A/N: This is my first based-on-a-song piece of fanfic-let me know what you think! BTW-it's based on Vanessa Carlton's Annie. The italicized lines are directly from the song.

Disclaimer: Most famously published authors don't include random lyrics borrowed from random singers, FYI.

Oh, God. Bella! Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella! What the hell happened? This is worse than one of her accidents-worse than when it was my fault, worse, worse, worst! Who did this? I'll kill them. She's dying. She's dying.

The doctor says that now it won't be long.

Carlisle-no. No! She'll live through this! She has to! She's my Bella, my tough, strong, loving Bella. Well not strong so much. But that's OK. What is wrong with her? I have to know. I have to ask her.

I try to live up to the moment and hope that I don't blow it.


Oh God. Oh God. She's effing pregnant. How could she let him do this to her? To me. Bella. Bella.

"Jake? Can I tell you something?"

And a dying girl who whispers in my ear.

"I love you, Jake."

"That doesn't make it better, Bella."

"I know. But don't worry. Everything'll be okay, you'll see."


Tell me now can you feel it?

I've been keeping company with a ghost.

She's already gone, so delicate, she can't live through this, this monster inside her, it's all his fault.

I'd give my bones for you to get a few more years.

"Carlisle-isn't there anything I can do?"

"Just be here for her. I think you're doing some good already just by that."

That's not enough, whatever I do is never going to be enough!

"Bella, I'm here, just tell me what to do and I'll do it for you." Like kill him, for instance. I should've done that while I had the chance, too late now.

I am reckless,

Just this once would you forgive me?

She coughs, breathes in, like she's dying, like she's gonna tell me what I can do for her, breathes out in a sigh, somehow is already asleep.

Hold on, the days gone by

Tell me now, can you feel it?

The battle inside my head keeps raging, should I go, the stench of vamps is invading my nostrils but I need, need, need to be beside her. Bella. Beautiful even in this state, so scary to me but not to her, she would give up her life for this monster, because she effing loves it. Bella, no, Bella, stay with me, Bella!

She's elegant and she means it...

Watch her as she flew, deep within the blue

For some reason I remember her jumping off the cliff, so many months ago, so recently, so far away, she was so free, flying there, so stupid, why wouldn't she wait for me? She's always one step ahead of me, one pace away from me, always walking away, choosing anything but me, tearing my heart apart, but I'll always be that one step behind her...

Watch her as she slips away from you...