Summary: The superspy Alex Rider thought he knew it it all. But he never thought he was a son of a Greek immortal... (Takes place after SCORPIA and the Last Olympian. )

Alex knew something was wrong when he heard growling. Being in a cell had been bad enough, but when his captor started growling... well, let's say he knew his captor had something very very weird about him. "Well, well, well, grr. The famous Alex Rider is in my Grrrrrasp. I'm sure he'll make a nice meal, even though he's a little bit bony for my taste, and his blood type is A: the taste is sometimes too sweet. "The man snarled, and started pacing around him. Alex looked at his captor with a sneer and said, "yeah, a good meal. Nice one. I you cannibalistic as well as psychotic?" Alex silently wondered dryly whether or not his captor really was cannibalistic- that was not going to end well.

His captor glared at Alex angrily, but continued to pace, and started licking his lips. Alex watched the man warily, and thought: how many times can these idiots underestimate me to understand that I shouldn't be looked down upon? For his captor had made a fatal mistake.

For that, he was going to pay.

But before Alex could make his move, he heard clangs of metal on metal- as if someone was sword fighting right outside his cell. The captor whipped his head back, as if startled, and snarled angrily, like a dog which had its meal taken right under his nose. And in away, he did: he had a made a mistake of turning his back against The Alex Rider.

Alex lunged and punched his captor in the windpipe- his captor hadn't bothered tying up its meal, thinking that it was harmless and would be paralyzed in fear. Alex grimly heard the snap of the man's neck, clearly signaling the man's death. Alex expected the man to fall, but instead, the unimaginable happened.

The man crumbled into sand, and like a sandcastle blown away by an electric fan, it drifted towards Alex, and got mangled up in his blond hair. As Alex stood there, dumbfounded, he didn't realized the sound of battle had ceased; all was quiet expect for his deep breathing.

The door busted open. Alex whirled around, heart hammering, to see a very beautiful blond girl with grey eyes. Her face had a fierce expression, and she had a knife - a knife! - In her hand. Alex tensed, waiting for the mysterious girl to attack; instead, she was taking everything she saw in to her brain, and her grip on the knife visibly relaxed. She looked at Alex, and in a bold voice she stated, "I'm Annabeth; I'm actually supposed to save your life, but as you've already done that, we'll compromise to taking you in."

Alex simply stood there, uncomprehending. Then, he fainted from exhaust and shock.


Yup, my first fanfic. Flaming isn't nice, but constructive critism is. I think.

Just to tell you, I lose motivation a bit too quickly, but I promise I'll do my best if people review.

'Til next time!