I got inspired to write this story based on the fanfic "Diary of Demetria", so this will be my newest Sonny With a Chance story so far. Everything you'll read here is all purely fiction.

Hope you guys enjoy it!

"You, You two, are my wings!"- Alto Saotome, Macross Frontier

That quote itself proves how high my hopes and faith is. You guys may not know me, but I'm like every other kid around the block. My name is Daniel Gerson, an 8-year old boy with hopes and dreams as high as the moon. I want to tell you my story on how I touched the heart of a certain someone that you know and even be a fan of.

That's right. I'm talking about Demetria Devonne Lovato, a person whom I, like you, am a fan of.

One day I was busy playing playing Invizimals with my friend Robert. As I was busy playing the game with my friend, I just heard the bad news. It was that bad news that will open my heart to help out that someone.

Demi Lovato quits World Tour, goes into rehab due to "Emotional and Physical" problems

Demi Lovato recent went in rehab due to some problems concerning her. Prior to that, the "Camp Rock" actress was reported that she punched her backup dancer because she thought that the backup dancer tattletale on what happened that night when the actress along with the Jonas Brothers went out for a night out.

It was also reported that she actually threatened Ashley Greene, Joe Jonas' current girlfriend, out of jealousy. She is currently recovering in (name of rehab center) also because it was also found out about her past problems prior to entering stardom, one of them involving cutting.

The moment I read that, I wished I can do something about it because after all, The Lord told us to love each other so I said to my friend, "Is it possible to help out a celeb that really needs help?"

Robert replied, "Well I guess it is possible but yeah… it's a hard thing to do. It won't be that easy. Trust me, my older sister tried to help someone but it's really rare."

As we were still talking, my mom came home with bags full of groceries. My mom was one of the staffers for Hollywood Records. She was actually one of the secretaries there, and when I'm not in school, I join my mom at work. Everyone was nice to me whenever I'm there.

"Hey boys, you having fun?"

"Hey Mrs. Gerson. Yeah we are. We're just talking about someone…"

My mom knew what we're talking about even though she came in late. My dad is the teacher in my school, and he just reading a book. He said, "Well the children are getting a bit concerned. I'm not going to ruin it for ya."

"Dad, were you eavesdropping?"

"Son, I'm so busy on this book. Why would I be busy on you two?"

My dad wasn't finished on the book he liked the most. It was God's Tribesman. He had that book and never lets go of it, even though he had another one called "Tuesdays with Morrie" which he hadn't started yet.

My mom finally broke the silence on all of us and said, "If it's about Demi Lovato, yeah I know. Poor girl. If only people do care, well at least her loyal fans were, but what about the others?"

"Mom… did she really did it?"

"Well son it's kinda personal, we can't just talk about these stuff, even though I work for that actress' record company, and we aren't even allowed to gossip about them in the office."

I was feeling sorry for Demi that moment. A few minutes later I went to my room and went to my bed, thinking, do the nice people really have to care for the other? I mean yeah I do know her as a fan, but she's not a part of the family. But she is a part of God's family. I should do something to cheer her up. If I could…

My dad came in my room and told me, "Son, you're still thinking about her?"

"Dad… I was thinking, was it possible for me to help her even though I have nothing to do with her?"

He then sat down my bed and told me, "Well son," as I sat down on the bed too, "it is possible, you do know that The Lord told us to love one another so that means you can love anyone, whether you know them personally or not."

To be honest, I was raised up in a Christian environment so yeah I know those stuff. We go to church and we all made sure we haven't missed a beat on Church or bible time. But applying it to a celeb that needs all the help and support she can get? That then leaves me a big question mark for me.

"I know you want to help her feel better in the times she needs to recover. Well there is one thing you can do. How about writing her a letter?"

Writing a Letter? But then again, writing letters to a celeb can be difficult, esp. when you want to cheer her up. Not to mention the giant bag of mails from her fans, meaning it takes a long time before it gets to your letter. Count it as a blessing if she did reply to you. But then again, no harm in trying right? Maybe I can give it a shot for once. Or twice, if it works out.

"Dad, it could work. But I have no idea where can I send it."

"Well ask your mom. But probably you have to be creative and somewhat feel-good because it would help her one way or the other. I know you can do this."

"Thanks dad. I'll do my best to cheer her up through letters!"

Later on my mom gave me the address to write to her. She also told me that it should be marked with something that will immediately reach her, like in the lines of "Confidential" or "For Demi Lovato Only", stuff like that, because what if it gets in the wrong hands? You can never be too sure anyway.

As I look at the autographed picture of her which is in my desk, I finally had the courage to write out a letter to her. Before that, I prayed to the Lord to give me an idea on what to write for her. And after a long time writing, this finally came out.

Dear Demi,

Hi. My name's Daniel Gerson, age 8. I heard what happened to you in the tour, so as a fan, I decided to write this letter to you because I know it'll make you feel better while you recover. Me and my family will always pray for you no matter what. You're my inspiration in whatever I do, whether in getting good grades or making my parents proud of me. Ever since you can out in Camp Rock and up to now, I look up to you as a sister I never had. (yeah because I'm an only child, bear with me) you were awesome in everything you do in life, and even use whatever you learned in the past to make you a strong-willed teen celeb who turns to a role model to others. I know it might be short but in the end it's the thought that counts. So yeah I hope I can bring in more letters to you so you'll be happy and you can recover quicker. Right now, I will always be with you, no matter what happens. God bless and never give up.

Your angel (for now),


The moment I finished it I kept it in my pillow hoping I can send it tomorrow. Then I decided to call my friends at the youth ministry (even though I'm the only kid in a sea of teens in that group) about my plan to make someone happy even when they're down. They agreed with me and gave me a good luck for this attempt that I'll have to do.

That morning, I got up early before school and put the letter in the mailbox, because that's what has to be done so that the mailman can get it. As I go to school that day, I said to myself, here's hoping I helped out well.

Well that's the beginning to the story, so I might do more of this in the later days. And before I go I'd like to thank you to DemiIsMyInspiration for the inspiration to do this story.

Leave reviews. This story will continue when I get a chance to type again.