Guess what everyone


Hehe, enjoy

Axel and Roxas were relaxing on the sofa, Roxas being in Axel's lap but he didn't mind. At the moment they were the only people in the room. Namine and Xion went to their room to rest up, while Terra and Ven snuck off somewhere to do god knows what to each other, and Vanitas left to check out the town, leaving Axel and Roxas to do whatever they wanted. Axel was thinking of the possibilities as he rested his chin on top of Roxas', but his thoughts escaped him as he heard a door opening. He looked across from them seeing Terra and Ven sitting next to each other, Ven wincing as he did so. "Ohhh, so I see you guys finally did it congrats." Axel said with a smug look on his face. Ven blushed a deep shade of red and buried his face into Terra's chest because of the embarrassment, Terra giving Axel a well deserved glare. "Hey it's a compliment. The first time my little Roxy and I did it he couldn't walk for a week." Axel chuckled.

"Axel!" Roxas practically shouted, his whole face turning bright red as he looked at his lover. Axel smiled and leaned down and kissed Roxas on the forehead.

"But that's only because I'm that good." Axel whispered seductively into Roxas' ear. Roxas giggled and rested his head on Axel's shoulder, Ven was still too embarrassed to look up from Terra's chest, who was whispering words of encouragement to the young teen. The four teens turned their heads when the heard Riku exiting from his and Sora's room.

"So Riku, how did it go?" Terra asked, petting Ven's head, which was now laying in his lap.

"Sora wasn't ready, now he's sleeping, I guess it was a long flight for him." Riku replied walking into the living room.

"Man when will that kid just wake up and spread 'em. I mean you guys have been dating for what, 2 years now! What the fuck is he waiting for?" Axel blatantly asked, causing Riku to blush.

"Sora and I want to wait. We want our first time to be special, not because we were piss drunk at a party and we were locked in a hall closet." Riku replied, making it Roxas' turn to blush.

"You know you loved it Roxy." Axel said, leaning down and kissing Roxas on the cheek.

"Axel, you weren't suppose to tell anyone about that." Roxas whispered.

"Hey we're all friends here. We don't keep things from each other. We just happen to be the most experienced out the group." Axel laughed.

"You know you're a real ass at times Axel." Terra said, the glare still evident on his face.

"But you guys love me." Axel said with the smug smirk returning to his face.

"No we don't." Everyone but Roxas replied, making Axel grin.

"I love you two Roxy." Axel smirked.

"So Roxas, Demyx asked me what songs you plan to sing this week." Riku said, sitting down next to the loving couple.

"Oh I was thinking of 'Shake' and 'Daddy's Little Girl' for dance songs and 'Body Language' and 'Buy you a Drink' for slow songs. I haven't sang those in a while."

"Okay I'll be sure to tell him that. Ven, do you know those songs?"

"Y-Yeah." Ven answered timidly.

"Okay good. I know I say this each time, but it's required that you know the songs Roxas wants to sing just in case something happens and he can't perform." Riku explained.

"B-But why do I have to do this? Can't someone else do it?" Ven tried to talk his way out of this, which wasn't something new.

"Ven, people come to The Eternal Divide to hear good music, and from all of the comments from our regulars, Roxas is the best. If we want people to continue to come back, we'll give them what they want." Ven was going to retort, but held back and nodded. "Okay good. On a side note, Sora and Vanitas are going to work at the club now."

"Big surprise seeing as you own the place." Terra stated sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm not going to make Sora go out in a place like this to look for a job. With Seifer and his gang moving back here, it's a risk to him. I can't be there for him 24/7, so I have to keep him somewhere I know he's safe."

"Aww, how sweet. You really do have a heart under all of that hate." Axel said in a baby like manner, pinching Riku's cheek, which was quickly swatted away. Roxas got up and made his way to the kitchen to make himself some lunch, when he and the rest of the guys heard someone at the front door. It was Hikari and she was carrying arm full bags of groceries.

"Hey, where have you been?" Roxas asked, making his way over to her, helping her with the bags, bringing them into the kitchen.

"Well I had to go see someone, then I went grocery shopping, seeing as we have two new mouths to feed." Hikari explained, beginning to empty one bag. "Hey Riku how's Sora? Is he feeling alright?"

"Yeah he's fine, why do you ask?" Riku answered a little puzzled.

"I just have a feeling something's wrong with him. Do you mind if I go check on him? Seeing as Zexion isn't here."

Riku nodded. "Okay, he's asleep right now." He pointed to their room.

"Thanks." Hikari finished emptying and storing the grocery bags and went to their room.

"Her and her feelings, honestly." Axel said wrapping his arms around Roxas, who was in the kitchen fixing himself something to eat.

"Yeah, but if it weren't for those feelings, none of us would be here Axel." Riku smirked.

"True true." Axel got up and made his way into the kitchen where Roxas was fixing himself a sandwich. His back was facing Axel, so he didn't know he was slowly approaching him until two arms looped their way around his body, causing him to gasp. "So Roxy, why don't you and I…" Axel whispered seductively into his ear, nipping at the lobe, making Roxas' body shake.

"Axel…not he-here. Th-they're still…" Roxas couldn't think straight as Axel snaked his hand down the front of Roxas' pants, rubbing against his boxers that rested against his aching member.

"Then I'll shut and lock the door. I know how you've wanted to do it in here, but we never had the chance to. And don't say you aren't in the mood, your body tends to disagree with you." Axel stated, pressing against the bulge forming underneath the Roxas' boxers.

"F-Fine…" Roxas submitted, Axel grinning like a fox, almost blindingly racing toward the door and back toward Roxas.

"Why don't we move this," Axel said moving the food Roxas was using to make a sandwich to the far counter. "I don't want to get you to dirty." He whispered seductively in his ear, nipping at it, making Roxas blush. With his fast hands, Axel unbuttoned Roxas' pants making them slide down to the floor, leaving Roxas in his boxers. Roxas started panting as Axel snaked his hand under his boxer, and gently squeezing his aching member. "So Roxas, what exactly do you want me to do?"

"I-I want you to - *gasp*" Roxas whispered, but he was taken out of his train of thought when Axel gave him a hard squeeze.

"You'll have to speak up Roxas. How will I know what you want if I can't hear you?" Axel teased.

"I want you t-to, oh god, fuck me!" Roxas all but screamed as Axel roughly rubbed his length.

"And how you like me to do it? Slow and gentle, or fast and hard." Axel asked seductively, nipping to the lobe of his ear.

"H-Hard." Axel smirked, he loved it when Roxas talked dirty to him. With those fast hands of his he pulled Roxas' boxers, leaving Roxas' entrance exposed. Seeing his boyfriend leaning over the counter like that, ready for what he had in store was almost enough to send Axel over the edge. But he came back to reality, and quickly unbuttoned his own pants, and dropped them and his boxers and lined up his throbbing length up to Roxas' entrance.

"Now's where the real fun begins Roxy." Axel whispered, as he entered Roxas in one quick motion, causing him to gasp. "Jeez Roxy, it seems that no matter how many times we do this, you're still tight." That was the last thing Axel said before he began to mercilessly slam into Roxas, bringing the tip of his member almost all the way out before slamming it back in full force. After one or two thrusts, Axel found Roxas' sweet spot, causing the younger teen to nearly scream out to pleasure. "You better *grunt* keep it down Rox *grunt*. Unless you want *grunt* Ventus and the others to watch." Axel said, never slowing down the pace of his frantic thrusts, slamming into his sweet spot once again. Fearing that Axel was right and the others would come in and watch, Roxas threw his hands up to his mouth to hold back the pants and moans he so desperately wanted to deliver.

Axel's speed never decreased, as he continued to abuse Roxas' tight hole, tightly gripping the young teen's hips, certain to leave bruises later on. As each of them got closer to climaxing, Roxas found it difficult to keep back a scream of pleasure as Axel leaned over and began to play with his member with a free hand. Axel found himself placing his other free hand over Roxas' mouth, pulling the young teen up against his own body, making it so both of them were now standing straight. "By the sound of your little scream, I can tell you're close. Just wait a minute, so we can cum together." Axel whispered seductively, continuing his movements of teasing and thrusting. Roxas was so close to his limit that he couldn't stand it. After another minute of this abuse, Roxas couldn't take it, cuming in Axel's hand, Axel not being too far behind, emptying his contents into Roxas' entrance. Roxas' legs were shaking as Axel pulled out of him, unable to hold his own weight, he fell to the floor, desperately trying to catch his breath from what they just did. "So, what did you think Roxas? Aren't I just amazing?" Licking off the remains of Roxas' seed, and redressing himself.

Roxas glared at him, "Sh-Shut up…"

"Come on, let's go before the guys think something's up." Axel said, helping his boyfriend get dressed again. They both made their way out of the kitchen, leaving Roxas' sandwich behind, for he suddenly lost his appetite. As they walked into the living room, they saw Vanitas, Xion, Namine, and Kairi were up and sitting on the couch. "Hey, look who's gotten over they hangover." Axel directed toward Kairi rather loudly.

"Oh shut up…" She moaned, unable to think of anything else as a comeback.

"Jeez what took you guys so long in there? We thought you ate him or something Axel." Xion giggled, followed by Namine, causing Roxas to blush.

"They're not too far off…" Axel whispered so only Roxas could hear as they made their way to the couch, and having a seat.

"Hikari should be finishing up checking on Sora soon, so we should be able to talk about how them working at the club." Riku explained.

"What, so now they're working there? Why am I the only one out of your small group of friends that can't work there?" Kairi practically shouted, giving herself another migraine as she did so.

"Well if one of them drinks about a months worth of drinks in an hours time, then I'll consider hiring you back." Riku said sarcastically.

"Well I was under the impression that we were allowed to have free drinks seeing as we know the owner."

"Yes you can have free drinks. But there is a limit, and you can't drink from a customer's glass." Riku retorted, causing Kairi to glare at him. They all were startled when they heard Sora and Riku's bedroom door open, only seeing Hikari walk out.

"So how is the little angel?" Axel asked sarcastically.

"He's coughing up blood." Everyone was thrown back by this, but no one as much as Riku, who jumped off the couch and ran over to her.

"What's wrong with him! Is there anything I can do? Tell me!" Riku could barely get the words out, he was panicking so much.

"Now I'm no doctor, but it looks like he's had internal bruising. Mainly in his chest and stomach areas, those showed the most damage. His arms and upper legs were barely noticeable, but they were still there. They seemed like there were there for some time, like a few years I think. Once Zexion gets back he'll do an overall check on him, and if it's too bad I'll take him to the hospital. I just hope it doesn't come to that." Riku's arms began to shake, he knew how Sora got those injuries.

"That son of a bitch! I'll kill him!"

"Huh?" Hikari was confused, being the only one there who didn't know about Sora.

"Sora's dad beat him." Namine answered, everyone looking away from Hikari, but she understood why.

"Oh my, I'm sorry I didn't know. If I did, I would have used the stun gun on him without hesitating." Anger was evident.

"What do you mean?" Riku asked, not knowing what happened.

"Dad came to graduation. He nearly killed Sora. Hikari made him stop." Vanitas explained.

"Is that true?" Riku asked, Hikari nodded. Without warning, Riku gave her a tight hug, something he normally only do to Sora. "Thank you." He whispered, Hikari just nodding. After that little incident, they made their way over to the couch.

Hoping to lighten the mood, Axel asked, "So, you saw little Sora in the buff?"

"You are a real perv you know that?" Terra stated.

"What I just wanted to know." Hikari looked over to Riku, who was slightly worried.

"No I did not see Sora 'in the buff', he was in his boxers. But he only agreed to it if I didn't touch him. He was a little jumpy about that." She leaned over to whisper something to Riku. "I think he wants you to be the only one to see him 'totally exposed'." She laughed as she saw Riku's face light up.

He clears his throat, "*Ahem* So, so Vanitas, do you want to be a bouncer at the Eternal Divide?" Riku asked hoping to change the subject.

"Are you kidding? A chance to beat up the lowlifes of this town? I'm so there! Maybe I'll be lucky and get to beat up Seifer and his gang again."

"Again?" Namine asked, catching Riku's attention as well.

"Oh, w-well it's not important. I'd love to take the job."

"Great, so we're all working together now." Xion cheered.

"You mean almost all of us." Kairi retorted.

"I keep telling you, you can go in for free, but you have to pay for your own drinks."

"What fun is that? If there are no free drinks involved I don't care."

"Fine have it your way. More fun for us." Axel replied.

"So it's settled, tomorrow is the day that we all start working together as a team. This'll be great."

Hope you guys liked this chapter

I put in some AkuRoku action to make up for leaving the story the way I did last time

Yay everyone's happy, hopefully Sora will get better

You'll have to review if you want to find out what happens to everyone