The Hunted

Fenribane - This is the finale chapter, with blood gore and sex...Who could ask for more...Well maybe a few leather whips and chains...What don't look at me that way.

Chapter 6 - The Ending of Pain.

Sasuke mind swam in a world of violence and blood, a place he often came when his body was taken by a death like state, screams echoed around his mind like a sick lullaby.

Then like a wave of light the world took Sasuke and his eyes focused on the ceiling of the great chamber, he turned his head slightly the world had a muffled sound to it and saw the blood coated chamber. The vampires or what had been vampires their was nothing left but bloody husks, where sprawled around the chamber. The Kings body was nailed to a wall; a huge metal spike ran through each of the creatures shoulders into the stone walls. He was still kicking and screaming black blood pouring from him.

Standing over Sasuke was the werewolf Itachi; the red eyes sparkled as Sasuke sat upright. Then uncommon for a werewolf it presided to bear hung the small raven, leaving Sasuke to scrabble in the beasts embrace. When Sasuke was finally released it was only due to the fact that the silver werewolf had picked Itachi up by the scruff of the neck, lifting him four feet into the air along with Sasuke. Sasuke hit the floor with a thud!

The Sliver werewolf looked at the small raven in front of him, yellow eyes glaring at the vampire with unrestrained malice. It bared its fangs and suddenly its giant claws extended, it started towards the raven. But before it could leap to tear the raven's throat out Naruto moved in-between the two of them, Itachi had also grabbed one of the sliver werewolf's muscled arms and started to make a god awful noise that could have been a pinning attempt.

The Sliver werewolf glared at Naruto with something that bordered on anger but was mostly misunderstanding. Finally it withdrew its claws, after a silent moment it turned its glare to Itachi who was still holding its arms. The black werewolf let go backing off as though the silver one's glare was death itself.

When the two werewolves were busy Naruto turned to Sasuke, kneeling down next to the raven.

"Sasuke we have something to show you" with that Itachi had grabbed a silver goblet from a table and filled it with a trickle of the vampire kings black blood. Itachi clumsily passed the goblet to Naruto; Naruto in turn passed it to Sasuke who took it tentatively.

He sipped a small amount, his mind filled with images of the vampire kings passed, his memories and feelings flooding into Sasuke. Filling him with horror and dread. Thousands of victims, rapes, murder every perversion known to man and beast, but then a image of a fog filled evening. A couple walking along with three children, watching how the man was killed instantly. Watching how the woman was totally vaporized by fire, then the eyes turned to the children. But before he could move something howling came racing over, chasing the vampires away. Sasuke withdrew from the flashbacks, his mind screaming along with his voice.

As Sasuke came out of the flashbacks he was screaming, crying and cursing all at the same time. Sheer desperation drove Sasuke it find something to take the nightmares away, to cleanse his mind of the horrific images of the kings blood. Out of desperation Sasuke bared his fangs and sank them into Naruto's neck, the blonds mind instantly melding with his. Images of happiness and Naruto's parents filled the raven mind then sadness at the couple's death, only to replace with happiness once again with Sasuke family. Then his mind filled with images of the werewolves, happiness and content along with a slight pan of loneliness. Then images of the blonds puberty hit Sasuke, years of constant horneyness, nights of constant masturbation and pleasure filled experiences. It was only by something pulling Sasuke away that the raven came out of the much better flashback.

When Sasuke retuned to the real world Naruto sat with blood pouring from the open wound, Sasuke heart filled with guilt and horror once again at the sight. But soon the blood stopped and the wound healed up. Finally Sasuke was pulled to his feet by Itachi, Sasuke started to walk towards the vampire king. The deformed creature started to squirm; it could see the rage in Sasuke eyes.

"Please Sasu don't hurt me" the snivelling creature screamed as it tried to free itself.

Sasuke drove a fist into the creature heart and pulled the black lifeless thing out of the creature's chest, black blood exploded into the air.

Itachi and Naruto looked away as Sasuke started to beat the king's broken body into pulp, the silver werewolf watched and seemed to enjoy the show.

(Warning! Warning! This part of the story contains adult material...)

Several hours later...

"I don't like it"

"What's wrong?" Naruto shoot the raven an adorable smile.

"Why do i have to live in a fucking cave, I'm a vampire not a werewolf" Sasuke said as he tried for the fifth time to rest of a bed of furs.

They were deep into the great forest where vampires and humans really ventured. Sasuke had been dragged away by Itachi as a hoard of vampire ghouls came pouring into the chamber. Now Sasuke was stuck an exile living with the werewolves. The werewolves were wary and distrustful of him but stayed quirt about it, the silver wolf had killed a smaller werewolf who'd tried to attack him. Now he was living a quirt life with Naruto in a damp, dark, cave.

Although the blond had tried to make the cave more comfortable for the vampire it was still just a cave, take away the silk sheets and the fancy decorations and it was still a bleak dark cave. Not that Sasuke was complaining but even he liked to have a comfortable privet space.

The blond sat on the end of the bed like furs and laid back, he was nearly completely naked save for a pair of boxers. The candle light crossed his tanned skins with a glowing effect. Sasuke's mind changed from sleep to another activity, he silently crawled over to the blond until he was on top of the blond. Naruto was smiling at the raven as the vampire started to suck on the blonde's neck, causing pleasure to run down the blonde's body.

As the ravens hands started to move their way down the blonde's body, the blond started to pull the raven into a deep kiss.

"What make you think I'm interested?" Naruto said playfully pulling at the raven's hand.

"When I watched your memories, you used to masturbate when thinking of you and you used to..." Sasuke was cut off as Naruto latched himself onto the raven's neck, when he stopped sucking it left a huge red mark...

Sasuke unimpressed let his hands rip the boxers off the teen's thighs and immediately grabbed the teens newly awoken hard on, with slow deliberate movements he tortured the poor blond for several minutes before speeding up. Naruto was giving off small delicate moans and groans when all of a sudden intense pressure built up and he came violently into the raven's hand. Sasuke seemed a little disappointed and carefully licked the sperm off his pale fingers, the sweet bitter taste of Naruto cum made Sasuke even more aroused.

Sasuke tore off his own clothes not bothering too check where he tossed them, he immediately started to rub his erection onto Naruto slowly reawakening cock. Finally Sasuke couldn't take it anymore and slid a hand between the blond's legs and started to plunge his entrance with three fingers as once, Naruto leaned back and started to moan in ecstasy as he was prepared with one hand and Sasuke started to suck on his erection. After several minuets of pleasuring Sasuke felt that Naruto was prepared enough and he'd reached his limit, he lifted Naruto's legs over his shoulders and pushed himself all the way into Naruto.

"God Naruto you're so tight..." Sasuke leaned forwards and kiss the blonds lips as he proceeded to pound into the blonde's ass. For nearly ten minuets they continued to fuck, constantly brining each other to the peek of climax before slowing and letting the sensation die away, only to rebuild it again. Finally Sasuke couldn't take it anymore and rode Naruto until he came deep into the blond, with Naruto shooting a load all over his and Sasuke chests. That was the first time they had sex, next they tried doggy then, with Naruto on top and a variety of other positions.

It was said later that the cave where they lived was to become known as the moaning cavern.

In the end the two of them lived a happy contented life in the forest, and died many centauries later happily together.

Like all thing love is ever hunted and sometimes just sometimes the hunters become the hunted.

The End.