Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating soon! But I only got like 4 reviews, so I thought you guys didn't like my story T_T...

But I decided to continue this story for those four who actually reviewed! Thanks guys for being supportive!

Well, here it is! Hope you enjoy!

Alvin and the Chipmunks

Of Good and Of Evil: On All Hollow's Eve

Chapter 2

The twelve chipmunks swiveled and swirled around the vortex's current, screaming as loud as their lungs could bring them while holding onto each other; each chipette holding on tightly to their corresponding counterpart as they continued to fall into this midnight black pit.

"We're gonna die!" Cody screamed, with Felicia gripping his Dark Red suit tightly.

"I think I'm going to be sick!" yelled Theodore, his face turning as green as his suit.

"Hang on everyone!" Simon yelled, trying to keep everyone calm.

"Simon! The ground!" screamed Jeanette, pointing to the patch of Earth below them.

"Everyone!" Tyler hollered, tightly keeping Kayla tucked within his chest, "Brace for impact!"

All twelve of them screamed again as they left the vortex, two at a time. They all crashed with loud thuds that echoed all throughout the void that now surrounded them.

Regaining their composure, they checked their surroundings. The chipmunks were defensively hugging their girlfriends as they scanned the purple-black horizon. The chipettes, Theodore and Cody were shaking with fear as the sounds of the void began to haunt them. The eerie mist and sky brought chills down their spines as they continued scanning the realm.

Alvin's amber eyes had already turned a blazing red while searching for the sources of the eerie noises. His tension rising with each passing second as his heart began beating out of control. He flinched when he sensed the presence of a figure standing nearby.

"Hang on guys…" he whispered, sneaking up to the figure. "I'll check this out, you guys stay back."

Simon was about to disagree when Brandon suddenly stopped him and shook his head.

"Let him handle this…" he whispered; audible enough for Simon to hear. "Should Alvin get into trouble, at least we can quickly assist him."

Simon was about to deny when Brittany placed her paw on his shoulder, giving Simon a reassuring nod. Defeated, he cursed under his breath as he let it go. Jeanette, feeling her boyfriend's frustration, gave him a loving kiss on his cheek, making Simon blush lightly and lower his fuming temper, leaving Alvin to vanish from their sight as he ventured deeper into the mist-filled void.

Meanwhile, Alvin has successfully stalked the figure until he was at striking range. He readied himself as he summoned two fireballs into his paws, rearing himself in battle stance to strike, should ever the figure become aggressive. Gaining confidence, he leapt toward the figure and flexed his arm to throw the fireball at point-blank range. His fireball, however, was quickly deflected by a paw that threw his arm off target. Alvin then was caught off guard by a blow on his stomach which sent him flying a few meters back. Shaking back from the shock of the blow, he looked up and attempted to punch the figure's face. The blow was quickly blocked when the figure again effortlessly gripped its paw onto Alvin's. This time, the figure exposed himself to him; and it was no other than Max himself.

"Alvin, calm yourself." Max scolded, tightening his grip on his arm, making Alvin moan in pain.

"I-I didn't know it was you, Max…" Alvin retorted nervously, fearing the glare from his brother's eyes.

"Stay with your siblings and the other pupils, Alvin. It is about to begin." Max sighed as he released him from his vice-like grip. Alvin massaged his sore arm as he backed off and walked back toward the others, with Max slowly following suit.

When they returned to the other chipmunks, Brittany threw her arms around Alvin, giving him light butterfly kisses as she began to streak tears on his fur and suit.

"I thought something terrible happened to you." She sobbed, snuggling close to him as she continued kissing his chest.

Alvin was drop-dead shocked at what was happening. Brittany was never this fragile. Not after they had officially become a couple on that very night on Valentine's Day (refer to "Of Good and Of Evil: Just the Way You Are" for reference). He gently patted her on the back and snuggled close to her, trying his level best to comfort the troubled chipette. He looked to Max for an answer, but Max was far too occupied with his thoughts to pay attention.

"The Darkness can make even the most brave of souls quiver and shake with fear…" was the only thing Max answered as he returned to scanning to the horizon, his hazel brown eyes looking more and more frustrated.

Shortly after, the fourteen other tutors one by one began to pour into the void; with Damien the last one to enter. Chills began to slither down their spines as they walked around their perimeter.

"So…" Saul mumbled as he checked out the gloomy horizon, "what are we doing here exactly?"

"You'll see soon enough." Was all that Max could reply. And that was his only answer to anyone who asked the same question. Everyone believed that the silver-clad chipmunk was waiting for something, only, that thing has not revealed itself to him yet, and it was pissing him off by the second.

Suddenly, a bright white light shone over the gloomy purple horizon, and within it was yet another silver-clad chipmunk. His heavenly white eyes shining as bright as the light that encased him as he made his descent toward them. He had the exact same features as Max had. His fur was crispy brown, his armor was bright silver, and their heights were just about the same.

When he touched the ground, the darkness that lay there burned away, leaving nothing but Earth before his feet. His tall stature made present as he stood proudly before them. All the munks were taken back in fear of the mysterious chipmunk. All, that is, except Max. He grinned happily as he approached the chipmunk.

"It took you long enough Soron…" Max chuckled, now standing a few feet from the silver chipmunk.

"I'm sorry for the delay, Max…" Soron's heavenly voice boomed as it echoed brilliantly through the darkness. "I am just curious. Are you really certain that this is your only means of speeding the training of your pupils?" Soron gave him an inquisitive look as he raised his eyebrow.

"I am positive…" Max replied, closing his hazel eyes. "There is no other quicker way that I know of that may give us the advantage over Tempest and his ilk."

"You have a lot of nerve for doing something as crazy as this. I have full confidence that you and your fellow tutors will be just as great as we were in our time. Though that may be long ago, but it has also been so long since the last set of tutors were selected; and we were it! Over ten-thousand years ago!"

Both he and Max laughed lightly as they kept each other's company. When the laughing was over, Max led Soron toward the other munks.

"Everyone…" Max began, "this is Soron Andrews. He is the previous tutor of all the elements. And he was the one who last defeated Tempest."

The munks gasped in awe at Soron's presence, his aura piercing the shadows that fail to consume him.

"Greetings to each and every one of you…" Soron bowed as he greeted, his voice echoing through their ears.

"I'm pretty sure Max here has not explained the real reason as to why you are all here, correct?" he asked. The munks could only nod in reply as they began to look at each other worriedly, wondering what that real reason is.

"Tempest's forces are fast approaching…" Soron continued, his voice deep and serious, "but, within this realm, time becomes slower in the real world, giving us more than enough time for you to complete your training. But, you must tread with caution within this realm. Many a forgotten soul lurks within these depths, and most of the souls lingering here as those of evil hearts."

The very mention of the word "evil" made Theodore and Eleanor quiver with fear.

"E-evil…" Theodore muttered as he began to shake, tightly hugging Eleanor

"…H-hearts?" Eleanor finished, returning the favor to Theodore as they both began to shake.

"Yes, evil hearts, young warriors…" Soron replied.

"There is a training ground here set for tutors and warriors like you lot. There, you'll all be safe from the dangers here, and from there, we will heighten your training. Soon enough, the twelve of you will become the most powerful beings this universe will ever know."

This made the twelve chipmunks smile with glee. The thoughts of the fame and fortune that they had been longing to seek are now within an arm's reach. For the Sevilles and the Millers, the thought of the cheers that they had once experienced before back on Earth were going to come back to them. Oh, how they missed being at the top of their game with their music.

But, this was no longer a matter depending on how well you sing, this was a matter of life or death now. The munks were inspired by their eldest siblings who went to Antimony ahead of them during that horrid incident over a year ago. When they first arrived, they feared Max and Christie for their awesome prowess. But after hearing Soron's words, thoughts of power came into their minds. To become equals- no, to become more powerful than the power house couple would be ecstatic for them, especially Alvin and Brittany.

The twelve munks nodded at the angelic munk with glee, ready to finally finish their training and gain the respect they so long fully deserved.

The munks began to move out when a giant torrent of hellfire ambushed and surrounded them. Saul, knowing this trick, countered the wall of black flame with a blast of his own. But the torrent he shot was far too weak to counter the flame that encircled them. Cursing under his breath, Soron quickly dispatched the flame with a wave of ignited light, revealing their attacker.

It was a chipmunk, his fur a devilish mahogany brown with black highlights; his eyes a bloody red and his face with an evil grin, exposing his bucked fangs. His fur was shaggy like his bushy tail and he wore a midnight black trench coat.

"Hello there Soron…" the shadow chipmunk greeted, his voice so cold that the sound brought shivers down the munks' spines.

"Long time, no see… old friend…" he continued, his face carrying an evil smile. "You thought that by eliminating my vessel of a body would destroy me? Oh my, I'm afraid you're deeply mistaken…" He then unsheathed his blade from his sword belt and stood in battle stance.

"You see, I. DON'T. DIE…" he growled as his eyes narrowed and his claws appeared from his paws. He roared in anger and charged toward Soron.

Soron quickly summoned his bow and blocked the dark chipmunk's first blow. He then turned counter-clockwise behind the dark figure and kicked him in the back, sending the dark munk back several feet.

"I can't believe that you're still alive…" Soron cursed, his eyes glowing ablaze with divine white as he strung his bow. "But if it's a rematch you want, I'd be more than happy to take you on…" he then roared with might as his silver aura glowed sky-blue. His bow now burning with the very same aura encasing him. Soron stood proudly in battle stance, ready to face the one chipmunk that nearly brought the destruction of Pacem in Terra nearly ten-thousand years ago. The very chipmunk he trusted the most; and the very chipmunk that tried to end his life.

The black mirage of the original fourteen tutors, the Prince of Darkness himself…


Dun! Dun! Dun! Old rivals come back for a rematch!

Oh, if you think that this was copied from Winddragon's "The Darkness Comes", then you, my friend are totally mistaken!

Read the mother story "Of Good and Of Evil: The Final Stand" and see for yourself just how their rivalry came to be! XP

Unfortunately, TFS won't be able to update soon! T_T my brother reformatted my computer, as well as the second chapter with it!

You'll have to give me three or more days to update!

R&R guys!

"Living it my way..."
