A.N: Hey everyone! Sorry for the wait! I just turned 21 at the end of October and I've been having way to much fun! I met Emma Watson down at Universal and I got promoted to part time at my job!

I'm leaving in a few days for a trip with my boyfriend to Tennessee for Thanksgiving. Were going to Dollywood! I'm super excited! So I'm trying to write as much as possible to try and post the next chapter before I leave.

I really like that were getting closer to the dramatic scene I've been dying to write! I hope you all enjoy this one!

/~~~~~~~~~Chapter 19: Trust Is Earned~~~~~~~~~\\

Also I read back on the other chapters and I notice a ton of corrections that need to be

"Sex? In you're bed? No, when you left I slept at my old place… After my fight with Slade I stayed there." Terra smiles reassuringly and Blackfire smiled back.

"Let's get you to bed sweetie" Terra moved by her and took her inside to put her to sleep. Terra needed to eat something before she keeled over.

Jinx screamed as another orgasm hit her and her back slammed to the wall in the kitchen. Wally held her up and bit down on her shoulder lightly and she shuttered.

"Oh god Wally… that was… amazing" Jinx sighed happily and leaned her forehead against Wally's as they breathed deeply.

"All I asked was what's for breakfast and you jumped me… I'm not complaining but best answer ever" Wally chuckled and lowered her to her feet and steadied her.

"Well how can I resist you when you have such cute bed head in the morning?" She giggled and put her shirt back on.

After both parted on there way to work Jinx was humming a tune thinking of how wonderful today was. But as she rounded the corner of the school building she froze at what she saw.

Lauren was helping the children build a snowman and laughing as they made a weird face out of the rocks. Jinx growled as she bit down on her teeth and tried not to scream.

"Jinx!" Melvin called as she waved.

"Look what Mrs. Tom showed us!" She ran over and took her hand as she pulled her closer.

"She showed us how to roll the snow and make it into a snowman!" She giggled and Lauren looked to Jinx with a smile.

Jinx glared and turned to Melvin and the children, "How nice… but it's time for you all to head inside so we can start today."

"Can Mrs. Tom come to?" Timmy asked.

"No… she has work… so let's go" Jinx took another step.

"But why won't you let you're mommy come?" Melvin asked and Jinx froze.

"She's not my mother" Jinx walked further and Lauren giggled as she patted Melvin's hair.

"She is my daughter… she just need's to learn that" She straightened up and Jinx froze as Kole walked towards them.

"Kole.. Take the kids inside… don't ask questions please…" Jinx said in a strained voice.

Kole just nodded and took everyone inside and Jinx turned to face Lauren with such hate in her eyes it made Lauren flinch.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Talking to my students? Stalking me? You need to get a fucking life and leave mine alone! You either leave me alone or I'll talk to Slade about some kind of restraining order or what the fuck ever! Just go away!" Jinx screamed as she cheeks went pink from the cold.

Lauren looked shocked as she put a hand to her chest, "Jinx!… I left you as a baby to give you a better life…. I tried to take jobs and provide for you but… It got hard…" She smiled softly and Jinx's mouth fell open.

"That is a fucking lie! You never had a job! I was young but I remember you bringing guys over to fuck! All the drugs, and dirt! The horrible smell! Not to mention you abandoned me in the park at night under the slide! I almost froze to death you bitch!" Jinx felt like punching the woman.

Lauren sighed and a few tears fell.

"I'm a good mother! don't you lie! I loved you!" Lauren noticed a few people walking by and staring.

"You never loved me!" Jinx screamed.

"Don't say that! You don't know what I went threw! I had such a hard life! I should have had more!" Lauren felt herself snapping.

"Oh boo who! Let's have a fucking pity party for Lauren" Jinx rolled her eyes.

"Don't you talk that way to me young lady! I'm you're mother!" Lauren screamed.

"You're nothing but a waste of life!" Jinx crossed her arms.

Lauren shot out and smacked her so hard Jinx's face was turned completely to the left and had a red mark on it. Jinx froze and so did Lauren as silence filled the air.

Kole ran outside and took Jinx by the arm, "Are you ok?" She must have watched from a window.

"Jinx… Honey… Baby I'm so sorry… I… I didn't mean…" Lauren looked around at the shocked looks everyone was giving her and she bolted off towards her place.

Kole looked to Jinx with worry and noticed she hadn't moved an inch.

"Jinx? Are you ok?" She touched her friend softly on the shoulder and Jinx turned to her and smiled.

"Told you she wasn't my mother" Jinx turned and left for the school with Kole following.

Later that day Richard came to Blackfire's place with her bag delivered it with warm smiles. Blackfire and him talked about some things until she fell asleep then Terra and him went downstairs for some coffee and small talk.

"Thanks for bringing her bag again Richard" Terra smiled.

"No problem Terra… But I should get back to Kori… she is due any day now" He stood and Terra followed him to the door.

Once outside Terra faced him with a curious look, "Richard… why are you being so nice to me lately? Not that I don't like it but… why the change?" She was curious.

"Well I figure you seem to be having a tough time around here and maybe some friendship would help…" He offered.

"Well you are right… thank you" She leaned forward and hugged him.

Richard left for him home but neither of them knew that from the large building across the street, Slade was watching with binoculars from his window with a frown.

Raven was the clinic looking at the map again and scratching behind her ear as she wondered the probability of an infection not surviving in the cold. A chuckle was heard and she snapped up, only to see Malchior standing there smiling.

"Malchior… I-" Raven folded the map and tried to hide what she was doing.

"I wondered where that map went… I truthfully thought Slade took it…" He stood by the desk looking at the half folded map and reached out to smooth it out fully.

"I'm sorry… I just saw it and-" He cut her off by holding up a hand.

"No, I'm glad you took it, or else I'm sure Slade would have taken it…" Malchior squinted as his finger trailed over some red marks.

"You think Slade would take this? Why would he have a reason to?" Raven watched him trail the map.

"He wouldn't want to put the colony in any state of panic… Not when he has them all so wrapped around his finger" Malchior gritted his teeth and looked away as Raven raised an eyebrow.

"You don't like Slade?" Raven could understand that Malchior didn't like Slade. After all Slade was pushy, stubborn, and creepy, but to others he was a hero.

"He has a complex that can't be pushed or even nudged. He has all my companions believing there is no hope in Alaska… Only here…" He turned away and punched the wall leaving a small crack, making Raven flinch.

Silence filled the room and Raven looked down to the map and back to him, "What makes you think there is hope in Alaska? Or even at the piers?"

"I just know… I heard them, I spoke with the general of the group threw the radio. He answered all my questions… I just know he is there… If Slade could just let me go with his men to check it out… But he wont" Malchior slid down to the seat across from Raven's desk and looked to the floor.

Raven bit her lip and then leaned forward as she said, "This note on the map mentions something about a journal… Where is it?" Raven pointed to the black inked note.

"Hal had it on the inside of his jacket…" Both of them grew quiet and knew that he was buried in the cemetery that the colony made for lost loved ones.

"We can't get it back now… he's buried ten feet under heavy rocks and dirty." Raven looked to the picture of a tree hanging on the wall.

"Who says we can't get it now?" Malchior looked to her with a grim look.

"Are you suggesting that we digging up a grave? That's horrible! Unthinkable!" Raven stood and walked to the other end of the office.

"We've all done something that we once never thought we would do. But to prove to you about everything and possibly save lives… I need that journal." He continued to sit and stair at the wall.

"What's not so safe about this place? Do you feel threatened here? Have you seen a flaw in our safety? Please speak up and let me know your opinion" Raven felt a little like doing off on him, but only because she was scared.

"This place is a paradise compared to what I went threw out there. But Slade is an evil man! Raven he won't even look me in the eye when he tells me he's here to help. He's so smug and he thinks he has all the answers…. I've seen hoards by the hundreds pass by my library and I've seen the destruction they can do! Packs follow whatever moves! One infected walks by and three see it and follow it, then a dozen infected see that group and follow them, within the hour there are ten dozen, at the end of the week there's two hundred following them! A gun shot can range for miles and once they hear that there is nothing stopping them except a bullet threw the head!" Malchior loomed over the desk with dark eyes.

One day a pack will fall threw this path… either the front, back, the sides or whatever… they will come and they won't stop till this colony is surrounded and it only takes one mistake of one person to do something that let's them in and everyone is trapped. Were livestock in a ring just tenderizing ourselves with frivolous objects and stupid problems that mean nothing outside these walls! Raven… I don't want to sit around and wait to become the meal… I want to get out there and find something better than a man that's playing god with these naïve citizens that think the infection will just go away as long as they ignore it." Raven had never heard such passion come from one man and trembled at the heated look in his eyes.

"Ok… Tonight we dig up the grave…" She nodded.

"We need a distraction… The cemetery is right by a watch tower and there is one guard on it at night. If we can just get his away for an hour I can make it in and out alone." He looked to her with confusion.

"I think I have an idea that will distract these frivolous citizens" Raven smiled and Malchior smirked.

That night the whole town was by the pasture in the back for a celebration. Rows of food lined the picnic tables, as paper lanterns hung around the area leaving in a beautiful glow. The weather was chilly but no signs of anymore snow as the people danced to the music played by some men in the center. The children rode the horses with Garfield's and Jinx's help. Wally was with the guys laughing over something as Raven looked over everything with a confident smirk. Malchior slipped next to her wearing mostly black and gave her an approving smile.

"Staging a festival in only 10 hours… you are very clever Raven… No one will suspect a thing." He chuckled.

"The guards all split in half so the towers are being watched in shifts so everyone can partake. The one above the cemetery will be free for two hours… You said you only needed one… So I suggest you go now" Raven waved to a woman that passed by holding her stomach.

"Ok, I'll come find you once I'm finished." He disappeared into the shadows and Raven noticed Blackfire and Terra huddled together by the bonfire they made to the side. She glanced to the side and saw Slade glaring at them but then turned his gaze to her and smiled as he waved her over and Raven shook her head as she pointed to Garfield and walked over to him.

"Raven this is so much fun" Jinx giggled from the top of the horse she shared with Melvin as Garfield led them around the circle.

"Want a ride next?" Garfield offered.

"No thank you I should actually check on Kori, she seems to look sad." Raven waved to them and walked over to Kori who sat next to a worried Richard and looked to her stomach.

"You ok?" Raven crouched down and placed a gentle hand on her mentors stomach.

"I am over come with sad and worried feelings. My baby has not come out yet… He or she is taking to long" She whimpered as she looked down.

"I keep trying to tell her… Ugh" Richard looked sad but annoyed that he couldn't say anything to comfort his wife.

"Kori… This could be a good thing, the longer the baby is in the womb the more healthy they are." Raven smiled and Kori looked to her with hope.

"If the baby hasn't come by the end of winter then I promise you we will do something" Raven noticed her shoulders relax and she smiled.

"Thank you friend Raven, I am feeling much better now" She smiled softly and Terra and Blackfire walked over with some plates.

"We brought some potato salad for the mommy to be" Terra smiled as she handed a beaming Kori a plate of food.

"And some for the daddy too" Blackfire gave one to Richard and she smiled to them as they four of them began to talk. Raven excused herself and looked up at the moon, wondering if this plan would work.

Raven joined Wally as he asked her to dance and then handed him over to Jinx afterwards. She then sat with Kole and both talked about books, until Jericho came and signed for a dance with Kole who accepted with pink cheeks. Raven noticed Garfield moving the kids to the sheep and letting the pet them as well at the goats. Everything was perfect and everyone was happy. It should be like this all the time… friends and family's being together in happiness instead of fear.

Just as she was about to join Garfield for some animal petting a hand shot out and grabbed her wrist from the shadows.

/~~~~~ End chapter 19~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\

A.N: Well I hope you enjoyed it! I've already started the next chapter and hopefully it will be up within a few days.
