NOTE: Hi. Someone from the group "Authors of Gakuen Alice" on Facebook sent me this. And I decided to support this. So, please read. And do participate ;)))) - Mikie

Romantically Loveless, My Hopeless Romantic, Indigograpefruit and Heartbroken Confession challenge YOU.

It's the month of May and though some of you may not think of it as a special month (unless it's your birthday month), we're going to try to change that. I've gotten some messages about how slow GAFFN has been recently, so we've have come up with a solution:

May Madness.

Yeah, it's a stupid title, I know, but there's no use in making it more complicated than it needs to be. The essence of the event will span the entirety of May and what we want to do is cause chaos.

Update as much as you can. Post new stories. Try new writing styles. Delve into the lives of side characters. Try canon. Try alternate universes. Try different couplings. Be fearless. Be creative. Go MAD.

Write what you feel, what you dream and what you wish, but write well.

We want to restore GAFFN to what it was: a thriving mess of awesome stories with the great characters from Gakuen Alice twisted in a way that is unique to you, the different writers of FFN. Emphasis on the 'unique to you' part. We'd rather not be blamed for causing a riot of petty writers, etc etc, so bring your A-game and participate for the sake of the GA fandom and we'll join you.

Tell your friends, add a little note at the end of your chapters to promote this event and include a little segment of it on your profile. We want to amp up the place. It's not a competition but if it'll make you write like maniacs, then you can pretend it is. Support your fellow writers, I know I'll be reading stories found on the archives at random.

Be fearless. Go mad.


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