I don't own X-men or any of its characters.

Laura was running, twenty men in H.Y.D.R.A. uniforms followed her. She had already disabled about forty but there were too many and they were all shooting tranquilizers at her. They did not knock her out but they slowed her down. She ran into the woods and into the fog hoping she could lose them. She stopped and listened to their screams, someone was killing them and they were losing. Then it was quite, Laura took out her claws with a loud snikt, as the person approached her.

Then she felt herself knock as a blur of blue and red passed her.

"Don't move," a man in blue, red and white, told her as he stepped on the shield that lay on top of her.

"Who are you?" Laura said as she faded to black.

"Captain America," she heard and then she was gone.


Laura sat in a chair with her arms tied to a chair as well as her legs.

"What is your name?" captain America said as he appeared from the dark.

"Laura- Laura Kinney," she managed to respond as tears filled her eyes.

She had to fake her death and H.Y.D.R.A. still manages to find her, even her mother Sarah was gone. Sarah had gone to so much trouble; she even had changed her name from Deborah to Sarah to protect Laura. And Laura had managed to get herself caught.

"Why was H.Y.D.R.A. after you?"

"I don't know."

"Are you a mutant?"


"Is that why they were after you?"

"I am not going back, I'm not, Logan says I have a right to live," she cried.

"Logan?" captain America looked at her waiting for her to respond but she just cried.

"Well is she the girl?" a man in black asked, his face hidden in the dark.

"Her name is Laura, she wasn't lying." Captain America responded and left.

Laura was taken to a cell, where she was fed. She waited, there was nothing left for her, she would always be a weapon, and she knew that was why she was there.

As she slept, she felt someone cover her mouth.

"Don't scream; tell me how you know Wolverine?"

"He is my father," she said as Captain America let her go.

"Your father? But I thought you were x-23."

"I am, I'm Wolverine's clone. They are going to use me aren't they?"

Captain America opened the cell, "leave, go to him, I'm sorry I can't do more for you."

Laura ran as fast as she could, hopping that Logan would be able to take her in, at least Captain America believed he would.


Logan watched as the new members in the mansion toured the place. He had not been so happy about some members joining such as Gambit, but the professor had no problem so he let Gambit join. Others he was happy about, he knew Colossus had problems with magneto over his family, so seeing him join, along with his sister, he was glad they had the big guy.

There were other new members, a young woman by the name of Elizabeth known as Psylocke had joined. Sam's younger sister Paige had also joined as well as Scott's brother Alex. Kitty's friend Danielle had also joined, as well as the little boy Leach.

There were many new anti-mutant riots happening and many parents wanted their children safe. Warren and Forge had also decided to join.

A new Native American boy waited by Logan his name was James, he was very tall and muscular, and had many of Logan's skills. Logan knew they would get along well.

"Well kids this is where you train, you are to never be late." Logan stated as he showed them the Danger Room. Forge just smiled,"I am going to love this place."

"Yea but you also have to train not just make new programs," Logan chuckled.

Forge just looked down, he knew how Logan trained, at least the big native guy would not have a hard time, he thought.


The professor Charles waited for Logan to appear with the new members. Some of the members had already wandered off. Gambit followed Rogue around.

"Swamp rat! I told ya you ain't supposed to be here, Logan ganna beat you."

"But for you chere it's all worth it non?"

"I ain't your chere you stupid Cajun."

"Just admit to Remy that you missed him since the bayou incident and he be gone." Gambit got closer to Rogue, too close, Rogue thought as she stepped back.

"What you trying to do swamp rat? If you get too close I can absorb you and I don't you in mah head again."

"why not chere ain't Remy fun fo' ya?

"No, so stay back."

"C'mon chare one kiss won't hurt."

"What? You must've lost your head, haven't you heard: I can't touch ya without killing ya!"

"Ah chere Remy thinks it's worth it to die from the kiss of the most belle fille in da world."

"I hate ya swamp rat." Rogue said as she tried to get away.

Charles laughed, he knew rogue had done a lot better since Gambit had come into her life whether she admitted it or not.

Ororo came up to the professor along with Warren and Betsy.

"Professor, I am done showing them around would you like us to have dinner now?"

"Yes, Ororo but were is Piotr?"

"Oh yes, well Kitty was very excited to see him and Danielle so he took them along with Illyana to her room."

He was glad they were all getting along; it was going to get hard for them now that mutants were exposed.

Kitty showed Danielle her room and Piotr stayed outside the door too shy to come in.

"Kayta I don't think its right for me to be here, the professor would be very upset, I don't want to get in trouble."

"Oh Pete you won't besides it's not after dark and there is four of us here," kitty phased him in partially.

"You are like ganna love it here!"

"I hope so I had to leave my father," Danielle smiled sadly.

Students please report to the dining room it is time to eat.

Charles made his announcements through his telepathy but it was jean who called. Scott and Jean had decided to cook dinner for everyone and had spent all day in the kitchen.

As they all sat down to eat Logan noticed a different sent coming from outside, he recognized it at once: she was here.

Logan got up and walked outside as he waited for her to appear.