Another Chance
Part 3:
__________________________________________________________________________ By Lilinpo

"We are not taking him to the hospital."
Trowa sipped his coffee.

All morning, the three pilots discussed about Duo, but conclusion was never achieved. Heero wanted Duo to go see a psychiatrist, immediately. Wufei suggested they should wait and see how he'll turn out. And Trowa...

"You really believe he's Quatre?"
Heero glared at Trowa. Both Wufei and Trowa noticed Heero was in a very bad mood. And they both knew the reason.

"I know you're upset, but he is telling the truth. I know it."
Trowa looked away from Heero's hard stare. He was sure that inside Duo's body, was the little sweet blond he thought he lost.
He looked back to Heero. Heero was waiting for an explanation.

"It's the eyes. His eyes tells the truth."
Trowa gulped the remaining of his coffee.
"..I saw him..."

"You saw what?"
Heero urged him on.
"I saw Quatre. He is in Duo's body, I'm sure of it."
Wufei sat across from Trowa.
"So you believe his story?"
Trowa nodded.

They fell silent.

"I don't think he needs the I.V. anymore. He ate some oatmeal yesterday..."
Trowa put away his mug in the sink, and headed for Duo's room.


Quatre heard the knock on the door.
"Come in."
Just as he thought, it was Trowa.

"How are you feeling?"
Trowa sat beside his bed.
"Okay. I guess... How's everyone?"
Trowa smiled and stroke Duo's long bangs away from his face.

"Wufei is fine.... But Heero.."
Quatre nodded, and took Trowa's hand.

"....I have to go.."

Trowa's eyes widened and quickly pulled him for a tight embrace.

"..But I can't.... I don't want to go.. Trowa!.. I don't want to leave you..."
Quatre sobbed and put his arms around Trowa's neck. He wanted to stay with Trowa as long as he lived, and Quatre knew his time was up.

"..Then don't leave Quatre.. Stay!!..."

Quatre quickly looked up at Trowa in disbelief.
"You can't be serious..."

"I know.. I know it's Duo's body.. But..."
Trowa tightened his arms around Quatre. He knew this was wrong, but how can he let Quatre go?

When he realized Quatre's body didn't have a pulse, he was about to kill himself. But before he did, he wanted to find out what happened. How his lover died. And with Duo sleeping, he had to wait.
If he found out it was Duo's fault, he was about to...

"It's not Duo's fault, Trowa..."
Trowa was shocked. Is Quatre reading his mind?

"It was my own fault... I should have been paying attention.."
Quatre pulled away and looked into Trowa's eyes.
"..I think Duo blames himself for my death... That's why he pulled me back.. and gave me his body...."
Quatre looked down at his hands. Duo's hands. They were a little bigger than his, but Quatre admired the long delicate fingers Duo has. It never occurred to him that Duo had such beautiful hands.

"Where is he now?"
Trowa touched Quatre's, or Duo's hand.

"..I think he's still in this body.. I can feel his presence... Especially when I'm sleeping. He appears in my dreams.."
"Does he talk to you?"

"No... He just smiles..."
Trowa kissed Quatre's hand and giggled.
"So, even in dreams, Duo smiles..."
Quatre laughed softly and placed his head on Trowa's shoulder.

"..But.. I never saw him smile like that...."
Trowa stroked Duo's long unbound hair, and was surprised how his fingers can brush through his hair undisturbed by knots.
"Like what?"

"..He looks so... sad..... I never saw Duo look so sad before... But he tries to hide it by smiling.... It's so painful to see him smile like that, Trowa.."

Trowa understood. He knew what Quatre wanted to do, and knew it was the right thing to do..

But still...

"Give me one day, Quatre... One day is all I need.."

End Part 3:

Wow, this one was longer than the rest of the series!! As I was writing this Part 3, I noticed this could be a multiple pairing. (3x4, 1x2, 3x2) But this story is mainly 3x4. Uhh, I think most of you can tell by now that this story will not have a happy ending… So, if you love 3x4 and believe they should both live and love forever, you should reconsider about continuing to read this series…