A/N: Wow it has seriously been years since I've last written a fanfic! I've decided to give this one a go, and hopefully this will actually get finished. *fingers crossed* Enjoy the though odd, but yet curiously cute pairing! There are some spoilers from the Deathly Hallows, FYI.

Nothing Wrong with Different

Chapter 1 – Little Instances

This chapter jumps around a bit before actually settling into the actual time frame where the plot takes place.

"Is it true you can perform a patronus charm?" asked Luna at the meeting. Harry looked nervous and distraught over the recent events of Umbridge taking over the school.

"Yes…" replied Hermione. As she went on, everyone in the room was curious and a little bit scared. They all showed up not knowing what they had gotten themselves into. Before they knew it, people began signing up.

"Thanks Loony," said Ron as Luna signed her name on the piece of parchment. Hermione gave him a hard nudge, "I mean Luna."

"I look forward to the lessons," she smiled dreamily, walking towards the door. As she was about to walk outside, she realized her scarf was missing. She quickly turned around and found a tall figure standing in front of her. "Sorry, I seem to have misplaced my scarf. Has anyone seen it?" She now turned towards the three behind the table, who now began looking around the room.

"Excuse me, Luna," Dean Thomas' arm lightly brushed Luna's long locks as he made his way towards the door.

"Sorry Luna," said Hermione, "I don't see it anywhere."

"EXPELLIARMUS!" cried Neville. He had been struggling during their practice sessions, but swore he wouldn't give up.

Dean shot back with the same spell. "You're getting better Neville, come on give me just one good shot."

The Room of Requirement was buzzing with spells being cried out and students being flung against walls. Dumbledore's Army had been making progress.

"I'm trying…" Neville took a deep breath before giving the disarming spell another go. Before he even flicked his wand, Dean had been hit with a stunning spell that was shot across the room.

"I'm so sorry!" Luna came running towards Dean, who was slowly getting up and still disoriented.

Dean looked at Luna. "Good shot." He took Luna's outstretched hand and got up from the ground. Luna apologized again and then she was off practicing with Ginny.

"Come on Neville!" Dean cheered on his classmate, shrugging off the fact that he was stunned.

"Dean we can't go in there, people will see us!" giggled Ginny from the far end of the corridor. She was holding onto Dean's arm as they laughed, walking down the nearly deserted hallway.

Dean smiled at her. "I'm sure there's an empty classroom around here, come on."

Luna sat on a secluded bench next to a gargoyle statue, reading the Quibbler with her usual eccentric spectacles. She couldn't hear any voices when she read. She was so concentrated on the latest article her father published on his theory of Merpeople. Her father always wrote the most interesting works. "Hi Luna."

She snapped back into the empty hallway, no longer staring at the words and the enchanted pictures of Merpeople. "Oh hello Ginny." She looked up and saw Ginny grinning and also caught a glimpse of Dean, who was smiling as well, but at the beautiful Weasley girl clinging to his arm. Luna watched them disappear into the end of the hallway and buried her eyes into the Quibbler once more.

"Just forget about it mate," said Seamus as he attempted to climb a tree in the quad.

Dean sat at the tree's roots, picking grass off the ground. "I just don't get it, you try to be nice to girls and they suddenly don't want you to be nice to them anymore."

Seamus sat himself on one of the branches, dusting off his robes. "Girls are just hard work they are, you can't expect them to be satisfied, no matter what you do. You know what I think? I think you can forget about Weasley because there are more grown girls out there that want us."

"Or want Harry," Dean gave up pulling grass patches and leaned his back against the trunk. "It was pretty obvious."

"Good point."

"Whatever." Dean looked across the quad. Students were hanging around, either casting hexes at each other or chatting the afternoon away. Among the midst of the socializing, he spotted Luna examining the crevices of the wall with what looked like a magnifying glass.

"Girls just don't know better, mate."

"Yeah…" he wondered what Luna was doing, but didn't dwell on it and instead leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

They landed on a grassy patch and could hear the sound of waves crashing in a distance. Luna, Dean, and Mr. Ollivander had disapparated from the Malfoy's with the help of Dobby.

"I must get Harry Potter," Dobby left with a loud crack, before Luna could thank the house elf.

"Is everyone alright?" yelled a voice. It was Bill running towards them with Fleur not far behind him with some coats.

"Mr. Ollivander is going to need some help," said Luna, helping the wandmaker up to his feet. Fleur nodded as she put one of Bill's coats over him.

"Where iz everybody else?" asked Fleur.

"They should be on their way back," said Dean. "Please take him inside, we'll wait for Harry."

It was a tragic arrival of the trio, for their hero for that night was killed by a knife. Dobby had saved all their lives and if it weren't for him, Harry would have been at the hands of Lord Voldemort.

"Poor Dobby," Luna looked at Harry who was trying to wake up the elf in his arms. Dean patted Luna on the back before joining Harry to dig Dobby's grave. After Dobby's funeral, Harry, Ron, and Hermione immediately went to speak with Griphook and Mr. Ollivander. Meanwhile, Fleur put out food for Dean and Luna to eat. She insisted they eat as much as they like before going off to prepare everyone's sleeping quarters.

"I feel like I haven't eaten a home-cooked meal in ages," said Dean taking a big bite of porkchop."

Luna smiled, "Daddy lets me fish for Plimpies for his homemade soup. It's quite delicious."

Dean stopped chewing and looked at her for a moment. She dreamily ate her food and though bruised from captivity, she seemed cheery. He held back questioning what sounded like a disgusting dish and continued eating his food. He felt safe for the first time in what felt like years. He had been running for so long now that he forgot what it felt like to be in a real shelter. It was relieving.

After their meals, they only saw the trio briefly after they had a talk with Mr. Ollivander. After resting a little bit in the sitting room, Fleur came downstairs.

"I prepared zee beds for all of you. I also set aside extra clothes for you," said Fleur as she wiped her forehead. "Luna, I hope my old clothes fit you. Zey are petite. I hope you don't mind zat 'ermione will be sharing the room with you."

"Thank you Fleur," Luna smiled as she headed upstairs.

Fleur smiled. "You better get up before you fall asleep! Zare are clothes for you too."

Dean opened his eyes. He didn't realize he had been drifting off to sleep on the armchair he sat on. "Right, thank you."

He made his way upstairs, finding that he would have to be rooming with Griphook. It didn't bother him that much considering he had been hiding with him for the past several months. The goblin had already went to sleep so he tried to make as little noise as possible. He picked up the pajamas set on the bed and made his way out into the bathroom. It felt so good to finally splash clean water over himself. A nice hot shower allowed him to relax for even just a little bit. All of this was better than camping out in the woods.

He put on his pajamas and right when he reached for his shirt, he felt a sharp pain on his elbow. He stood in front of the mirror and found a fairly thin twig pierced into his skin. It was nasty splinter, but he couldn't figure out why he hadn't noticed it in the first place. It must have stuck him when they landed on the grass when they had disapparated. He picked at the splinter, only to find that he might have made it worse when the blood was more visible beneath the skin.

"Oh I'm sorry," said a dreamy voice. The door had swung open by Luna, who was holding a toothbrush. Dean, a little startled and embarrassed without a shirt on, gave her a nervous look. "Are you okay?"

Dean started picking at the splinter again, "Yeah, it's nothing. Just a little splinter." Suddenly she was standing next to him, looking at his elbow. He twitched a little to find that she not only invaded his privacy, but they now were both in the bathroom.

"Tsk tsk tsk," she said looking at his elbow closely. She put down her toothbrush and lifted his elbow so she could talk a better look. Her fingers felt soft on his skin, but it felt so foreign, and weird. She blew some air onto the splinter gently, "does it hurt?"

"A little bit."

"Hold still," Luna wiggled the twig a little bit which felt like a needle on Dean's elbow. He let out a little groan as it pierced his skin. She then slowly tugged at the twig until finally, it withdrew from his skin.


Luna grabbed a cotton ball from a jar by the sink and pressed it onto Dean's bleeding elbow, "there you go. I'm no Madam Pompfrey, but I used to get splinters all the time down by the creek behind my house. Daddy always had to do this for me."

Dean looked at her, "thanks Luna."

"Not a problem," she half smiled and took her toothbrush, "I guess this bathroom's taken."

She left and closed the door behind her. Dean looked at himself on the mirror, trying to recount what had just happened. It was bizarre to say the least. "Of course it was taken."

He shook his head and finally put on his shirt. He brushed his teeth, still thinking about the weirdness of the situation. After rinsing his mouth he looked at the mirror again, "the bathroom was obviously taken." He chuckled and went to bed.