Author's Note; This is a side story to my story 'Sickness'.

Sasuke mentioned in Chapter 6 that Itachi was at Hogwarts on a mission.

This is set before the Uchiha Massacre and in the 3rd book in the Harry Potter series.


Itachi: 11

Shisui: 19

Sasuke: 6

Harry: 13

Disclaimer; Harry Potter and Naruto does NOT belong to me!

Itachi disliked interruptions.

He disliked them even more when they cut the precious little time he had with his younger brother. But this was a summoning coming from the Sandaime, so he couldn't just ignore it like he wanted to. He sent an apologetic look at Sasuke, completely ignoring the stuttering of the Chunin messenger. Sasuke merely nodded and turned his attention back to the mission report that he was writing since Kakashi was never bothered to do it himself.

Itachi barely gave a distracted tilt of the head to the stammering Chunin before he flickered to the Hokage Tower.

That was where he discovered that one of his supposedly exact theories was incorrect.

There was someone alive who was as old as the Sandaime, but from his choice of clothing, he was also much more senile. Even though he had been temporarily blinded by the dazzling turquoise that was the odd grandpa's robes, Itachi could sense someone in the room other than the Sandaime, the sparkling man and himself. It was quite familiar too…


"Ahhh…Yes, Raven, Coyote will be on this long term mission with you," Itachi carefully controlled his muscles so that he appeared not to even twitch. The Sandaime only called them by their ANBU animals if it was a high rank mission.

"This mission will be from S to unranked in the level of difficulty. You will be guarding a school called Hogwarts where students from the ages of eleven to eighteen will be learning magic," here, Itachi observed the strangely dressed old man look puzzled. Perhaps he had expected protests that magic was not real. Who did he think they were? Genin? Itachi resisted the intense urge to scoff.

If the Hokage were to say that they sky was green, any shinobi or kunoichi above the rank of Chunin would have already changed their minds to suit his purpose, no matter how much their logical mind protested. If the Hokage were to say that magic existed, who were they to object?

"Your client here is Dumbledore Albus, the Headmaster of Hogwarts. You will be protecting his school from a criminal who is said to be hunting down one of his students. You will also be guarding that student, Potter Harry, as the boy is prone to being reckless. The rest of the information you need are on these scrolls. There is the layout of the school, the profile of Potter Harry, the recent history of the happenings in the Magical World, some facts that might help you and a note of all things you are required to accomplish during this one year mission," The Sandaime pushed forward a pile of thick scrolls which they both picked up.

"Albus-san, these are ANBU Raven and Coyote. Raven, Coyote, you may introduce yourselves." Shisui was the one to take the lead and took off his mask.

"Dumbledore-san, I am ANBU Coyote, Uchiha Shisui, and aged 19 years. I am also known as Shisui of the Mirage or The Master of Shunshin. Ranked A in the Bingo book."

Itachi shifted his eyes to stare straight into those blue ones that strangely reminded him of the Yondaime's.

"I am ANBU Raven, Uchiha Itachi, 11 years. I can be known as the Uchiha Prodigy, the Sharingan Master, the Konoha Red Eyed Demon, pick what you prefer. Ranked A in all Bingo books except S ranked in Iwa."

Turning away from those pensive azure eyes, he stood to attention before the Sandaime.

"You will both report here at 0730 tomorrow morning. Mission intelligence will be handed to me monthly by Chunin or Jounin messengers. ANBU Raven and Coyote, Dismissed."

Both ANBU bowed and departed in puffs of clouds and leaves.

Dumbledore was uncertain.

When he had requested two of Sarutobi's best shinobi, he had not expected a boy who couldn't be older than twenty, from the sound of his voice. He couldn't see the face because it had been covered by a porcelain mask that was curled into the image of a canine, but he could distinctly see the spiked black hair and a sword tied to his back. Sarutobi had acknowledged the masked man as ANBU Coyote. Perhaps he had assumed wrongly, ANBU was a very hard position to get into after all.

When there was a lash of wind, he strained his eyes over his half-moon glasses to see the other guard. It was a boy. He was as small as a first year with long black hair tied back and similarly colored eyes absolutely blank. That frightened him. Even Tom Riddle hadn't had such eyes at that age. Who was this boy?

Sarutobi addressed the boy as Raven and continued to debrief the mission to the boy. And all the while, the child had stood completely still without so much as a twitch of a finger or shift of a strand of hair.

Dumbledore watched patiently, wanting to see the child's reaction to the mention of magic, but he was sorely disappointed when the boy didn't even blink. He was very confused. Years ago, when he had hired a team of Genin with a Jounin instructor, the blond boy had refused to believe that it was true until he had start making the ceiling snow and the floor turn into quicksand.

Minato had been very sure that Dumbledore was just another grandpa gone senile who had been sprouting nonsense. Jiraiya had laughed his head off at the poor boy's misfortune after having to dig himself out of the floor. Later, Jiraiya had solemnly thanked him for making Minato act like a kid again. The boy had been so uptight those past months because of the imminent threat of a war with Iwa.

When Sarutobi motioned for the boys to introduce themselves, it was the masked one who stepped forward first. He had slipped the canine shaped mask to the side of his head and tilted his head to observe Dumbledore's reaction at his youthful looking face. When all he got was a thoughtful look, he spoke.

"Dumbledore-san, I am ANBU Coyote, Uchiha Shisui, and aged 19 years. I am also known as Shisui of the Mirage or The Master of Shunshin. Ranked A in the Bingo book."

So young and he was already ranked so high. He should have trusted Sarutobi to choose a good one but he still did not know what to think of the younger one. His eyes locked onto impassive black pits.

"I am ANBU Raven, Uchiha Itachi, 11 years. I can be known as the Uchiha Prodigy, the Sharingan Master, the Konoha Red Eyed Demon, pick what you prefer. Ranked A in all Bingo books except S ranked in Iwa."

All this was said in a straight and crisp tone and with no inflections in his words to help identify emotions. He wondered how such a young boy could have such a high rank in the Bingo book and what the child had done to warrant an S rank in Iwa. Glancing back over at those eyes again, he decided that perhaps he was better off not knowing.

Sarutobi finished speaking to both ANBU and they vanished in twin bursts of smoke. Looking at Sarutobi's amused expression, he conceded defeat.

"So, are they up to your level?"

Dumbledore nodded.

Two ANBU should be enough to protect Hogwarts.

Glimpsing Sarutobi's possibly downright devious expression, he idly wondered what he had gotten himself into.

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