to kiss for as long as they desired. Thank you, CoverGirl.

"Mm, Gi-chan…not now," Ichigo pleaded when they parted with a wet smack, arching up into the touch unconsciously as she looked up into half-lidded blues. If they continued on like this, she'd have to change panties.

Gigi purred loudly and nosed her strawberry's blushing face, deciding to give her a break just this once, "Fine, but I get to have you tonight. No excuses."

"A-Ah, okay, okay! Tonight, I promise, but we should probably be going or we'll be late, ne?" her Ichi said to distract her, stopping her from rubbing her knee up against the apex of the shorter girl's thighs and tugged her along to leave.

With one last squeeze, the feline woman grinned as she followed. She couldn't wait to get that maid's costume off, as sexy as it may be, and have her way with her cute, foxy little love. She'll make her positively scream tonight.

Hope the Granz Sisters don't mind them leaving the party early this year, because they're going to need all the time they could get!



A/N: Tehe, so there it is! Happy Halloween, everyone! :D Please R&R! I luv hearing from yu all, it keeps me goin'! :3 On that note, tanks for all the reviews yu've given me so far! It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside to know people actually read and like the crap that spews out of my head. To many more fics and review alike in the future! *raises Champagne glass full of sparkling apple cider* XDDD