Hey, so here I am, with a new story. Originaly supposed to be a one-shot, but got out of hand, so I split it into several pieces... Don't know how long it will be before I finaly get it done, tho'. Uhm, looking for a beta for this as well, I suppose, could use with someone ironing out all of my silly mistakes... This is rated M for a reason folks, mighty graphic and explicit "encounters" are in this fic's future and I do NOT need to be a Seer to know that. Enjoy...

Not even a single step outside the TARDIS doors and the Doctor could already see a very familiar frown forming on his companion's lovely features.

She turned to face him, her hands on her hips and a glare in her honey-brown eyes that would even put one Jacqueline Tyler to shame. She stared at him intently, making a shiver run down his spine as he gulped the sudden lump that had formed in his throat as he tried to remember what exactly he had done wrong this time.

After they had finally managed to escape the clutches of the Beast and his blood-curdling prophesies, he had promised her a nice, relaxing vacation on a planet called Castalia, part of the Vixen constellation, some approximate 28 million light years away from Earth and the most popular pleasure planet in this part of the Universe, perhaps even a bit further.

He couldn't understand what had gone awry this time round. He made sure he entered the right coordinates, the TARDIS was in full working capacity – even if she was still blocking him out and plain out ignoring him 'cause she blamed him for landing on the Impossible planet in the first place – so he couldn't figure out what could've made Rose mad at him.

He didn't want her to be mad at him. Not ever. A mad Rose was a scary Rose, even if he did particularly like the way her blood pooled to her heated cheeks whilst in her fury; the way her chest rose and fell heavily with each deep breath she took, no doubt trying to distract herself from slapping him; the way her hands that were firmly planted on her hips made her luscious breasts push out and strain against the material of those thin hoodies she liked to wear so much; the way…

"Where exactly did you take us, Doctor?" Rose's harsh voice brought him out of his musings and he stared at her for what must've been a full minute, taking her in, his mind eons away from the present, suddenly focused solely on her.

He took a deep breath, expelling it in a large huff, forcing himself to calm down. He had no right to think about his precious Rose that way. He had no right to taint her with his tortured and lonesome past. She wasn't his and it was none of his business to think of her like that. She was a mere human and she belonged with a human. Someone who could love her utterly and completely just the way she was; someone who could give her a stable, normal life and many, many beautiful babies.

And that particular revelation made his blood boil and his hands form into fists as he clenched them by his sides, turning his knuckles paler than they already were. The emotion that ran through him and forced him to forget even considering that option was unfamiliar to him. He had never felt this way before, not for any of his companions and not even when his sweet, innocent niece Susan was considered. His eyes saw red and he felt sparks explode behind his eyelids as the green-eyed monster tore its way through his system making his hearts clench painfully with the very thought of his Rose belonging to anyone else, but him.

Which was exactly why he had been doing the bloody best of his ability to push her away lately, hoping she would finally understand what he was trying to do and finally leave on her own accord and in the same time desperately needing her to stay, just like she had promised him, even when he couldn't bring himself to keep his own vow to her because his overly cowardly nature prevented him from doing so. He wasn't strong enough to tell her to leave, but he was by no means capable of taking the risk of taking things between on a higher, more physical and intimate level.

The very prospect terrified him and as the eternal coward he was, he chose not to act on those impulses that nearly drove him insane every time she would impose her presence on him, in the very moments when he most wanted his solitude and tried everything he could to keep her at arms length.

His resolve seemed to be taking its toll on his sweet Rose as well. He had noticed that she no longer seeked to be in his presence any longer than she had to, her hand no longer sought out his in a simple comforting gesture and the usual celebratory hugs they had shared had become few and far in between and even when they did happen, she was stiff and unmoving in his arms, as if the very thought of touching him caused her physical pain.

If it wasn't for the desperate longing he saw in her eyes every time she thought he wasn't looking; if only the look of rejection and pure hurt didn't immediately find residence on her soft features every time he moved away from her on purpose and left her to her own devices before he had the chance to do something he knew they'd both regret… maybe he would have believed the make-believe coldness she expressed towards him as of late.

Desperate to escape his thoughts, he plastered a large grin on his face, the one he kept for her and her alone, and ran to her side frantically, taking her hand in his and looking not even remotely bothered by the fact that she kept tugging on her hand, trying to pull it free from his grasp.

"Why don't we go and find out then, shall we?" He tried to pretend he didn't notice the way her face fell when he didn't even attempt to apologize for his apparent mistake, tried not to feel the sharp pang in his hearts as she pulled her hand to herself, turned away from him with her shoulders hunched and her steps quick, mumbling a soft 'sure' as she headed towards the front doors.

The possibility, or rather the impossibility of his situation really, amazed him, if he was to be honest. When the Beast had uttered his damned prophesy, his hearts had literally stopped and he felt as if the air had literally been knocked out of his lungs. A very strange, but familiar moisture burned in the back of his eyelids and at that very moment, as he even tried to imagine a life without his Rose in it, he found that he couldn't come up with anything. His existence would be non-substantial, without any meaning and impossible.

This was why he was determined to make her leave him. To feel so much anger towards him… so much hatred… that she wouldn't even feel the need to find him again and continue living her life, day by day, free of the death and bloodshed that seemed to follow him no matter where he went.

His hand reached up on its own accord and tousled his brown hair, making it even messier then before. His steps were slow and somehow measured, apprehensive, as if his own body was trying to give him some hint that this trip might potentially become a very dangerous situation.

As always, he ignored the warning and grabbing his coat from the railing, he stepped outside where he expected to find Rose waiting for him. He couldn't see in front of him as he was pulling his brown coat on, but the apology he owed her was already on his lips, on the tip of his tongue, ready and hastily rehearsed.

But then the Doctor looked up and Rose was nowhere to be found. He eyes looked around frantically, before finally dropped to the ground as something on it was reflected by the sun. His lips formed an 'o' shape as he let out a slight yelp, fear creeping within him as each second passed and Rose didn't appear from somewhere behind the TARDIS shouting 'surprise'.

On the ground, forgotten lay a bracelet, her bracelet, the one he had bought her on their trip to Melios.

A beautiful, simple bracelet made out of a noble metal which was very similar to silver and had several bells attached to it, making a slight ringing sound echo around her with each movement. Jokingly, he had told her that this way; he might be able to locate her more easily each time she wandered off. She had just stuck her tongue out at him and slapped him teasingly on his forearm.

His crouched down to the ground as his mind suddenly turned blank, his cool fingers picking up the discarded jewelry, snapped in one place from being torn.

All thoughts had fled his mind. For the cleverest and most resourceful creature in the Universe, he certainly felt pretty clueless at the moment. He just stared at the item 'twined with his finger as if it was something offensive and it was its fault Rose got taken away.

The Doctor looked up. He briefly considered calling for Rose's name, but her bright, golden presence which had filled his mind ever since the Game Station had been replaced once again by the blankness and emptiness he used to feel. And he knew it was too late.

Something was either blocking him from reaching to her or…

"No!" He stood quickly, shoving that thought in the back of his mind. Putting the offensive piece of cool metal that rested in his hands somewhere deep in his pockets, along the very bottom, he refused to even consider the option that his Rose was gone. He had only been in TARDIS for barely 5 minutes after she had left its premises, it was far too little time for someone to have... taken her and dragged her away.

Only… he knew it wasn't. He was fast to realize his mistake the moment he had exited his TARDIS and the scent of rihso, which was the most powerful aphrodisiac in the Universe, available only to humans after the 59th century, had filled his senses. He looked around at his surroundings again and cringed when he noticed the tall, twin mountains that resided in the south, the sun reflecting upon them giving them a strong, red glow, almost the color of blood. Right at their bottom border, a large, oval-shaped lake took residence, nearly blinding him with his crystal clarity and blue-yellowish surface even when he was miles away. To the north, the industrial zone of the city began and many large, high domes and buildings resided on the outskirts of town, the houses and buildings getting lower and lower as his gaze focused around the center of the city.

A sharp realization came to the front of his mind as the name of the planet appeared itself and startled him into silence.

"Stardom 5" His lips murmured and he ran his hands over his face as he finally understood the graveness of the error that he had made. Making Rose leave him over someone as mundane as Mickey-the-Idiot – even if he was gone in the parallel universe – was one thing. Losing her to someone else by force, simply because she might make an unconscious gesture, unaware of the customs and traditions of this race, was very, very possible and plausible, and something different entirely.

He had to find Rose and fast, or else it might just be too late for her and consequentially, for him as well.

The people of Stardom 5 were sneaky little bastards. Their sole purpose in their lives was finding a compatible mate and then came everything else. He wasn't a fool, Rose was a beautiful girl and the possibility of someone claiming her as his caused another sharp pang to erupt in his chest. He knew he would have to fight tooth and claw to get her back if she had unknowingly accepted the advances of a Dershin. Of course, he knew how to make them back off and take her for himself instead, but he just refused to do that to her. There had to be a different way, there simply had to. The Doctor knew that Rose didn't have much time left. The Dershins were incredibly fast people, physically and mentally, and they wouldn't waste time in binding her to them. In any other planet in the world, he would have been perfectly fine with Rose pummeling a guy or two that tried to make a move on her, and he would have even given his own contribution when she wasn't watching. But not here, not on Stardom. Here, that simply wasn't an option.

Because here, if you accepted the advances of one of the locals and then rebuffed them, you were sentenced to an immediate and very painful death.

And the Doctor would have rather given away every last one of his regenerations before allowing such a crime – at least in his mind – to be committed.

With that decision, his mind already began running through different ideas and possibilities of how to get Rose back, while he began a quick and hurried pace down the steep clearing his TARDIS had landed on. He was heading directly to the heart of the town where he hoped he would find his Rose, get her out of this planet as fast and as far as he could, and still manage to maintain his own sanity, for his own well-being and hers.

"Piece of cake." He said aloud. His words echoed throughout the empty hill-top, the heavy note of sarcasm he poured in them lost in the breezy chill as the Doctor's lips curved into a frown and a deep worry-line made its presence known on his forehead.

Less then 20 minutes later, the Doctor found himself at the gates of town. In any other time and circumstance, he would've been impressed by the progress these people had made in such a short time, considering their limited resources.

Behind the large, iron gates he could see a large fountain, probably twenty feet tall, its shape oddly familiar, but not familiar enough for him to remember what it was supposed to resemble on the spot. Around it, a large purple surface spread – which was actually purple grass – decorated with several smaller fountains some distance away from the first one, several benches and something that resembled an Earth's playground in the far northern side.

Beyond that, this part of the city was just like any other; shops, cafés, restaurants and office buildings lined the already overcrowded streets. If it wasn't for the strange design and material all of these things were built with, the Doctor would've thought that he was back on Earth, walking through some random London street.

But no, what all of these buildings had in common were their bright, light colors and odd, circular-shaped roofs that resided on each and every one of them, each with a different size and slight difference in shape.

And that just brought his mind back to Rose. He had to find her, and soon, or he'd never be able to forgive himself. The guilt would haunt him forever, and besides, he had promised Jackie, vowed his lives on it, that her little girl wouldn't get hurt or stranded on some alien planet with no one to save her. He was here, and he was the Doctor. He could do anything he wanted, regardless of the consequences, and if anyone even thought that they could mess with his Rose and then get away with it, they had another thing coming.

He reached up with his hand, ruffling his hair and then lowering it to his neck, rubbing a few times in hopes to alleviate the tension that had accumulated in every nook and cranny of his body.

His eyes noticed the watch guard and he walked towards him, his stride purposeful, his eyes wary and ancient, seemingly aware of every trick they could play on him with his shoulders squared, as if preparing for a fight.

"Hello mate." He shouted cheerfully, gleeful that the guard hadn't even noticed him before and had dropped the spear and small dagger he was holding in his hands and was now franticly on the ground, looking for it.

The Doctor took in the features of the man in front of him and tugged on his ear. He supposed that the Dershins could pass off as a generally good-looking race.

The Dershin soldier in front of him was tall and well-built, with broad shoulders and a small neck. His skin was the characteristic blood-red color that defined this particular species. On his head, he could clearly differentiate two little horns that grew out of his head, poking upwards proudly, speaking of his mature age and experience.

The Dershins were a fascinating race at the very least; he had to give them that. They had come into existence long before the humans had and yet their physical appearance was in direct copyright violation to the devils and demons described in books and movies and what not.

The Doctor watched the Dershin finally straighten up and walk over to him, inspecting him with a critical eye. "What are you looking for here, aye?" he said in a gruff and husky voice that had the quality of torn velvet. The Doctor shuddered and plastered a large grin on his face, coming closer still, sticking his hand in the pocket of his coat, pulling out the psychic paper.

"Oh, right, right, here see, I'm the Doctor, member of the Board for Intergalactic Crime Handling, or… BICH if you wish, for short." The Doctor spoke quickly; briefly flashing the paper in front's of the guard's face, before closing it rapidly and shoving it in his pocket.

Then he straitened out and fixed the most serious expression he could muster on his face. "I and the other members of the board have firm reasons to believe that a very dangerous felony has trespassed onto your territory without you even knowing it. I have been sent here to inform you of this and find the wrong-doer so I can take her back into prison, which is where she belongs." He allowed a slight smirk to appear on his face, sure that the guard would misinterpret the gesture.

What the Doctor found ridiculous was how easy he swallowed the story and how quickly fear had found his way into the grayish-blue eyes of the Dershin and his face had turned ashen. Well, as much as it could, considering the intensified red color that filled his face and neck.

Rose would most probably get a kick out of this, he grinned inwardly.

"I am sorry, Doctor, but I cannot let you pass. This city is forbidding entrance to all outsiders, aye." The guard spoke, trying to keep his voice calm and professional, but the slight crack near the end of the sentence told the Doctor that he had succeeded in scaring the poor man senseless.

The Doctor glared. "I hope you understand that I am only doing my job here, sir. It is my duty to find this girl and take her back with me, and if you don't let me pass, I'll have to consider your actions as an obstruction of justice. And that means you're actually protecting the prisoner, and I'll have to take you into custody as well." His voice was low and grave, his eyes narrowed into slits. He was unleashing the full power of the Oncoming Storm and he knew that he should've thought twice before doing that. But at the moment, he wasn't being rational. He didn't give a damn about thinking things through.

At the moment, he was a man on a mission… at the moment; he was a man in love…

"But… but…" the guard sputtered, his eyes wide as saucers.

"Just let me through and I'll consider this little "encounter" forgotten." The Doctor repeated, a little urgency creeping into his voice. "Also, if you help me locate this girl, I'll even make sure you receive a nice, hefty compensation for your trouble once I got the girl back." He added.

The Dershin standing in front of him sighed. A long and rough sigh before he ran his hands over his eyes as if he was still incredulous to what had just transpired in the last few minutes.

"All right, sir Doctor, aye. I'll help you, aye." He said slowly, with a nod of his hand and moved to the gate.

The large, iron doors creaked and groaned loudly, but gave way under the strength that the guard was inflicting upon them.

The Doctor shimmied through the small space that had been created and moved to stand besides the guard. He threw his arm around his shoulders and grinned. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Marton, sir, aye, my name is Marton." The Doctor nodded and grinned again, a slight twinkle in his eyes.

"You know, Marton, I think that this may just be the start of a wonderful friendship." He laughed and headed into the general direction where he knew the older part of town should be located, in the ruins that resided near the woods. He knew that the mating rituals and traditional festivities happened there every month with lots of fireworks, drinking, and a nice, big bonfire. It was his best shot, so he had to try.

"Doctor, what's the name of this girl, aye, and what crime had she done against you, aye." Marton stopped the Doctor and looked him into the eyes and for a second, he felt compelled to just blurt out the truth.

Her name is Rose Marion Tyler and she is guilty for repeatedly breaking my hearts… he sighed inwardly. He would never, ever let those words cross his lips, no matter what was at stake.

"She does not have one name, Marton, she's a criminal. She has many names, tens, hundreds, maybe, but the last name she went by was Rose Tyler." He looked away from him, because the lie was somehow much harder to force through his teeth if he was looking straight at him and took a deep breath.

"She has committed many crimes against the Universe, but… thing is Marton, Ms. Tyler is wanted for genocide." That was most definitely the blackest of lies he had ever spoke in all of his nine hundred something years, because the idea of Rose, his sweet, naïve Rose doing such a thing was unthinkable. His throat constricted the moment the words were and his own mind chastised him for not thinking this through. He knew how the Dershins could be when it came to the matter of murder. They were unforgivable and now, when he had told this man that Rose had committed genocide they were never going to let her get away from here unscratched.

STUPID, STUPID, STUPID, what have you done, you bloody bugger… a voice that had a distinct northern accent shouted in the Doctor's head, and he bit back a sigh.

Now what was he going to do. He knew that Rose wasn't capable of such a thing… Weeell, except maybe that one time with the Daleks… but that wasn't her fault, she may have been the one to start it all, but she wasn't the one who brought it to its finish. She simply wasn't herself and couldn't be blamed for that.

"Gen-genocide, Doctor. Are you certain?" Marton's voice reached his from somewhere behind and he turned around, walking over to him slowly.

"I have to be honest with you, Marton, no one can be quite certain. Until recently, we were pretty sure of this fact. But since then, more and more evidence has been coming up that Ms. Tyler's mind was under the control of some other being at the time of this attack. We have to take under consideration that she just didn't know what she was doing. This is why I have to find her, take her back with me and make sure I get the whole truth about the matter, one way or another." He nodded to him and suppressed a sigh of relief when he saw his posture relaxing, a much calmer look replacing the blazing fire of hatred that burned in his eyes just seconds ago.

"All right, Doctor, I'll help you, do you know where you want to start?" Marton quickened his pace and the Doctor followed by his side.

He nodded. "The last time I saw Ms. Tyler, she had gained a slight concussion; it is possible that she might not be aware of her surroundings or of where or who she was, so I have no doubts that if she had been found wandering around she might've already been taken to the claste – the large mansion where all girls in the age for marriage are living, right?" He was grasping for straws, but it was his best he could come up with.

Something in his mind just wasn't working right. It was like something had short-circuited; preventing him from thinking straight and acting accordingly to the situation he had found himself in. All he could see, each time he closed his eyes was Rose, the girl who was so full of life and fire and thirst for knowledge. She was definitely unlike any other companion he had ever had.

She was just like him, in many ways. He had come to realize, after their fourth trip in his previous body, that she had already stopped thinking that he was worth the monsters. She didn't take them just because they were a part of the life he led. Instead, she began to seek them out, just like he did. She began to take thrill in being chased after and her opinion didn't change even after the numerous times she had been close to dying on him because of said monsters.

That was only one of the things he loved about her. She never broke down or whined or complained. She took things in stride, as they came at her and never showed weakness. While he knew this was wrong – from his own experience mostly – he still admired her for it.

"Actually, Doctor, we might have to hurry if you are certain that she is there, aye. The official mating rituals begin tomorrow, as soon as the moon rises. For these past few weeks many girls have been already courted and claimed and now they're just waiting for the actual ceremony so that they can depart with their betrothed. I know this, because my own two daughters have already been spoken for and will be getting married tomorrow, aye." Marton spoke and blinked when he saw the alarm on clear display in the Doctor's wise eyes.

"WHAT? Why would they do that?" the Doctor's shrieked and panic obvious in his words.

"Who? My daughters?" Marton found himself confused not for the first time since meeting this weird man that called himself the Doctor.

"Yes, yes, your daughters, Marton. Of course not your daughters." He took a deep breath to calm himself, even when he knew that it was of no use.

The very thought of his Rose being claimed by someone else like some sort of an object… it made him was to punch something.

"Doctor, you surely must be aware that there is nothing you can do if the girl you want to find so badly has already been taken, aye?" Marton spoke, uncertainty seeping into his voice.

"I. Don't. Care. Marton. Rose is mine and no one's going to take her from me, are we clear?" the Doctor growled, his mind going haywire with different possibilities and everything that could happen if he got there too late.

"Doctor?" a somewhat soothing hand reached the Doctor's shoulder.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He was loosing control of his temper and fast. He had to find Rose before he was driven absolutely mad.