I sat in my windowsill looking out onto the grounds; tears rolling slowly down my face.

He had just left and I knew that for the night at least I was safe. I sighed and wiped my cheek, wincing as I hit a cut. I got up slowly and walked to my bathroom, I gripped the counter and looked up into the mirror dreading the view that would meet my eyes.

My brown hair had grown tamer over the years, these days however I had taken to straightening it with a charm every morning, so it reached all the way to the middle of my back. My brown eyes had lost their shine. On my cheek there was a slight cut from where he had hit me. This had been going on for three years. He was my best friend; I knew he never meant to hurt me. I watched another tear fall from my eyes as I gingerly peeled off my shirt to access the damage that he had done this time.

I grimaced as I saw my stomach for the first time tonight. Bruises covered my stomach some were almost healed. Most were fresh. On my arms; however, was evidence of my many years of pain. Light and dark scars went all the way up to the crook of my elbow. I ran my fingers lightly over my scars, so pearly white and calm. I turned and slid onto the counter so I was sitting on it. I reached over and grabbed my knife. I put the knife to my arm and pulled it across quickly hissing slightly as the pain flowed through my body. This was the only time I ever truly felt alive. I ran the knife across my arm again and again until there were five cuts on my forearm. I set my arm to the side and sighed deeply. I let my blood drip down the side of my arms, and just sat there until I drifted of into the blackness of sleep.