Book: darkest powers: the awakening.
Title: I'll be there to catch you.

Chapter one.
I had been asleep awhile, dreaming of recent events. Until I was shaken awake by Derek. The bus had stopped and I could tell with one look at his face what was wrong.

His skin was drenched in sweat, so much that the hair that was in his now glistening eyes was sticking to his forehead, and heat was radiating off him because of the fever.

Before he could say anything I told him. "I'm coming with you".
Something seemed to flash in his eyes. I think i imagined it because before I knew it, it was gone.
He mumbled "okay" and walked away, he didn't even argue like I expected him to.
I left a note for Simon and placed it on my seat.

Derek's changing. I've gone with him. Stay on the bus we will catch up.

When I got off the bus Derek was waiting feverish near the edge of the wooded path.
"We need to get inside the trees, as deep as I can go. Just follow me and stay close".

We kept walking until the flood lights from the truck stop disappeared through the trees. Stopping only when Derek heard a noise in the distance.
"If it looks like I'm close to finishing, you have to leave". He turned and looked me in the eyes.
I just stayed silent looking in his eyes; I couldn't seem to look away. Something inside me began to flutter. How strange…
"I need you to promise Chloe". He all but begged, his eyes were pleading me.
"You're not turning into a monster Derek". I told him softly. "It will still be you".

"I don't know that. A lot of things could be messed up from whatever they did to our genes". He said.
"Derek, unless I feel in danger, I'm not going anywhere and leaving you by yourself". I argued.

"We can't take chances when I don't have a clue what will happen, so when and if the time comes you need to get out of here okay or you're getting back on the bus". He left no room for argument.
I could see how much he didn't want to hurt me and I believe he would never purposely harm me or put me in danger unless necessary.

"Fine. The moment you grow a tail, I'm out of here. Happy?" I told him, returning his glare.
"Ecstatic". He said sarcastically.
I just smiled sweetly at him.

We walked a little farer.

He scratched his arm and came to a sudden stop.
This isn't going to be nice to watch, even worse than last time"…
I cut him off. "I'm not going anywhere and you already know that Derek".
I took a step closer to him and put my hands on his shoulders.
Looking in to his eyes I said. "It will be okay".

AN: should i carry on ?
R&R please :)