Chapter 3 –Mission! Mission! Mission!

The mission they took was a piece of cake for the group. The only thing that they did was show up at the scene and all of the bad guys came running away. After that Lluvia had to whip the bad guys back to them. All hell broke loose after that. After a few minutes the award money was given and equally divided to them. Just as easy as that.

"That was stupid." Gazille said with a stoic face and arms crossed at his chest.

"That was easy!" Lucy said with glee as she held the award money and pocketed it with security.

"That was a good mission." Charle said getting a nod of agreement from Wendy.

"Though Lluvia would have wanted a better fight." The girl frowned.

"At least we finished it easily. Now on to the next mission for the day." Pantherlily said.

"Another mission? WITH THEM?" Gazille ranted about to Pantherlily. Pantherlily merely walked to the side of Lucy and plainly ignored Gazille's angry outbursts.

The group was walking down the Main street, going back to the headquarters. From right to left was Lucy, Pantherlily and Lluvia with Charle and Wendy in front and Gazille at the back, a few steps away. People around them glanced at the group as they passed by and some even whispered to one another.

"Hey, Fairy Tail members!" A guy shouted as they passed a stall. All of them stopped to look at who it was. The plain guy grinned and waved to all of them. Surprised the group went on their way and waved back at the person. This time the group stuck together closer.

"The people seem to look at us like it's an uncommon thing to spot a Fairy Tail member. . ."

"Might be because we're walking together?" Wendy replied

"Or it can be because of our large number of members." Pantherlily suggested.

"Mix those two and you'll get the answer." Gazille said in an annoyed manner.

"Y-Yea right." Lucy said.

The group picked up their pace and found themselves welcomed by the Head Quarter building of Fairy Tail. They walked inside one by one and found the partying crowd asleep and drunk inside. There were moans here and there, random shouts from drunkards, groans of mingling hangovers.

"Again with these stuff? Hmmmm. . . what the heck." Lucy mumbled to herself as she scanned the crowd for Natsu and the others.

"Must be on their mission. Let's pick a fast one and finish the day." Pantherlily said, breaking three of the girl's each different trains of thought.

"Good idea Pantherlily." Charle agreed with a nod of the head.

"Psssh. . . Fairy Tail's strongest team." Lucy again mumbled to herself, now facing the mission board.

"Gray-sama's . . . still not here." Mini dark clouds gathered upon her head and began to rain down on Lluvia.

"It's okay we've already finished a mission together. That proves we can do it without them." Lucy stood her ground but slowly also began to mope.

"Can you girly girls stop this! You people were the ones who said that we should work as a group on a mission. Now you give me this?" Gazille bursted out to the three girls. The three were stunned, what he said was true. It was their choice and they had to hold up the choice they made.

"Lluvia will make Gray-sama proud." She said with shinning inspired eyes.

"That's it. We'll show them what our new group's made of." Lucy said, staring at the board with a smirk. She reached out a hand and grabbed the specific piece of paper.

"Never underestimate the newcomers." Wendy said with Charle supporting her statement.

"Underestimate? This group does have two out of three dragon slayers." Pantherlily stated out. Gazille grinned at his cat's statement. It was true. Their group had two of three of the whole guild's dragon slayers. Seriously, what is there to worry about? And that was what Lucy exactly thought.

"We won't do this today. Tomorrow we're going on a trip!" She exclaimed, with her hand extended forward and the paper clear for all of them to read. The others looked at her with a confused face and took a long look at the paper, before making their violent reactions.


So like yea, I know this is A SUPER SHORT CHAPTER. But I have been waiting to update for some time now. I will update soon. If not please feel free to kill me. And I am not kidding on this one.