A/N: I'm back! Hope you guys are happy because I have a next chapter here just for you. Yes you. So read and enjoy. Any ideas of what i should name this chap...Pm me or leae me a review. Thanks.

Temari's P.O.V

'Just do it already!' Tenten commanded me, as we peeped at the boys from behind the lockers that were doing a great job at hiding us at the moment.

Some way are another, I'm still not sure how, Tenten had gotten me to agree with her about this entire thing. The look on her face when she asked me was pitiful; I couldn't just leave her hanging, so I agreed. I think I might be a burden to Tenten. Always getting her in trouble for my actions, bullying her around, getting her to do my business, I think she deserves a break. She never asks anything of me before and now all she asks was for me to be happy. How could I have said no to that? Tenten always does stuff for me and now it was my time to do something for her and it was going to be a piece of cake.

'I can't.' I replied uneasily, my words totally contradicting my thoughts.

'Why not?' she asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

'I've never asked a guy out before and isn't this his job?'

'It is…but I know Shikamaru. He's really lazy and stubborn. If you leave it up to him you'll never get anything done…Trust me I know. He kind of reminds me of someone…,' she finished, staring painfully at me.

'And who could that be?' I asked much to her annoyance.

'Oh just forget it.' She sighed, trying to push me from our hiding place. 'Just do it!'

'I can't Ten,' I answered once more, searching for an excuse. 'His friends are there.' I whimpered.

And really and truly they were. Kiba and Naruto were talking animatedly to each other and Shikamaru was just leaning on a locker, which I assumed, belong to him. He stood there for awhile just listening to his babbling friends.

'AHCHOO!' Tenten sneezed. Shikamaru looked in our direction and we jumped back and ran to the closet room we could find. When we were sure that no of them had chased after us, I pushed my back from the room door and reached for Tenten.

'That was close.' I sighed, eyes closed. 'Tenten?'

No answer. 'Ten?' I opened my eyes. She stood before me; unmoving. I walked over to her and grabbed her by the shoulder from behind.

'Umm…' she mumbled and pointed forward.

'Oh…' I managed to say as I suddenly realized where we were. Whose smart idea was it to run in here? Before us, two pair of wide eyes …boys' eyes to be exact, stared back at us, from their position at the urinal; taking a leak.

'We're in the boys' room aren't we?' I asked, which seemed to have been a waste because where else would you find two boys taking a leak together. The boys just stared at us in shock and amusement. And we couldn't take our eyes off them either. So we stood there for awhile, but things were starting to get a little awkward.

'We'll be leaving now.' Tenten announced but made no attempt to move.

'What the hell are you looking at? Go back to taking your damn leak!' I shouted at them as if they were in the wrong and then grabbed hold of Tenten's arm, pulling her out of the room.

Minutes later, the still flushed Tenten spoke up.

'I can't believe that we just did that.' She ended. I looked at her. 'So that's what the boys' rooms are like. No wonder girls aren't allowed…hehe.' she finished with a nervous chuckle.

Somehow I managed to smile. Boys really are weird.

We soon found ourselves back in our previous positions, behind the lockers, but this time there was no sight of the boys.

'This is your chance!' Tenten said, while playfully punching my hand.

'Here goes nothing….'


'Do you think he found it?' I whispered to Tenten while we were sitting in homeroom. She took one look at Shikamaru and turned shaking her head.

'I don't think so….He looks as carefree as ever.'

'How long is this gonna take?' I asked frustrated.

'Calm down. It's only been 10 minutes since you did it.' She answered rolling her eyes.

At that said moment, Anko came busting in the classroom and sat around her desk and rested her feet on the top and began to take roll call.

'Students of Konoha High.' Everyone got silent as lady Tsunade's voice came over the intercom. She started. 'It has been brought to my attention that two female students invaded the grade 10 boys' room.

Laughter was heard around the class as Tsunade continued, sounding all strict now.

'I do not expect this type of behaviour from our young ladies, not that I'm encouraging this behaviour in boys. Now as your principal, I'd like to see to it that everything goes accordingly; I'd love if everything went the way it should. At the end of the day I'm the one that's going to be in an argument with angry parents and guardians, so please, if it's not too much to ask, I'm begging you to use the restrooms that are provided for your use….that goes for you too boys.'

The sound of snickering echoed throughout the class once more...

'I do not want this situation to get out of hand; neither do I want a replay of this. Got that!' Her threatening voice escaped from the tiny box. 'That will be all.' She ended and the intercom went silent.

I wonder which idiots did that.' Some random boy shouted out and had the class erupting in laughter, Tenten and I slowly sunk in our seats. Great.

Shikamaru's P.O.V

'Haha! I'd love to see the look on the girls' faces when they came across some boys taking a piss. That would be hilarious!' Kiba laughed vulgarly as we found ourselves waiting by Naruto's locker once more. I sighed to myself…How long have we been here? I always thought that lockers were a waste of time, so I never bothered myself to use one.

'What the hell is taking you so long?' Kiba asked the blonde, who had stopped rummaging through his locker to stare at something in his hand.

'What's that?' Kiba asked, looking over his shoulders. 'An envelope?' I raised my brow in curiosity and also peered over the blonde's shoulders. He flipped it and it read 'To Shikamaru.' Kiba read out loud.

'To whom?' I asked confused. Sure I could see my name written neatly in fine black ink, but I just couldn't comprehend why…why would anyone write a letter to me and place it in Naruto's locker instead of just handing it to me? As a matter of fact why would anyone be writing anything to me in the first place?

'Let me see it here?' I asked while pulling the envelope from Kiba's hand.

'You have a secret admirer! Kiba shouted in shock. 'That's like so unfair. What is it that you have that I don't?'

'A brain…A functioning one at that.' I hissed back.

'You got that Kiba. Shika just killed you.' Naruto laughed hysterically at the sulking kid.

'Would you two just shut up?' I said as I tore the envelope open and pulled out the note that was inside, mean while turning my back to the two idiots so that they couldn't see. Inscribed on the paper, in neat script, written in purple ink was

Meeting at my place, today at 6p.m

Be on time


Ok then. I thought as I saw another note below it.

23 Suna Avenue

Sorry about that…she's a bit nervous.


'Troublesome.' I folded the letter and shoved it into one of the pockets of my jeans.

'Come on dude. Aren't you gonna tell us what it says?' Kiba asked as I started to walk down the hallway.

'Seriously Shika?' I heard Naruto shouted at me, slamming his locker door shut.

'Talk to you guys tomorrow.' I waved back.


I drove home without telling them what exactly was on the paper.

When I got home, mom was in the kitchen and dad was sitting in the living room watching some weird programme. After telling them good evening, I hurried down the hall to my room and slammed the door shut.

After along shower, I got dressed and threw myself on the bed, taking up the note once more and just stared at it…Kakashi's project…tsh 'Should I go?' I thought out loud.'

'Go where?'

'Uh?' I looked up from the paper to see my father standing at the edge of the bed. 'What the…? I closed the door; how the heck did you get in her anyway?'

'Oh. Forget that.' He said with an odd smile on his face. 'What's this you have here?' he asked, nosy eyes narrowed on the paper.

'It's nothing…' I started, bringing the paper behind me but before I could get rid of it, he pulled it from my hands and read the note.

'Meeting at my house…6p.m?' I stood, trying to get the paper, but he just raised it higher and pushed me back into a sitting position on the bed.

'Oooh… It's a girl isn't it?' he asked in a sing song voice.

'Be quiet before mom hears.' I warned, but as it turns out, I was too late. Mom appeared by the door like magic, wearing her mittens and still in her cooking apron.

'A GIRL!' She squealed elatedly. 'Who is she? What's her name? Where is she from? Where and when did you meet her? Tell me all about her!' Mom's questions flew like a100 miles per sec. She immediately took a seat on my bed, ready to here the story…..


'Oh I can't believe this. My little boy is growing up so fast!'

'She's not…'

'It seemed like yesterday that you were just a baby and now you're bringing in a girlfriend…' she continued with her rambling.

'Mom she's not my girlfriend!' I shouted aggravated.

Mom gasped and the room was hushed. Dad slowly brought his hand down and handed the paper to me.

'It's just work.' I explained myself to mom. 'We have a project to do… together, that's all.'

'Tsh...' She hissed. 'Why didn't you just say so? You got me all worked up for nothing Shikaku! Mom complained, slapping dad upside his head with one of the mittens she wore on her hand.

'Honey.' She said facing me once more. 'I understand your annoyance today, so I'll let it slip, but never and I mean never, raise your voice at me again young man or I'll rip those cute little lips off that handsome little face of yours. Got that?' she finished her threat, all the while standing with that sweet voice and that innocent look on her face.

'Uhuh.' I mumbled back, my brows twitching violently.

'Good.' She said getting up from her seat on the bed and kissing me on the forehead.

'Now, go to your meeting and have fun. I have to return to my cookies. Wouldn't want them to burn now….' She waved back at us as she let the room. Dad and I watched in silence. Seriously mom was something else.

'Work uh? That's what they all say.' Dad smiled.

'I'm serious!'

'Sure you are…' he replied, sarcasm hanging off each word.' I hope your "work" goes well.' He laughed to himself, leaving the room.

'Ah…' I sighed.

'And by the way…'

'Uh?' I looked around to see dad's head peeking in the room again. 'First thing you say to a lady after you greet her is that she looks good. It makes them happy, trust me.' He smiled and left once more.

Tsh… I hissed when I had gotten into the car. I peered through the side mirror just to see my mom snooping around at the window. Seriously. How did I end up with such weird parents?

I removed the sheet from my pocket and read it over once more. I began to drive. 'Suna Avenue … I thought. Now where the hell was that?'


Temari's P.O.V

'So what do you think?' I asked as I posed in front of Tenten so that she could comment on my dressing. I was dressed in a short black skirt, purple tank top, with a short leather jacket over my shoulders, black fingerless gloves on hands, red lipstick, mascara and black boots.

'Umm Temari, you're trying to get him close to you, not scare him off.'

'Ouch…it's that's bad.' I said looking down on myself.

'I'm mean, what's your theme Walking Dead? She criticized.

'Can you be more blunt?' I mumbled rolling my eyes.

'When Shikamaru sees you, his eyes will jump out of his head, grow feet and run away.' She ended snickering.

'Ok…I get it Tenten, gosh!'

'Hey you're the one that asked me to be more blunt.' She smirked.

'Then what do you suggest I wear?'

'Well since you ask, I think you should lose the gloves, the excess make up, the skirt, and the top.

'Then I'll just be in skin and underwear!' I complained.

'Exactly, try something simple.'

After 10 minutes I came in a simple lavender dress, black leggings, a nice pair of slippers….no makeup.

'That's more like it.' She smiled and I sat next to her on my bed.

'Do you think he'll show?' I asked Tenten.

And just before she answered there was a call from downstairs.

'There's someone at the gate!' Kankuro shouted. 'What should I do?'

Tenten and I exchanged looks, she nodded, and then we smiled.

'Let 'em in!' I answered and ran down the stairs.

Shikamaru's P.O.V

It took awhile, but I finally found it.

My eyes strayed from the palace to the address I had written down. Temari must be kidding. She's a bully. It'd be just like her to make up some fake address then howl hysterically with her punker pals. I almost drove away then something told me not to. To trust.

I sighed as the gate automatically opened before me. I wonder what awaits me I thought as I drove up the long driveway to the house. So she's rich. Hn. You'd never guess that by just looking at her. The house was enormous, almost like a mansion and there were tons of the yard space and gardens. Night lamps highlighted the road to the house and the night breeze blew at the surrounding trees making them rustle.

I parked the car to the closet place I could find to the house and made my way to the door, taking in all the scenery I could.

When I got to the door, it flung open right before I could knock. 'Who are you?' Kankuro, Temari's younger brother asked.

'Hn. This wasn't the type of greeting I was expecting, considering that I was invited here'

'Uh?' He gave me a questioning look.

'Get outta dah way you!' Temari came storming from behind Kankuro and shoving him to one side with her monster strength.

'You idiot!'


Mumbling and banging could be heard from inside and soon she appeared at the door again, but this time without Kankuro's presence.

'Oh so sorry about that.' She apologized, her brows twitching and a nervous smile on her face... 'Come on in.'

I stepped in pass her and stood in the hallway gazing around.

'I looked back at her. 'You look nice…by the way…' I mumbled. Uh why do I even bother to listen to dad?

'Umm….really…Thanks.' she smiled.

But I got to give him props. It worked.

'Tenten did you hear that?' she asked

'Umm what was that?' I asked. I could have sworn she just said Tenten.

'Oh nothing.' She flashed it off. Anyway just follow me.' She said, with an awkward smile other face.

I followed her down the hallway.

When we finally got to the living room, both her brothers, Kankuro from earlier and Gaara were sitting in the couch watching a programme on their TV.

'These are my brothers, you've met Kankuro and this is Gaara.' She said pointing to the red head.

'Hey' Kankuro answered and Gaara just nodded his head at my presence.

Ok then. I guess Gaara was just as weird at home.

A silent sigh escaped from Tenmari's lips as she stared at her brothers, her hands in akimbo.

'Ahh.' She sighed once more. 'I'll be right back.' She ended and left without explaining the reason for her departure.

So for a moment I was just standing there; not knowing what to do; just busying myself with my fingers. The air was heavy and Kankuro and Gaara didn't make it any easier. The elder was just sitting back in the brown , one seated couch with both legs crossed, resting on the center table and the younger was just glaring at me, not watching TV, not kicking back, just glaring… nothing more, nothing less.

'Sorry about earlier.'

'Uh?' I jumped at Kankuro's voice which broke the silence.

'You know…I was kinda rude,'

Oh. I thought. 'No, that's okay.'

'It's just that I didn't know you were a friend of my sister.'

'Neither did I.' I mumbled beneath my breath.

'So…' Kankuro started, his voice now flooding with curiosity. 'Are you guys like…you know.' He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

I knitted my brows at his actions. 'No, I don't know.'

'You know…Are you guys like together?'

'Umm, uh?' I stuttered at the unexpected inquiry. 'Well, umm, no.' I manage to reply. 'Why'd you ask that?'

No?' Temari has never taken a boy home before, as a matter of fact, she hasn't taken home anyone other than Tenten.' He informed me.

Tenten? I thought. I should have known.

'So do you like her?' came his next query.

'What? No!' I answered frankly.

'So you don't like my sister? Kankuro asked leaning forward with a stern look on his face. Even Gaara's facial expression changed; from cold glare to slightly curious.

'No that's not what I meant. It's not that I don't like her; it's just that I…she…'

'So you do like her. So what are you guys planning on doing tonight?' He asked , interest level rising in his voice.

'Nothing…I'm just here for a meeting! I tried to defend myself.

'Sure….That's what they all say.' he said leaning back in the couch, with a smirk on his face. It confused me how much Kankuro sounded a lot like my father.

'I swear!'

'You swear what?' Temari asked appearing out of nowhere.

'Uh…' I mumbled once more.

'He swears that you look really good tonight.' Kankuro backed me up.

At that moment her face lit up. 'Really?' she smiled; again getting out of character. 'Thanks again. My brothers didn't cause you much trouble did they?'

'No. Not at all.' I responded, rolling my eyes at Kankuro.

'That's good. Let's go to my room. Follow me.' She said walking off...

'Hn.' I looked over at Kankuro.' She's taking you to her room. Just a meeting….right... .' he ended, sarcasm dripping off his words.

'Shikamaru!' I head Temari called from the hallway. I was going to reply, when I heard Temari calling. I only had enough time roll my eyes at his ignorance and walked off.

After catching up with Temari, we went up the stairs and after turning on about a dozen hallways , she finally came to a stop in front of white double doors, which I only assumed to be her room, because why else would she stop.

On her room door was a sign which read


'Umm I'm not too sure I still want to go in.' I mumbled my eyes twitching.

'Hahaha.' She nervously chuckled as she tore the sign off the door and throwing it one side.

'Tenten don't tell me you told me so.' She spoke to herself once more and I'm sure she said Tenten this time. 'We're coming in Tenten.'

'What?' I asked.

'Nah….forget it. 'This is my room!' she announced as she pushed the doors open.

'When the doors were opened, I walked in after her and stared. I was amazed. Her room was gigantic and I'd say it was gorgeous if I was one of her girlfriends. Her room was a total contrast to the sign on her door. No danger. It was different that the rest of the house also, where everything was dull and boring, her room was bright and welcoming. Her walls were painted in lavender, decorated with tiny, pink Sakura Blossoms. There were closets everywhere, walk- ins too. Her bed was two times the size of any normal bed and to close it all off a gigantic mirror looked down on her bed from her ceiling. A Japanese screen was to the far right of her room and an antique Japanese fan and other collectibles and souvenirs crowded the room.

'I take it that you've been to Japan.' I said, still distracted by the gigantic Gunbai fan with the three purple moons. That thing looked heavy.

'Yeah, when my parents were alive.' She said sadly, her eyes falling to look at her feet.

'Oh. I'm sorry about that.'

'Yeah…Me too.' She whispered gazing off at nothing. After that comment a silence swept over the room. A good type of silence.

'But it's cool that you collected all these things though.' I spoke up trying to lighten the air and it seemed to have work since a small smile tugged at her lips. I continued. 'I've never known a girl who has shurikens and kunais hanging around in her room.'

'Oh… thanks.' She sat on her bed, her eyes now focusing on her hands which were resting in her lap. 'Umm...about the project?'

I raised a brow at her. 'What about it?'

'You know I'm not the friendliest person around...' She started but was interrupted by me.

'No shit!' I commented, which only got her to narrow her eyes at me from where she sat.

'I mean…I can be sweet, but…I sorta have issues.

'Tell me something I don't know.'

She rolled her eyes at me. 'What I'm trying to say is….Is it really worth it, to give up a field trip just to become friends with me, which by the way, may or may not work out.

'Tips on the latter.' I joked. It got quiet. Her eyes lowered. 'But…I guess that's a risk we just have to take.'

She looked up at me. I stared at her. Her emerald eyes brighten and gleaming once more. I smiled. I guess she isn't all that bad. I'm surprised that I'm still alive in here.

'You sure about that?' she asked.

'I've never been surer about anything in my life.'

She smiled once more.

Actually, she smiled an awful lot for someone who is supposed to be a bully.

'That's it. We're finished here.' She announced as I walked closer to her and stood.

'Well. Temari.' I started with a whisper. 'There's something I've been wanting to ask you since I got here.'

Temari's P.O.V


Shikamaru stood before me, staring down at me with quizzical eyes. What is it that he wants to ask? My heart beat sped up and drowned out every other sound as he bent forward. The close propinquity of our faces had all the blood in my body rushing to my cheeks; he could probably feel the heat radiating off my face now. I brought my head back from his, but he only leaned in more and rested his hands on either side of me and whispered in my ears.

'Temari?' his voice came out in a questioning tone. The warmth of his breath tickled my neck.

'Mhm,'I managed to choke out as my voice decided to stop at my throat.

His face got serious.

'Where's Tenten?'

'What?' I shouted out and apparently so did Tenten from one of the closets. He drew away from me and his expression suddenly got cool and indifferent as he turned to face the closet in which Tenten was hiding

'So that's where she was hiding.' he commented and stood straight with his hands in his pockets.

'How…how'd you know?' I asked him rather surprise.

'You kept on repeating her name in that microphone.' He pointed at the microphone that was attached to my dress.'

'I can explain!' Tenten came tumbling out of the closet with a peace sign up and a uneasy smile plastered on her face.


After eating some sandwiches and drinking some lemonade which Tenten had made, she explained what had happened. But not everything though. They seem to be hiding something. After we had finished eating Temari accompanied me to my car while Tenten clean up.

'2010 Ford GT Mustang.' She said when she saw my car. 'You have taste.'

'Yeah. My dad got it for 't know a girl like you knew cars?'

'What'd you mean by a girl like me?' she hissed.


We stood there in silence as the night breeze ruffled our hair.

'Temari.' I started leaning against the car. 'You know, you're not as bad as you seem. It seems that you put up a frontage at school.'

'Tsh.' she hissed. 'Well you're not as stupid as you look.' She countered. 'No offense.'

'Well, none taken.'

We laughed.

'Thanks for coming.' She smiled.

'Thanks for inviting me.' I held out my hand for her to shake and for a moment she stared at it, then grabbed it and without warning she pushed it aside and pulled me into a hug... Not what I had expected, but I slowly hugged back.

From where we were I could see Kankuro and Tenten peeping from the windows; Kankuro with a smirk on his face.

After the hug she quickly pulled back and hurriedly pushed me into my car.

'Goodbye... See you at school.'

I shook my head at her weird behaviour. She really does have issues.

'Bye.' I waved to her and drove down the road through the gates.


When I got home, mom and dad were both watching the news.

'Shikamaru are you hungry honey?' mom asked me from dad's chest.

'I didn't answer. I just continued walking; not stopping to have further conversation. I went to my room and slammed the door.

'Shikamaru?' I heard dad calling at my door. "How was it?'

I slightly slid the door opened and peeped through.

I looked at him real good before answering. 'It was nice.' I replied softly.

He smiled and I closed the door once more.

A/n: So here it goes. As you can see this chapter has no title, so if anyone have any ideas you can PM me or leave it in a review. Thanks in advance. Plz review. It's the best thing an author could ask for.