
AN: My Chemical Romance's "Teenagers" is intermixed a little throughout this story. Rated T for drugs, a little language, and violence. I hope I haven't scared you off yet. Oh ps, by now Jack and Sally have two of the five Skellington kids.

The mayor looked down his flat nose at the three, bedraggled, blackened, ashen faced teenagers. They were all looking down, and shuffling their feet awkwardly, except for the red headed boy, who was smirking determinedly up at The Mayor.

"So," The Mayor growled. He was perched a top his gigantic desk, white faced and angry.

"So….what?" Lock asked, "What are you going to do to us now, Mayor? Give us a spanking?"

"Shut up, boy," The mayor barked, "I've lived with the three of you for long enough. I've turned a blind eye to most of your…petty misdeeds, but this, well I can't look away anymore!"

"It was an accident," Shock whispered.

"It was," Barrel agreed, "We meant to just heat the vampire's coffins up. Not burn them. Or make their whole house explode."

"Killing two of them?" The mayor barked.

Shock stifled a sob. She couldn't cry in front of Lock and Barrel.

"I don't know how it's even possible to kill the undead!" The Mayor yelled.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Lock groaned, "Well now that you've given us a talking to, can we go?"

"You're staying here," The Mayor hissed, icily.

Lock rolled his eyes. Shock slugged him in the arm.

"What was that for?" he spat at her.

Shock was about to retort, but then the door behind was flung open. A gust of wind announced the entrance of Jack Skellington. Jack rarely looked angry, but now, his bony eye sockets were scrunched down, in a fearsome glower at Lock, Shock and Barrel. His mouth was clenched in a tight scowl, and his tiny nostrils were flared. Jack's bony hands were balled into fists.

"Hey Bone Daddy!" Lock said, jovially as Jack stormed past. He ignored Lock.

"Jack, thank goodness!" The Mayor exclaimed, "I've got to find something to do with these miscreants."

"Mayor, I have a simple solution," Jack sighed, "They're not children anymore."

"Obviously," The Mayor scoffed.

"We just need to give them time to grow up," Jack decided, "So, I think the best solution would be to send them each off to a different place to live, and grow up. In a good environment, where they can be brought up respectably."

"WHAT?" Lock shrieked, "I am not leaving Barrel and Shock! They're my family!"

Jack ignored again him and turned to Shock, "Shock, you could come and stay with me and my family. I'm sure my wife, Sally would find plenty of things for you to help her with."

"Um, alright," Shock breathed, not meeting Jack's dark eye sockets.

"NO!" Lock yelled.

"Barrel," Jack continued giving Barrel and friendly pat on the shoulder, "You could have an internship with the Mayor. Wouldn't you like that?"

"I-I guess it could be worse," Barrel stuttered.

"Good man," Jack complimented, slapping Barrel on the back.

"They're not going anywhere!" Lock insisted.

"Lock," Jack growled, "I suggest you shut your mouth and do what you're told. You're in enough trouble already. I think Dr. and Mrs. Finklestein might have room for you up at their house."

"No way am I going to live with that creep!" Lock argued.

"Well that's settled then," The Mayor said, slapping his hand on the top of his desk.

"It is not settled!" Lock exclaimed, "We're a family! You can't just rip us apart like this!"

"It seems to me, Lock," Jack commented, "that you've ripped apart the vampire's family more permanently than we've 'ripped apart' your family."

Lock glared at Jack.

They gonna clean up your looks with all the lies in the books

To make a citizen out of you

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