Hey! The other day, I was PMing cbcgirl and for some reason, we kept saying random facts. So, I thought about doing a Channy oneshot about it! This is dedicated to you, cbcgirl!

Disclaimer: I don't own SWAC or the random facts or cbcgirl, just the plot for the story! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?


I got bored, so I decided to text Chad just to annoy him. No you don't, you're doing this because Chad hasn't visited you yet and you miss him! Do not! Do too! Not! Too! Not! Too! Not! Too! Not! Not! Too! Ugh, I can't believe I just got tricked by myself! You should believe it, it's so obvious you like Chad! I do not! I'm not starting this again. I got my phone and texted him. This is how the texts went:

To: Chad

From: Sonny

i just thought that i would randomly say hi!
...hi! (did u know an average golfball has 336 dimples?)


To: Sonny

From: Chad

Wat do u want, Sonny? in case u havent noticed, im kinda in the middle of rehearsal! (tht wuz random...i can b random 2! did u know tht in germany, shh means hurry up?)

-Chad Dylan Cooper a.k.a. The Greatest Actor of Our Generation

To: Chad

From: Sonny

i just wanted 2 say hi! (did u know tht if u leave a goldfish in a dark room, itll eventually turn wite?)


To: Sonny

From: Chad

Well, good! (did u know tht it is impossible 2 lick ur elbow?)

-Chad Dylan Cooper a.k.a. The Greatest Actor of Our Generation

To: Chad

From: Sonny

Good! (haha, yes i did know that =P did u know everyday more money is printed 4 monopoly than the U.S. treasury?)


To: Sonny

From: Chad

Fine! (did u know tht wearing headphones 4 just an hour will increase the bacteria in ur ear by 700 times?)

Chad Dylan Cooper a.k.a. The Greatest Actor of Our Generation

To: Chad

From: Sonny

Fine! (haha yes i did know tht =P did u know the dot tht appears over the letter "i" is called a tittle?)


To: Sonny

From: Chad

Good! (did u know more than 50% of the ppl in the world have never made or received a phone call?)

Chad Dylan Cooper a.k.a. The Greatest Actor of Our Generation

To: Chad

From: Sonny

Good! (Did u know 111,111,111 x 111,111,111= 12,345,678,987,654,321?)


To: Sonny

From: Chad

So r we good? (did u know tht i love u?)

Chad Dylan Cooper a.k.a. The Greatest Actor of Our Generation

To: Chad

From: Sonny

We r soooooo good! (did u know tht i love u 2?)

To: Nico, Grady, Zora, Sonny

From: Tawni

Sonny and Chad r flirt-fighting again! (did u know tht SONNY AND CHAD R MAKING OUT IN THE PROPHOUSE?)


To: Tawni

From: Sonny

Tawni, u sent tht 2 me, i think i know tht im makin out with chad. now, let me get back to it. (did u know tht chad said he loved me?)


So, this is the best day ever!

I hoped you liked it, I never did anything like that before! Thanks again for cbcgirl for PMing randomly! Review!