Hello minna!:))))) I'm back! Ahahahah it's finally Summer here! I can finally update my stories !

Anyway here's bonus chapter…. Well….more like a flashback…eheheheh hope you guys will enjoy!

I still don't own Gakuen Alice.

"Mikan? I'm home," Natsume called his wife as he opened the door to their apartment.

"Natsume? I'm right here," Mikan answered.

Natsume went upstairs and found his wife in their bedroom.

"Hey, how's the baby? And how's your day?" Natsume asked lovingly as he kissed his wife's stomach.

Mikan is 9 months pregnant with Natsume's chilf and they are expecting it in a just a week or so.

" The baby's fine. And my day went well. Natsume this child would be healthy."

"Why'd you say that?" Natsume asked as he sat at the bed beside Mikan.

"It's been kicking me a lot today. Ne, Natsume can you buy me something?"

Natsume chuckled at Mikan's puppy eyes.

"Let me guess… corn muffin?"


"Ok get changed we'll buy it together."

"Yay! Go out I'll change."

"Ok," Natsume left the room and waited for about 10 mins.

"I'm ready. How about you?"

"Ready when you are polka."

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… it's really delicious don't you think Natsume?"


"Natsume what's wrong why are you spacing out?"

"Polka, I have something to tell you."

"Wh… what is it?"

"I… well uh…"

"Natsume, what is it?" Mikan asked nervously.

Natsume then grinned and hugged his wife tightly.

"I got the highest score in our major exam."

"I'm so proud of you!" Mikan exclaimed as she tightly hugged Natsume.

The couple went to the mall after they have eaten. They are looking for the things they need to buy for the baby.


"Why? What's wrong with these pair of pink socks Natsume?"

"Well… nothing. It's just that we don't know if the baby is a girl or boy so…"

Mikan smiled at her husband and said, "I just have a feeling I'm having a junior and not you."

"Do you think we should find out the sex of the baby on the next ultrasound?" Natsume asked.

"Do you want to know or be surprised?"Mikan asked while grinning.

"Haven't we had enough surprises?"Natsume asked with a smile on his face.

"Hehehe I think it's fun to be surprised, though I really have a feeling, and I want it to be a girl anyway." Mikan said while holding her tummy.

Natsume smiled at this sight, "Well then let's buy some girly stuff."

They continued buying until 9 in the evening.

"It's getting late Mikan. We should go home."

"Yeah, I'm a bit tired too."

When they went inside the cab, Mikan felt pain on her stomach.

"Mikan? what's wrong?" Natsume asked worriedly.

"Natsume, the baby, I think it's coming out!"

"WHAT? Just hold on Mikan! Please drive us to the nearest hospital!"

"Yes sir," the driver replied and drove as fast as he could.

At the hospital…

Mikan looked down at the tiny squirming, squalling bundle in her arms and felt her heart swell so much she was sure her chest would not be able to contain it. It was such a miracle to be holding her child. Although she had been in a bit of rush to get into the world, she was absolutely perfect; all her fingers and toes were in place and her little nose and that crimson eyes that looked so much like his father's made her smile every time she looked at it. Natsume was still wiping the tears from his eyes from watching as Mikan had so bravely delivered his daughter into the world. He had cut the cord himself and knew he would never forget the moment when he saw that little head appear just before his daughter's wizened and bloodied body followed in a rush.

"Can you believe it?'" Mikan said, grinning up at him proudly.

He shook his head, still too choked up to speak; but he reached for her free hand and squeezed it tightly.

"What are we going to call him?" she asked.

Natsume cleared his throat. "We didn't get around to discussing names, you were confident you'll deliver a healthy baby?'

"I was confident you would love and support me, no matter what," she said softly.

He pressed a gentle kiss to her mouth. "The baby is a bonus love," he said, "a beautiful, precious bonus to a relationship that is worth more to me than all the money in the world.'"

"I love you," she said, blinking back tears of joy.

He smiled and blotted her tears with the pads of his thumbs. "I love you too, more than words can say. I will never stop loving you."

"So, what do we call her?" she asked again.

"How about Natsue?" he said.

'Mmm, I really like that,' Mikan said and kissed the baby on its' forehead.

Natsume smiled as his gaze meshed with hers over the tiny precious bundle of their surprise baby.

After the baby was born Mikan had to go back to Japan, she stayed with Natsume's parents since her parents died a long time ago. Natsume's parents watcher over their baby if Mikan will be sent to the hospital for her treatment. Natsume continued with his studies, he went to Japan if he had no class for 3 straight days and also on holidays. Natsume had to look for a job to sustain the baby's needs and also for Mikan's treatment. His parents helped him too, and Mikan (being good at playing the piano) had a part time job in a school. Mikan fought cancer but still, her treatments weren't enough.

"Ne, Natsume?"

"Yes Mikan?"

"Can you promise me something?" Mikan asked as they walk along the shore.

The couple decided to have a short vacation, since Mikan asked Natsume if they can have a quality time together.

"What is it?" Natsume said trying to hold back the tears, he knew this day would come, he knew Mikan would say good bye to him.

"Let's go back to the room first, I want to hold Natsue."

"Sure, let me carry you."

Natsume lifted Mikan and carried her towards their room. Mikan was getting thinner and lighter. When they reached the room Mikan sat on the sofa while Natsume handed their sleeping Natsue to her. Mikan held Natsue close to her lips and hummed a lullaby. Natsume knelt in front of Mikan and smiled at her.

"I'm going to miss this," Mikan said as she looked Natsume.

Natsume couldn't hold back his tears anymore, he only placed his head on Mikan's lap. Mikan used her free hand to touch Natsume's head.

"Natsume? Can you take Natsue back to her bed?"

Natsume did this and went back to Mikan. Mikan stood up and looked at Natsume with a sad yet, happy expression. Natsume held Mikan closed to him a smelled her hair.

"You always love to do that, don't you Natsume?"

"I going to miss you. I love you Mikan, I really do. Now what about the favor you want?"

Mikan broke the hug and placed her two hands on Natsume's face, their foreheads close together.

"Please take care of Natsue and of course yourself. Love someone who can accept Natsue and care for her, I want you to be happy and strong, please," Mikan said while crying softly.

Natsume kissed Mikan on her lips and whispered, "I promise to love and take care of Natsue. I'll be strong for her, but Mikan please I want to love only you, promise me this? Wait for me? we have to meet again you baka!"

Mikan smiled and hugged Natsume.

"Carry me again? Bridal style? And take me to the window so I can see the stars."


"When you look at the stars, know that I'm watching you both ne?"

"I love you, close your eyes now my love I know you're tired."

"Thank you Natsume, I love you more and yes I'll wait for you my love."

Mikan closed her beautiful eyes and Natsume stared into the sky and saw a shooting star, he knelt down while still holding Mikan and cried. He knew she was gone, but not forever for he knows nothing will break them apart.

END! So how was it?:)))