"Come on, Light, not even once?" my friend Kei asked me.

"Nope, not ever."

"Dude, you're still a virgin? We're in college now! You need to get rid of that" Yuri, another of my friends said.

"What's the rush? Sex isn't going anywhere, so why do I have to?"

"No, the question is: what are you waiting on, man? Look at these females here. Women- no more high school girls! These are women who know what they want and how to please a man. I would love to be in your shoes, I'm tellin' ya'. All the girls like you but you just brush them off...you're not gay are you?" Kei asked inquisitively.

"No! No. No. I just have better things to worry about right now. Girls are great, don't get me wrong. I'm just more focused on-"

"-Getting into the Police Force like you're dad." They said in unison. Do I say it that much?

"You got it. So guys if you know what I will say, why do you continue to ask me time and time again?"

Yuri shrugged his shoulders. "Wishful thinking? I dunno. Hoping one day you might change your mind and start hooking up with some fine chicks and we get their friends. You know how it goes" he said while Kei gave him a play.

I shook my head. "You guys are too much...Hey, I gotta book it. I'll see you guys later. Are we still on for the South Hall Party?"

"Hell yea! Why wouldn't we go?" Kei said.

I smiled and continued to Study Hall the one place I didn't want to be right now. People always ask me why I study, like I'm a genius or something. Its hard work being this smart; mostly because of the pressure and expectations of others, and sometimes because of the pressure I put on myself. Other than that, everything's pretty cool, a little repetitive but I have to keep up on my studies regardless, if I want to achieve my life's goals.

When I got there, I took my usual seat in the back near the window. I love the view out onto the front lawn. I love the color the setting sun shines onto the grass, makes it look golden. I smiled and opened my calculus book and got down to business. I had a huge test coming up soon and I wanted to be ready for any and everything that may be on it. I'm not settling for a simple A. I never have.

Well into my study I heard someone behind me. "Hey Light."

"Oh,hey Aoi. How's it going?"

"Oh. Everything is fine. How are you?" she said. Aoi Katsura is in my criminology class. We really hit if off in a friendly sense because we had a lot in common as far as the police force. She wanted to join too, just like her mother.

"Good, just studying as usual. Is that what you're here for?"

"Um-kind of. I was going to ask if you wanted to study with me...you know for the test coming up?"

"Yea, sure, that sounds fine." I had already studied as hard as I could for the criminology test that was also coming up but a little more wouldn't hurt. I started to put my calculus book away but Aoi stopped me.

"Oh, no. Don't put your books up. I can wait for you to finish what you were doing. I don't mind at all."

"Are you sure? It's fine if I stop-"

"No. I have to do a little studying for science. I can do that while you do math." she said with a gentle smile. I smiled back at her and opened my book back up.

After about 30 minutes of that I told her I was ready when she was; that I could finish when I got home. She said OK and we got started, talking here and there, and studying well into the evening.

I threw my bag in the back seat of my car and started the engine. "You sure you don't need a ride home?" I asked Aoi.

"Nope, I'm OK. I'm catching one with my friends but thanks anyway...See you later?"

"Yea, bye." I said as I closed the door and pulled off, heading home. My mom thought it would have been more convenient if I stayed on campus but I really didn't feel the need. I would get to all my classes on time and without worry, she was just being a mom. I couldn't stand the bunking with a roommate, the loud hall parties, or the easy access anyone would have to me. I love being able to close and lock my door with people around who knew not to bother me.

"Look what the garbage man just dropped off," My little sister Sayu said.

"Very funny, dweeb. Where is everyone?"

"Dad went back to headquarters and mom is at the store picking up dinner. How was school, Mr. College?"

"Same as usual; no big deal."

"Says you. I can't wait to get to college! I bet there are so many parties and things going on...you probably won't ever attend any though."

"Whatever. I'll have you know I'm going to a party later tonight at one of the most popular dorms at school. So what do you have to say about that?"

"How much did they pay you?"

I threw one of the pillows on the couch at her and she giggled. A couple minutes later, mom walked in with two huge grocery bags in her hand; I got up to help her.

"Thank you Light...how was your day at school?"

"It was fine, Ma; want me to help you with dinner?"

"No, its fine; I already have one helper. You go upstairs and study. I'll call you when everything is ready."

I said OK, kissed her cheek, and went upstairs. When I got in my room, I threw myself on the bed. Rest.

I haven't relaxed all day, of course that's my fault anyway. I was thinking about what I was going to wear to the party tonight. I had about 4 hours to think about that but I liked to be prepared. It took me a minute but I got up and walked over to my closet.

"What will it be...?"

It wasn't exactly a dressy kind of party but I couldn't help but dressing my best during social functions-I guess you can call me conceited. I took out my black long sleeve 'button up' and my gray graphic dress-vest. I chose some gray-blue jeans and some black dress-casual shoes to complete my look. Well that ate up about 25 minutes of my time and now I was back in the mood to study, at least until dinner time.

"Light! Dinner's ready! Come and eat."

I stuck my pen in the book and closed it. Dinner- I was starved, well not really. I had a snack while I waited but when it comes to my mom's cooking...I'm starved.

"What took you so long," Sayu whispered," up there having some private time?"

I gave her a disturbed look and stepped on her feet.


Mom and Dad looked at her; she smiled and turned back to me. "Jerk!"

I giggled and got started on my food. "Hey, Dad when did you get in?"

"Um...about 10 minutes ago. You didn't hear me? I called out to you."

"Nope, sorry; I was studying."

"As usual. So, how is school anyway?"

"As good as school can be dad, nothing new or surprising."

"You always say that. Why aren't you excited about anything?" Sayu added. She can be really annoying sometimes.

"There are things I get excited about; school just isn't one of them."

"Maybe you're not being challenged." Mom said.

"I'm being challenged enough mom, trust me." I half lied.

"Well, please speak up. You know you can transfer to a better school...you can transfer to ANY school for that matter." She smiled to herself.

"It's cool. I'm fine where I am."

"Still trying to get into the academy?" Dad asked.

I smiled at him. "Sure am. I'm not giving that up. I know I can do it...and with your help it would be even easier." I hinted.

"I got it. Don't you worry about that, I'll help you. But just because your father is the chief doesn't mean you can just slack off. If I think you're loafing around I won't help you. Got it?"

"Yea, dad I got it. I'm not going to bum out on this one...I swear."

"Good to hear...now that we have the job discussion out of the way. Let's talk about a nice girlfriend to bring home to your mother and me-

"And me!" Sayu said.

"-and your sister...you barely talk about girls- what going on? No nice young ladies at the university?"

"Dad, girls can wait. I have better-"

"Nonsense! Don't start with that I have better things to do stuff. A man needs the help and support of a woman to keep him going on. I wouldn't have made it this far without your mother's encouragement. You wouldn't believe how many times I wanted to give up but she was right there behind me."

"Wow, really? I never would have guessed."

"Well there was never a reason to bring that up until now."

"You were really going to give up?"

"Yep, I was going to call it quits a couple times, couldn't keep up or couldn't take the pressure. But Sachiko convinced me that I was not only good enough to keep up with the others but had the potential to surpass them. I never stopped believing in her and that's what kept me going."

"That's beautiful." Sayu said as if Hideki Ryuga said it instead of dad.

My parents smiled to each other and I slightly got sick. 'Old people love' is gross but still, what dad said stuck to me. Would that be true for me? Would I need a woman to hold me up and help me through my hard times? Could I do it myself? I didn't know why but Aoi's face popped in my head.

Maybe she's the one.