I do not own Hetalia in any way. This is just a fan fic for everyone's entertainment.

Note: Mikii and Rena are not the real names for Tokyo and Osaka in Hetalia. Mikii is my original character and Rena belongs to my friend. Enjoy!

The Hetalia After story


Mikii (Osaka)- Female protagonist. Is married to Feliciano (Italy) and has one child. Her personality can be serious but she loves to fool around like her husband and is confused most of the time.

Feliciano (Italy)- Is the male protagonist. He met Mikii while visiting his buddy Honda (Japan) and they both, although Miki is Japanese, shared a love, err, passion for pasta :3 He fell in love with her and, although awkwardly, he asked her to marry him. Now they have a son named Rome.

Rena (Tokyo)- Second female protagonist. Is the older sister of Mikii and is sorta interested in Ivan (Russia). She's sadistic but, in a way, kind. She can be very random and loves to cause disturbance, like her crush. (gonna get killed by Russia if he reads this!) She met Russia on a trip over to his house instead Japan and they both found a liking to each other since they both liked the same type of…fun.

Ivan (Russia) - Second male protagonist. Is sadistic like his girlfriend but he has a genuine sweet side for her. He loves making evil plans with her and loves the fact that she actually wants to go through with them. He dislikes Feliciano and Mikii but he doesn't do anything because he doesn't want Rena as his enemy (trust me).

Kiku Honda (Japan) - He is very mellow and is allied with Italy and Germany. Although he isn't trouble maker, he often gets involved in a lot of trouble due to Italy carelessness and Germany's brute way of handling things. Although he is calm, he send a lot of mixed signals and he can be very confusing when trying to figure him out. He is best friends with Mikii and Rena. Italy actually met Mikii through Japan.

Ludwig (Germany) - He was allied with Italy by mistake but he did nothing to clear it up, he actually took a liking to him and his idiocy. He likes Mikii as a dear friend but dislikes Rena greatly. He thought he was tough but that woman just scares him.

Chapter 1

Mikii prepared pasta for her beloved Feliciano and her little boy. She remembered the day her and her beloved had met clearly…


Mikii was having tea with Nihon-sama. The room was peaceful as they talked about the mini ships he was creating to help his army. Outside the door you could hear a high-pitched yell and someone blabbering random things. All you can really make out of it all was "Ima sorry!". Mikii stood up to go check it out but before she did, Germany slid the door open, holding something over his shoulders : Italy. "This idiot vas annoying the locals so I had to vorce him out of there before they beat him to a pulp." Germany explained and let go of Italy, making him fall to the ground with a -umpf- "I said I was a sorry! But those people wouldn't let me go. Thank you Germany my friend for saving me again- Oh! Who's a this?" Italy looked at Mikii and he went over to sit next to her. Mikii blushed. "I'm Italy! And you are?" He asked with an idiotic smile in his face. "M-Mikii desu! Anata ni aete ureshiidesu." She practically blurted out with her face red. Italy's head leaned to the side. "What?" He said, really confused. "She said her name is Mikii, she's happy to meet you." Japan said calmly. "Gomen, I mean, sorry Italy-san. I didn't know you didn't know Japanese. I just assumed…" She looked down, embarrassed. Italy patted her back, making her face red again and she looked up in surprise. "It's okay! I want you to teach it to me! How do you say 'I like pasta' in Japanese?" He asked her and she thought about it a little. "Watashi wa pasuta ga suki. That is how you say it." Mikii said with a smile. Italy tried to imitate it. "Watashi wa pasta ga suki!" He said proudly and Mikii laughed. Her laugh made Italy blush and it was like instant love.

The second time they met, Italy had invited her over. Of course, Japan suggested she not let him drive her there so Japan drove her there himself. He needed to do some business there anyway. "So Mikii, do you like a pasta?" Italy said while they walked side to side. "Like pasta? I LOVE it!" She said, a spark in her eyes. "Do you want to make some, Italy-kun?" She asked and he nodded happily. "Of course! We should go and get the pasta!" They skipped happily to Italy's house and started making some spaghetti. "Let me cook, preasu? I know a way to make it extra good!" Mikii said and winked, Italy blushed slightly.

Mikii kicked Italy out of the kitchen for a while, even if it was his house, and began to cook using her special ingredients. When it was finally done, she walked out with two plates of pasta and some bread. Italy had fallen asleep in that little while and Mikii sighed. She set the plates on the table and went over to where Italy was lying on the floor. She hadn't looked at him good before but now she noticed that Italy was laying face-down with his butt up. "Pft!" She covered her mouth so she wouldn't laugh to loud and startle him. Tears ran down her cheek of how hard she was trying not to laugh. "B-baka…" she said giggling a bit after she had calmed down. She kneeled beside him and tried shaking his shoulder but he didn't wake up. "Italy-kun…" She poked him "Wake up! The food's ready…" She poked him again and he turned around and hugged Mikii while still deep in his sleep. "I…love…" he mumbled in his sleep. Mikii blushed at how close their faces were to each other and how strong Italy was holding her against him. She tried to get up but that only caused him to holder tighter to his chest. "I love you…" he mumbled once more, this time since Mikii had moved to get away her head was now next to his and he whispered it into her ear. Her face went completely red. She lifted herself up a bit to see Italy's sleeping face. 'He really is cute…' she thought to herself. She leaned in a bit, tempted to give him a kiss. 'I guess it's okay for me to do this…he is asleep…wait. Does that make me an abuser? Kya! No! no! no!' She shook her head and leaned in anyway. Her lips barely brushed his when his eyes opened. "Miss Osaka, what are you doing on top of me?" Italy said puzzled and Mikii moved away right away. Italy looked down and saw that he was the one restraining her from moving and his face went blank. "Ima sorry! Ima sorry! I didn't mean to! I was asleep, you understand right Miss Osaka?" He let go immediately and stood up. Mikii got up with him and brushed her dark blue kimono smooth. "Uh, yeah, do not worry about it Italy-kun…it was, um, my fault for trying to wake you up and well-" She was cut off "Is that pasta I smell?" Italy rushed to the table and sat down quickly. "Thank you Mikii!" He started to eat the spaghetti and then stopped abruptly. Mikii frowned "Is it bad? I'm so sorry Itary-kun…" Italy looked up at her, his eyes in tears. He swallowed the spaghetti that was in his mouth and lifted up the plate as if it were a trophy. "Sorry? I should thank you Mikii! This is the BEST pasta I've EVER had!" He set the plate down and hugged her. "I love you~" He said and lifted her up and shook her a bit, laughing. Mikii was blushing at the way Italy had mentioned her first name and the fact that he said he loved her. Not to mention how close they were. "D-do you mean it, Itary-kun? Y-you love me?" Mikii asked, her face a bright pink and buried in his chest. "Of course I do! Why wouldn't I?" Italy said, holding her out a bit to see her eyes. Mikii looked away for a moment then looked back at him. "I-I love you too, Itary-kun." She said, and he smiled idioticly at her. She smiled at him, too. Italy blushed 'she has a beautiful smile' he thought. After that, Italy invited Osaka often to his house and they ended up liking eachother more than friends. Once, Italy asked Osaka for a kiss. She got all red and leaned in for the kiss, but when they did she fainted. Italy mistook it as her not liking it and apoligizing about a million times. 'I guess he's not going to let it go, is he?' Mikii asked herself everytime he apoligized.