The day of Eriol's departure. They're on his house and talking about him leaving early.

"I have to go back in England now that I'm finished testing Sakura-san" Eriol said, looking at the two. Sakura's face saddened.

"Can I write to you, Hi-kun?" Sakura said. Eriol nodded.

"Of course, you may." Eriol responded.

"You definitely must go back here, okay?" Sakura said. Eriol laughed.

"I definitely will." He said, teasing her. Tomoyo smiled at the scene.

"I'll write, too." Tomoyo said, surprising Eriol.

"I'll look forward to it, Daidouji-san." He responded, amused. Tomoyo smiled back.

"You sure will." She replied, teasing him. Eriol snickered and nodded. Then, Kaho called them.

"Good morning!" Kaho greeted. The girls greeted back.

"Kaho-sensei, you're also going?" Sakura asked. Kaho smiled, nodding. Eriol looked at them, silent.

"There's an unfinished matter that I really have to settle." Kaho informed. Sakura nodded.

"You'll be going with him, Mizuki-sensei?" Tomoyo asked.

"Yes, dear." Kaho replied. They smiled at each other.

"Wait. I'll get our presents for you. But where did I put it again?" Kaho said. The three laughed.

"They're in my room, under the bed." Eriol said. Kaho immediately ran to Eriol's house.

"Kaho is already forgetful because of her age." Eriol said while smiling. The two girls laughed but not for too long because Kaho asked for Sakura to come over. Sakura went to help her. Eriol and Tomoyo are left with each other.

"You watch Mizuki-sensei with kind eyes. Now you have the kindest eye." Tomoyo said as she watched him. He smiled at her,

"You truly have amazing powers of observation." Then he smiled. She gratefully returned the smile.

"I just look, that's all." Tomoyo denied, humbly.

"You also watch Sakura-chan and others with kind eyes." Eriol stated. Tomoyo smiled.

"They're precious to me."

"The kindest." Eriol said. Tomoyo laughed, shaking her head.

"That's bad, Eriol-kun." Tomoyo teased. Eriol smiled but his face saddened.

"We'll depart at 10 am. Unfortunately, you have classes." He smiled a little sadly. Tomoyo stared at him a little and said,

"Don't worry I'll do something to see you." She said to make him a little happy. Eriol stared at her and chuckled in amusement because he knows the power of a Daidouji. Sakura returned with Kaho and gave Tomoyo the necklace.

"To-chan, isn't Hi-kun amazing?" Sakura said. She stared at her confusingly. Then, she already knew what she meant and smiled.

"Yes. Hiiragizawa-kun is really good at making things." Tomoyo said then smiled at Eriol and Kaho.

"Arigato, Daidouji-san. I'm happy for your compliment." Eriol said. Tomoyo smiled again.

"Well then, we have to go. I have to packed my things for tomorrow." He said.

"See you, Hi-kun." Sakura said.

"See you around, Hiiragizawa-kun." Tomoyo said. The girls are now waving a goodbye to the them.

The day after that is Monday. Tomoyo, as usual, came early in school. It's still 7:05 am then she decided to take a tour around their campus. She wondered but stops when she heard a voice behind her.

"Taking a detour while it's still early? As expected." A voice asked. She turned around to see who the voice belongs to.

"Hiiragizawa-kun?" she asked. Eriol smiled.

"Good morning, Daidouji-san." Eriol said. The girl wonders why he's here.

"If you're wondering why I'm here then I'll say that I came to give a letter to my cute descendant, Sakura-san and of course you, Daidouji-san." He said. Tomoyo's mouth is shaped in an 'o' but she still smiled.

"Oh. Are you a mind-reader, Hiiragizawa-kun?" She asked, teasing. Eriol chuckled. Tomoyo blushed, looking away for a second.

"No, I'm not. It shows in your eyes. So, here's the letters. Can you give it to them?" Eriol said, asking for a favor. She nodded and said,

"Of course, I will give it to them." She said then smiled. Eriol smiled gratefully.

"Thank you for the help, Daidouji-san." He said.

"You're welcome." She responded.

Then he waved goodbye.

At exactly 8am, Tomoyo gave the letters to them. As she read hers.

Daidouji-san, I know that this is a bit too early but I now wish you a happy birthday. Maybe I'll come to your birthday. I still don't know but look forward to it, okay? And that you've been such a great friend for me and I hope when I come back there, you call me my name and knock off the formalities. Well, that's all. See you.

Your matchmaking partner,


It is now 9:40am. Tomoyo went to the faculty to ask Terada-sensei a favor.

"Sensei. My mom's giving this note as an approval to go out of school because we're catching Hiiragizawa-kun's flight to say goodbye to him." She hopefully asked, giving him a note from her mother.

"Okay but you should be here by 11am so that you can catch up with your second class." He smiled to her then added, "Good luck and say my greetings to him."

"Yes, sensei. Thank you so much." she smiled then ran fast to meet Sakura and Syaoran at the gate.

She arrived there and said, "Sensei said that its okay but we should be back by 11am." The two nodded and Tomoyo's limousine arrived.

"Come on." she turned to her driver and said, "To the airport, please." The driver nodded.

They arrived and Syaoran ran fast towards the attendant's place.

"I found them. Hurry!" Syaoran said. The two girls nodded and ran then they all saw them. Tomoyo can't stop, causing her to fall in Eriol's arm which suprised him.

"I'm so sorry, Hiiragizawa-kun." she apologized, blushing profusely. Syaoran went to help her but Sakura stopped her, shaking her head.

"Why?" He whispered, asking. Sakura giggled.

"It's okay, it's not your fault." Eriol said, slightly embarrassed.

"Daidouji-san, they're already staring at us?" He smiled. Quickly, she stood up while turning her head shyly. Sakura smiled, giddy.

"Where is Kaho-sensei? I don't see her around." she asked. He smiled at her.

"Ah. She already took the flight earlier than me." He said turning his attention to his cute descendant and Tomoyo.

"Oh. May I ask why you're here?" He asked Syaoran. He did not frown from his nickname but rolled his eyes at his rude question.

"Tomoyo did you a favor." Syaoran said. Eriol smiled, amused. Then he looked at Tomoyo. Tomoyo looked at him shyly but smiled.

"By the way, Hi-kun, I hope you can come back here to visit us." Sakura said. Syaoran and Tomoyo agreed.

"Well, of course, I'll come back here but I'm not sure when." Eriol said. The flight attendant announce his flight in England and they know that its time to


"Have a safe trip." Syaoran said. Sakura smiled and said,

"Come back here someday and have a happy trip." Sakura said. Then he turned his head but little disappointed because Tomoyo did not even say goodbye or something. Then all of a sudden,

"Hiiragizawa-kun." Tomoyo said while he turned his head, anticipating.

"Yes?" he asked. Before he knew it, she's already in front of him and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed.

"Come back here, please, so that the gang will be complete again." she said softly. He smiled boyishly and nodded.

"I will." He responded.

Ahhh! The butterflies in my stomach! 3 3 Will be updating soon. :* :))) :D