Hey guys, no, I didn't post wrongly. This is an alternate ending to the previous chapters. Hope you enjoy it!

Yi Jung's breath hitched. It was as if the whole world had crashed down. Blinking rapidly, he stared at the bride and her father walked down the aisle. The bride was extremely beautiful, dressed in a pure satin white dress, with a long train that trails elegantly behind, one hand clutching his bouquet of calla lilies, the other, clutching her father's arm. What shocked Yi Jung was, the beautiful bride was none other than his country bumpkin, Chu Ga Eul.

It was as if time had stopped and he was stuck in time as he watched in horror as Ga Eul made her way slowly towards the altar her eyes fixed on Woo Bin. The rest happened in a blur, her passing by Yi Jung without a glance, her shyly taking Woo Bin's hand and before he knew it the ceremony has begun.

"If there's any objection regarding the union between this man and woman, please voice them out or forever hold your peace," the priest announced looking around.

"This is it Yi Jung! Come on! Say something!" Yi Jung mind urged him to do. However there's a difference between a mind set and an action. The baffled Yi Jung stared at the back of the woman he loved. Yes, he is in love with Chu Ga Eul. "Come on! Say something Yi Jung! Say something!" his mind screamed mentally at him but still all he can do was stare. He was speechless and stunned beyond means.

"Anyone?" said the priest looking around, "Ok then, let's carry on,"

"No! How could you not say anything!" Yi Jung's mind mentally yelled at him, and before he know it the words has already escaped from his lips.

"Wait!" he yelled but instantly regretted it.

The whole hall turned and looked at him. Yi Jung could feel the tense gaze from Woo Bin, the worried one from Ga Eul and the curious ones from the audience.

"Yes, is there something you want to say before we continue the ceremony?" the priest inquired

"I...a...I," he stammered nervously. Somehow his audacity had vanished and it was as if he became speech impaired and all he could do was gape like a fish.

"Sunbae?" He heard the soft worried voice that came from her.

"Is there something wrong man? You can tell me after the ceremony," said Woo Bin. Yi Jung could see Woo Bin was very tense, his veins sticking out; beads of perspiration slowly trailing down his face and the clenched fist on his side.

"I...I" Still no sound came out from his mouth, his thoughts ran wildly through his mind, but he was still unable to say anything.

All he could do was stare at Ga Eul, stare into her doe like, brown eyes. Suddenly, Ga Eul smiled, and it was no tiny, embarrassed smile, no. It was a big, wide smile that stretched from one end to another, followed by Woo Bin and the priest.

Dazed, Yi Jung blinked and rubbed his eyes, making sure that his brain was not messing up his eyesight.

Yi Jung closed his eyes for one last time and before he could open it.


Yi Jung opened his eyes in shock. Everyone was grinning, literally everyone, Ga Eul, Woo Bin, the priest Jan Di, EVERYONE.

Still confused, Yi Jung glanced around the hall nervously, his mind still whirling from all that had just happened.

"What's go-" He began but was cut off from his sentence as a loud sound was heard from above.

Looking up at the screen above the altar, Yi Jung got his second shock for the day. The screen was replaying the whole scene that had just happened a few minutes ago, from the moment he yelled to the moment he was gaping unable to conceal his shock anymore, which was right now. Ashamed, Yi Jung quickly closed his mouth as the camera zoomed in on him.

"April's Fool?" In all his rush to get there, he had forgotten that it was April's Fool in Korea.

Woo Bin grinned, "I never thought the plan would work so well, I was worry that you might not fall for it. Oh and for your information we are going to send that video to Korea's Funniest Moments "

"Yah! So Yi Jung, thought you're smarter than that," came the loud voice of Gu Jun Pyo behind him.

Yi Jung was baffled, astonished, flummoxed, gobsmacked, and whatever adjectives that can be used to describe his current condition but along came the feeling of relief. Ga Eul was still unattached and all this was just a joke.

However this soon to ex- Casanova was not going to have the last joke on him, he was going to be the one having it. Recovering from his state, he walked towards the laughing country bumpkin. There's one very important question he has to ask the country bumpkin, a question that will change their lives forever.

"Sunbae?" She asked laughingly.

Holding her gaze with his mesmerizing eyes, he went down on one knee and took out a small, neat box. The night before he had pocketed the box and had meant to give the object inside the box to her.

The whole hall went silent and loud gasps were heard. This was not part of the plan, this was unexpected. Even the priest himself was staring at him.

"Sunbae" Ga Eul managed to utter out amidst the sudden action.

Bending down on one knee, Yi Jung took Ga Eul's hand into his, "Ga Eul-yang, I know this is unexpected and you may think this is a joke, but its not. Ga Eul-yang, I know I have never said this but I love you. I do, I really do. The time away in Sweden made me realise how deep my love for you is. I know we never truly dated, never become boyfriend and girlfriend, but let's just skip that phase . I don't think I can stand it seeing you being hit on by other guys or worse seeing you married off. So I have one question to ask you," Looking Ga Eul straight in her eyes and opening the small box, Yi Jung continued, " will you marry me and let me have the honour of being your soulmate in this lifetime?

Yi Jung hopeful gaze, landed on Ga Eul. Ga Eul looked stunned. I mean who wouldn't, if the guy of your dreams has just proposed to you.

"I...I," Ga Eul began.

"NO! NOOOOO! GA EUL DON'T LISTEN TO HIM! This is probably a joke to get back at you, no! Ga Eul NO!" shriek a very unladylike Jan Di before her very manly husband pulled her away, "I SWEAR SO YI JUNG, I WILL-" the rest of her line wasn't heard as a large hand clamped her mouth shut, forcing the rest of her words to be muffled.

"Chu Ga Eul, will you marry me?" Yi Jung repeated, his hopeful eyes staring into her and at the same time resisting the urge to point out that the flowers she held was from him.

"I do!"


Yi Jung looked at the source of the sound, as he didn't yell that. Imagine his surprise when he sees an over-excited Mrs Chu, punched her fists in the air, cheering.

"She had always hoped for you to be her son-in-law," mumbled a crimson looking Ga Eul.

Yi Jung grinned and pulled her into an embrace, "I thought you never say yes,"

Yi Jung's philanderer of a father had actually agreed to the sudden proposal.

It was at that very moment, Yi Jung got his second great idea for the day. "Let's get married now! Yea, let's do that!" said Yi Jung.

Ga Eul agreed and Mr. Chu was more than happy to give his daughter away to her happiness.

Jan Di grudgingly agreed to be the bridesmaid for her best friend and Jae Kyung was already lifting up the train of Ga Eul ready to usher her back to the dressing room to redo her makeup.

Jun Pyo, Woo Bin and Ji Hoo had crowded over Yi Jung, giving him a big hug.

Less than 2 hours later, the wedding march started to play and Yi Jung found himself in the same position he was 3 hours ago, except this time he was the groom.

"If there's any objection to the union between Mr. So and Miss Chu, please raised them now or forever hold your peace," asked the priest looking around the hall.

"Ah!" Yi Jung tensed as a sound was heard from the back of the hall.

"Yes, young man, is there something you wished to say?" said the wary looking priest gesturing to a man in black who was moving weirdly.

"Choo!" the young man sneezed loudly. Quiet sounds of laughter were heard as the guests restrained from laughing.

Yi Jung relaxed, that man was just sneezing, a very big one at that.

The priest proceeded with the ceremony asking one final question to both of them, a question which will seal the union forever.

"Will you So Yi Jung take Chu Ga Eul as your loving wife through sickness and health ,through richness and poorness,"

"I do," Yi Jung answered back, his eyes firmed, his tone of voice, determined.

"Will you Chu Ga Eul,take So Yi Jung as your loving husband through sickness and health ,through richness and poorness,"

"I..," there was a pause and Yi Jung tensed up, not daring to look at the girl next to him, fearing the worst, then came the sweetest sound of all as she replied,"I do."

There was an exchange of rings; Yi Jung felt a swell of pride as he slipped the ring into the small, delicate finger of his wife. It was a perfect fit.

"And now I pronounced you man and wife. You may kiss the bride," announced the priest.

Yi Jung smiled as he lifted the translucent veil covering her face. Leaning in, he gave her a sweet but chaste kiss.

"Let's save the best for later," he whispered into her ear.

The whole hall applauded and as he walked out the hall, with Ga Eul on his arm, that was the moment he felt euphoric, because the girl he loved was officially his.

SO I decided to be nice and give you guys an Alternate Ending. No there will not be an epilogue. But you guys have this a very nice alternate ending :D Fyi, I know this chapter kinda sucked, no I am not saying that so that you guys can flatter me. I really do mean it!

Hate it? Love it? Leave me a review so I will know


Author: There you happy, ya ungrateful little brats. *still holding them at gun point*

Ga Eul: Uh-huh

Yi Jung: Yes, now can you please let us go.

Author: not unless I get reviews. Mwahahahaha!

Ga Eul: Noooooooo! We are never gonna get out of here alive.

Yi Jung: Not if I can help it, Hey, author, you free tonight? Let's have dinner together eh. *wink- wink*


So you see, guys, I am literally going cuckoo :D