Disclaimer: This story is a not-for-profit fan work based on the Digimon series. No claims of ownership here.

Chasing Ghosts

Ryou is no stranger to the shadows of the past. Given the experiences he has been through over the years, a few lingering ghosts are to be expected. Most of the time he tries to shrug them off, and sometimes it even works. Sure, he pities the therapist who will someday have to sort through all of his repressed trauma, but hey, if it gets him through the now, then future therapist be damned!

Lately, though, one particular ghost is becoming harder and harder to shake.

Go away. You're dead. You don't belong here. And yet, a small piece of him doesnt mind this interruption, this glimmer of what might have been.

Wild hair. Glasses. Sharp, clever eyes. Osamu.

He's in a different world now, he reminds himself, and really, he doesn't have it half bad. He has a life here. No reason to let the present slip away chasing after something that isn't really there. And yet, and yet…

Osamu smiles, and his resolve weakens. He lets the ghost stay, at least until morning.

Author's Note: Not my usual Taiora fare, but I find Ryou to be a fascinating character, so I gave him a try. Originally for the Digimon Drabbles lj community back in March 2009.