Thick Woolen Socks

Summary: "…I? I see myself holding a pair of thick, woolen socks…"

Just a quick idea I had.

Disclaimer: Not mine. Never likely to be.

Warnings: none

Word Count: 150

Two young boys in the semi-darkness of their bedroom.

"Happy Christmas, Al!"

"Happy Christmas, Abe!"

"D'you think we can wake Mum and Dad up yet?"

Someone flicks the light on.

"Well, since you already have–" A father walks into the picture, followed by a mother carrying a young, blessedly whole girl of almost three. A short wave of a wand later and stacks of brightly wrapped presents march into the room. The younger brother rips open a present first, revealing a set of carved wooden animal figures, cows, sheep, goats…

"Wow! Thanks Mum, Dad!" he yelled excitedly.

Then it is the older brother's turn, and he pulls a lumpy present out of its paper.

"Yuk!" both boys exclaim. "Aunt Mildred's knitted socks!"

A smiling father, a loving mother, an adoring brother, an innocent sister.

And, in the middle, a nine-year-old boy holds a pair of thick, woolen socks.