Ok, so hi to everyone I guess. This is my first attempt at fanfiction and I hope you enjoy it. Please R&R so I can know if I should continue or quit while I'm ahead! Thanks!

I don't own the Protector of the Small series, all characters belong to Tamora Pierce, blah blah blah, you know the drill.

Chapter One

Mission for Two

Keladry of Mindelan stood silently in the dark corner of the ball room, her dreamy hazel eyes pinned to her best friend Nealan of Queenscove as he slowly twirled his new bride across the dance floor. A small smile crossed her lips at the thought of the two of them, now finally man and wife. She knew they were meant to be together, had been since the moment they met, and Kel was overjoyed that the two of them had found each other.

If only…

She shook her head as if to chase the thought away. No, there would be no if onlys, no wishing for things that would still come, something she simply had to wait for patiently. Yet…

Yet every day she spent near the two of them her heart ached, constantly and demandingly, like it wanted someone to love as well. Like it wanted someone to look at her, just as Neal looked at Yuki. Like Raoul looked at Buri.

"You're being silly." Kel muttered to herself as she forced her gaze down. She was a Lady Knight for goodness sake! The first official Lady Knight in over a hundred years. She had everything she had wanted out of life, and she had worked her behind off to get it. Why couldn't she be happy?

Kel sighed softly. She knew why, and she knew why it hurt so much. All her life she'd known she wasn't cut out to be the wife of some rich noble. Her sisters-in-law had often joked that she was build like a cow and would never find someone desperate enough to marry her. It was one of the reasons she wanted to become a knight so badly – not a big reason though. Kel knew she would have chosen to become a knight even if she had had suitors banging on her door since the age of five, she was simply too much of a protector of those in need to have become anything else.

Still, being a knight had changed everything. She knew her chances of getting married now were far less than they would've been had she simply gone to court at sixteen like her sisters. She wouldn't get any suitors now. Men saw her as a leader or a comrade. The only one who had seen her as anything else had been Cleon…

She shook her head again, this time with a little more vigour. No, thinking of him only made her sad and she was sad enough as it was.

Glancing at the happy couple one last time, she turned and quickly slipped out the room. She had no idea where she was going, only that she had to get out of there as quickly as humanly possible. She scarcely noticed where she was going until she suddenly reached the royal gardens.

"Darn," she muttered under her breath. She had run from the sight of love into a garden filled with couples having secret meetings. "Just great," she sat down at the nearest stone bench with a plop, regretting it instantly when she remembered the beautiful gown her ex-maid Lalassa had made for her especially for the wedding. She quickly stood up and carefully tucked the folds under her before getting seated again. Sighing loudly she closed her eyed, willing the emptiness to go away as she listened to the night.

"Here you are!" a voice suddenly said right next to her.

Kel jumped, her hand automatically reaching for her sword before she remembered she was wearing a dress. Her eyes flew up to meet the violet ones of the only other female knight in Tortall. "Alanna," she gasped getting up again. "I didn't hear you coming."

"I was quiet," Lady Alanna of Pirates Swoop and Olau beckoned for Kel to sit down before doing the same. "I passed a rather – uh – uncomfortable scene and would rather not repeat the experience. You never know what happens in these gardens." She fell silent for a moment, her eyes growing misty as she seemed to be sucked into past memories. It took only a moment for her to return to reality. "But that's not why I sought you out. First though I have to ask what your doing out here, Kel? Don't take this as an insult, but you don't seem like the kind of person who dallies in gardens."

A small smile spread across Kel's lips. "Actually, I believe that was a complement."

"Glad to hear. Now as for my first question…"

For a split second Kel considered telling the knight the true reason of her flight, but she knew Alanna would not understand. She was married and had her own children, she had a life and love to look forward to. She would never understand the loneliness that Kel felt.

"I needed some fresh air." Kel lied.

Alanna glances at her knowingly. "Alright, if you say so. I must apologize; I didn't come here to interrogate you. I actually came to ask a very large favour, or maybe I should rather call it a mission. It is for the kingdom so I should not feel the need to ask a personal favour."

Kel frowned, worried. "What's wrong Alanna?"

Alanna sighed. "As you know, the war with Scanra is far from over. They are still attacking even if that mage is gone and, unfortunately, it seems like they have found a replacement for him."


"Don't panic Kel, this is all just rumours. We have no way to prove anything but our spied have detected strange happenings in a small town known as Darkwood near the Tortallen boarder. We have no way to prove this unless we are able to send in a spy but that will prove difficult. The only way we can get anyone in there was if we were to get people into the community. The only problem is that the job is going to be far too dangerous for mere spies to send in. We will have to send in someone who knows what they are doing and can defend themselves in an emergency. We found the perfect opening. The town is in great need of warriors and we intercepted a warrior and his wife on their way there. Luckily for us they wanted to life in Tortall much more than Scanra, which means we can send someone in their place."

Kel nodded, but was unable to hide her confusion. "I understand, but what's this got to do with me?"

Alanna took a deep breath. "Kel, we would like you to pass as the warrior's wife. You are strong enough to protect yourself in any situation and Roaul told us that you knew how to life of the land without any problems."

Kel thought about it for a moment. The crown wanted her to pose as the wife of a Scanran warrior to find out whether another mage was planning on killing their children for more killing devices. How could she refuse? She would never be able to tolerate the weak being picked!

"What about New Hope?" she asked quietly.

"Neal will take temporary charge while you're gone. Kel, if you're unwilling just say so. We can find ano…"

"I'll do it." Kel interrupted. This was her mission, her chance to do what she had trained all her life to do, her chance to take a break from Neal and Yuki constantly making love with their eyes… "But I have to ask, who will be helping me."

Alanna opened her mouth to reply but before she could two figures came striding forward. The first was the Knight Commander of the King's Own Roaul of Goldenlake and Malorie's Peak, the second was none other than Sergeant Domitan of Masbolle, who was also Neal's cousin and had been his best man at the wedding. Dom's handsome face was face pulled into a grin as his blue eyes fixed on Kel. Kel couldn't stop her heart from giving a pang of joy as it always did when she saw him.

At a nod from Alanna Roaul turned to Kel, his eyes glittering with mischief. "Kel, say hello to your new husband."

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