If you stood before me

And I was unrestrained

If I was brave enough

I'd take off your glasses so you could see me

Every thinly veiled look of adoration

Every time my resolve is steeled

Before I fight for you

I'd unpin your hair

And let it fall down over you

Run my fingers through it

And show you how beautiful you are

I'd whisper in your ear

Put my heart in my voice

Make declarations,

Promises you thought no one would ever keep

But I don't care, because I'll make them anyway

I'd take off your dress

Take your sword and toss them aside

Let the bird out of its cage

Let you be free

I'd look at the scars the swords made on your once perfect skin

And lay a kiss on each one

A million swords.

A million promises.

A million kisses to heal

And a million more to sign my declarations

I'd take your hand

Throw away the lies

And roses

And talk of Brides and Champions

Burn the castles and fairy tales

With fires of anarchy

And we'd run through the wildflowers





An experimental piece I wrote in my head while falling asleep. I know it's sort of cliché but I do not control my muse.