I was having a rough day. KC had broken up with me for Jenna Middleton, I failed my history exam, and a guy ran over my glasses a few seconds ago! He quickly got out of his hearse, (a hearse . . . what is he obsessed with death or something?) and picked them up.

"I think they're dead," he said giving them to me.

"I don't need them anymore, got, laser-surgery," he stared with intent into my eyes.

"You have pretty eyes," he said with a smirk on his face.

"Thanks," I said breathless. "I'll see you around?" I asked looking up.

"Guess you will," he said with a glint in his eye.

Alli teased me the entire way to my locker saying, "Look who's finally gotten over KC,"

"It's only been a few hours,"

"Well, you seem like you're over him,"

I bit my lip and said, "I might be,"

She squealed and ran off to her next class. I walked alone to math.

I sat bored through three long periods before lunch. I was watching the clock with aticipation. Tick tock. It was almost like it was taunting me. Finally the bell rang and I was off to find Alli. Hopefully running into the new kid on my way.

It turned out I didn't run into him, but into Mr. Simpson instead.

"Oops, I'm sorry, Principal Simpson," I apologized quickly.

"It's alright, Clare, really," he said smiling.

"Okay, I gotta go to lunch now," I said walking around him.

x x x

Too bad I never did see the new kid at lunch. He must have not eaten. I walked quickly to Ms. Dawes' English class, I'm in eleventh grade English even though I'm only in tenth grade.

I walked into her room and saw him. I took a sharp intake of breath. Everybody in the room turned around and looked at me. I was so embarassed I sat down and buried my face in my arms.

When Ms. Dawes walked she placed him in the seat in front of me, and announced, "Class, this is Eli Goldsworthy, and Clare would you mind showing him around?"

I inwardly groaned. The last person I had to show around school was K.C. and he turned out to be a total jackass. Did I just think that? Everybody was staring at me waiting for an answer. I nodded my head and blushed violently.

Ms. Dawes was handing back papers and I got a C. A C! How could this happen?

I raised my hand," Ms. Dawes, I don't understand how I got a C, I used complex sentence structure and advanced vocabulary,"

I heard a groan.

"ELI, JUST SHUT UP ALREADY! NO ONE ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION!" Everyone in the room looked at me with amusement and shock.

Ms. Dawes looked at me with disappiontment. She sent me down to the principal's office.

x x x

After a long lecture about not yelling in class and not losing my temper(one i don't have), I was finally released.

I went to Eli's locker. He was putting his books away. I slapped him across the face, causing him to stagger backwards.

"What was that for?" He asked rubbing his red cheek.

"For being the sarcas-sarcastic, e-emo, stupid, b-boy you al-always a-are," I yelled loudly, flailing my arms around in exasperation.

He smirked. Oh god, does he know I would die for that smirk? I smiled. Then I remembered that I was super-uber mad at this sweet, super cute boy in front of me, and glared. I pivoted and ran to my locker.

When I reached my desination, Alli was standing watching me with a gleam in her eyes.

I asked, "What?"

"I am soooooo proud of you!"

I looked at my hand, it was really red, almost purple, and shaking rapidly.

Alli asked, "What happened?"

"I slapped Eli. Hard."

"Oh my goodness, was he red?"

"Oh, yeah, big time," We laughed hysterically.

Adam came over and inquired, "Why are you laughing?"

"Clare just slapp-"

"Slapped my best friend, who is in love with her, yeah I know. He is over there, by his locker, crying his heart out,"

AWWWWWWW! That's sooo sweet. I walked quickly over to Eli and said, "I've been hearing some interesting rumors about you,"

"What rumors," He said wiping tears from his eyes. "I haven't heard any rumors about us,"

"What do you mean 'about us', I just said 'rumors',"

He blushed. It was so obvious. He was usually pale. Eli glanced up at me and studied my face. I was drowning in his deep, jade green eyes. The bell rang interrupting our moment.

I rushed to P.E. I was dressed down and ready before Coach Armstrong entered the Gymnasium.