Human Names You May Not Know:

Linh: Vietnam
Jan: Holland/Netherlands
Lili: Liechtenstein
Jeanne: Joan of Arc
Matthias: Denmark
Lukas: Norway

Pairings: PruHun, UsUk, DenNor, SuFin, Rochu, FrancexJeanne, and more will be revealed throughout the story


Band Geeks


A is for Adagio

It's five A.M. in the morning and I was freezing my fingers off waiting for the damn bus. My butt was on my saxophone case next to Linh squatting beside her trombone case. Jeanne sat in front of us as we made a mini triangle of band geekettes; which happens to be female band geeks.

We were the only girls in this year's jazz band. Only three girls…that's sad. Not counting Lili because she's just our second manager, sister to Vash, our actual band manager. Our instructor and composer is Mr. Germania.

This year Hetalia Academy finally got their first Jazz Band in ten years. Usually it's because there's not enough people to sign up for it, but this year the juniors of Hetalia Academy finally decides to join. We have our regular school marching band, but no jazz competition band. When Mr. Germania realizes that there were exactly 21 students trying out for Jazz, he skipped the auditions and trained our asses like no tomorrow. Meetings everyday except Sunday from after school (3:30 P.M.) and last til anytime ranging from 7 P.M. to midnight. Man makes us work and sweat blood, swear to God.

So now we're traveling to Nois City for our first competition of the year, not to mention it's a seven hour drive and it's overnight.

"Elizabeta! Look!" Jeanne exclaimed as I turned my head over to see a large black and gold bus pulling up to the school.

"Finally!" Linh exclaimed. "Holy Buddha, that took forever. Ugh, let's start packing." Linh stood up and stretched her back as a cracking noise ran down her spine. It was really disturbing to hear it. "Okay, you and Jeanne load the instruments and luggage. I'll help the rhythm section with their supplies and equipments. I'll call Alfred over to help you two. HEY! HERO BOY! YES YOU! GET YOUR PATRIOTIC ASS OVER HERE!" she shouted as she stomped towards the band room. "TROI OI! STOP SHOVING DONUTS DOWN YOUR THROAT BEFORE I SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS!" I heard her shout. Asian girl's cool, but she seems to have this best friend on off thing going on with Alfred. It's amusing, seeing how she only treats him like that but then acts like his mother the next moment.

Of course Alfred came running out like there was no tomorrow with a petrified look on his face. "'Ello ladies!" In his arm was a load of duffle bags. "Let's start stackin'!"

And so Jeanne and I took each bag, one by on and stacking it neatly into the loading section of the coach. Alfred ran back and forth carrying out bags for us to stack. Once it was all filled we closed it and rested for a moment. Linh was pushing out one of the amps with Arthur pushing the other one beside her. Roderich was helping…out with nothing. He was as useful as Heracles who was snoozing on the bus already. I sighed at the sight of my ex-boyfriend. I'll save our break up story for another day, but for now I have to help Ling load the amp onto the empty trunk space. Arthur ran back in to fetch his guitar while Lukas and Tino exit, carrying their basses. Eduard and Toris carried small boxes of supplies. While I helped Lukas load them on I learned that they were heavier than I thought. Lukas shook his head as a loud laughter boomed from the band hall.

Soon Matthias appeared running out from the hall carrying three large boxes of what I believe are pieces of the drum set with Jan tailing behind him with three more. Sadiq decided to help out and carried some of the ensembles. Berwald was walking out with Heracles' barry saxophone. He left it for us to handle as Vash called for him. Holy shit. It's. So. Damn. Heavy. Lukas and I tried to heave it onto the trunk, but failed. Instead, Matthias picked the whole thing up and gently placed inside for us. Either he's freakishly strong or he's on steroids. Lukas told me that he and Berwald were just freakishly strong.

"Alright everyone! It's time to board!" Matthew yelled at us.

Oh shit, I forgot he was here…

Vash checked us off one by one as we boarded the coach bus. Oh. My. Goodness. The bus is just so…FABULOUS. The seats of four face each other with a table at the center. Oh gosh, there's enough to where everyone gets their own row to hog. I was absolutely in love and bounced onto a seat in one of the center rows. Linh took a seat besides me, but puts her thing on the seat behind us to claim her row, which is across from Lili's. Jeanne and Lili took the seats that faced us. Sweet. I got window.

Vash climbed up the stairs and hollered. "HAVE ANY OF YOU SEEN GILBERT, ANTONIO, OR FRANCIS?"

All was quiet. Or it was until we heard shouts and yelling from outside the bus. I looked out my shiny window to see the said three idiots running towards us.

"HURRY! STEP ON THE GAS!" Matthias and Alfred shouted at the same time.

"DON'T WORRY! YOU TOTALLY AWESOME TRUMPETEER IS HERE!" Gilbert shouted as he ascended the steps.

"Je suis desole, mon ami! We have a very good reason to be late. Well, Antonio and I do. It was his fault," Francis said as he jerked his thumb over to Gilbert.

"Whatever, just take your seats," Mr.G said as he boarded after them.

Gilbert, Francis, and Antonio took the seats across from ours. All three of them threw their luggage onto the metal carrier up top and two of them took their seat. Gilbert saw me and grinned…oh no.

"Hey! Lizzie! Wanna know why we were late."



"WELL! I'll tell you anyways. So last night I awesomely managed to convince West to go out to Antonio's restaurant and we had the Meaty Bean Salad and let me tell you. Those beans hit some serious buttons. S this morning my stomach wasn't so awesome and I had to take the biggest dum- GYAH!" Gilbert yelped as the bus jerked into motion and he fell onto Francis' lap.

"Whoa! Mon bete ami! I'm sorry, you are good looking and all but you're just not my type."

"You have a type?" Arthur asked cynically.

Francis glared at the Brit. "Why yes, which is why I went out with so many fabulous people."


"Fuzzy Brows"


"Un tres mal chef!"

"Don't use your fancy terms on me!"

"Merde! Tu as-."

"ENOUGH!" Linh shouted at both of them, scaring them out of their wits. "Geez, you can argue all you want when we all get to the rest stop. Fuck."

I shook my head.


"HAHAHA! WE DID IT, DUDE!' Alfred shouted as he reached over to high five Matthias. "We so rock at Cooking Mama." He looked over to Arthur. "Don't you think it's sad that you can't even cook in the ga-."

"It's different from bloody reality, you twit!" Arthur growled dangerously.

"Okaylet'splayMarioKart," Alfred laughed nervously. "DIBS ON TEAMS WITH MATTHIAS AND MATTHEW!"

"YEAH!" Matthias shouted loudly only to be whacked in the head by Lukas.

"You're too loud."


I sighed and started to talk with the girls. Well, more like aimed because it was a girl thing and we really didn't want the bad touch trio to hear anything.

Fryingpanlove: Gosh, this is taking forever and I'm starving.

Whatthephoftw: Okay, I may sound a bit like Alfred right now, but I really want a burger right now. Preferably In N Out, not Mickey D's.

Ribbon_princess331: Yeah

MaidofOrleans: Hey guys, do you think that Francis is going out with anyone at the moment.

Everyone stopped aiming and we all looked up at Jeanne whose face is bright red.

MaidofOrleans: What?

Whatthephoftw: Are you seriously interested in him? Oh wait. If Arthur can like Alfred then there's a possibility.

Ribbon_Princess331: Arthur likes aflred? Rly?

Fryingpanlove: yeah! I have these rly cute pics of them together. 3

Whatthephoftw: Yeah, it was pretty obv.

Ribbon_Princess331: oh…

MaidofOrleans: Well he rly isn't that bad. He's really nice to me and well. Am I pretty?

Fryingpanlove: of course! Why would you ask that?

MaidofOrleans: Well, he hits on pretty girls and stuff, right? He never flirted with me or anything. It's just a hello and a small chat. Never any flirting or touching or anything!

I was about to reply until I heard a laugh came form behind me.

"No way! Are you serious?"

Oh hell no. "Gilbert, if you don't keep your mouth shut I will rip your inner organs out using my fry pan and then frying it and feeding it to the wolves."

The Prussian raised both of his hands defensively. "No worries ladies, the awesome me have your back! I'm totally awesome at keeping secrets."

Jeanne was bright red and she looked really doubtful.

"Swear on my life Maid of Orleans! You have my words as a gentleman."

Linh gave him a deadpanned look and it was so serious that it was hilarious. "You. A gentleman? Best joke I've heard all day, my boy. Now will you kindly go back to your seat before I get my tombone."

"Sorry, sorry!" Gilbert laughed as he bounced back to his seats. "Oh, when we get to the rest stop, I need to talk to you, Lizzie."

Me? Okay…I just nodded to tell him I agreed and continued with our conversation.

MaidofOrleans: Do you think he'll tell?

Whatthephoftw: He better not

Fryingpanlove: I'll keep his mouth shut.

Ribbon_princess331: Arthur and Alfred likes eachother? O_O

I'm guessing Vash likes to keep her away from the male band members. I can see why, though.


Sporkie: Hello to those who knows me and those who does not! I'm finally back after a looong break. Anyways, this is my first attempt to write an APH fanfic so constructive criticism is appreciated. Review please! I really don't like the first chapter, but I promise it'll get better. I hope the story works out alright because I know not a lot of people ship PruHun.

REVIEW SIL VOUS PLAIT (please)! I already have the next 3 chapter typed out and only need 5 reviews to post up the next one (: