New York When It Sizzles

Thank you everybody who reviewed! I will try to write atleast once a week. If you want me too continue i only need one review, (but make it a good one!) to continue this stoy, it was supposed to be a one-shot, but i got inspired and wrote more, so thanks to everybody!


Blair ran out the church, she had no plan, she just knew that no matter how long, or how many streets she had to walk through, she was going to find Chuck Bass.

But then she realized she did not need a plan, Chuck was outside the church, wearing a purple tux, the way only Chuck Bass could.

She stopped on her tracks, looked, and then flung herself at him, he caught her and they hugged for what seemed like eternity, they fit perfectly, their body's rembered each other, she had come home.

But something pulled her out of is embrace, she turned to see who it was, Parker, standing there looking furious. Then she remembered she was supposed to be saying 'I do' to him, in the ceremony, but now she could not. She could not marry another man, while the love of her life had como to rescue her.

This was what Blair Waldorf always dreamed of a movie wedding, but now that she was getting one was it what she expected? NO, it was ten times better in her opinion. Chuck loved her and he had come to save her, because only he knew that she needed saving.

"Blair," Parker said rather calmly, "we should continue with the ceremony." He reached forher hand, but she pulled it back, she needed to let him down easy, but she did not know how.

Breakups had never been easy for her, nor dissappointment. When she broke up with Nate: she slept with chuck; when she broke up (or was rather stood up by), with chuck: she went out with a british Lord; and when she broke up with the Lord: let's just say it was not her finest moment.

So she really did not know how to go about this. How did you break up with someone you had said you would marry, and within that have said that you were never going to leave him, but the moment Chuck Bass walked through the door you gave up your whole commitment to him.

She was about to speak, when Chuck interrupted her.

"I'm sorry, driveway is it?" asked Chuck.

"Parker, actually" said the other man in an obviously uncomfortable.

"Well Driver, you see I don't reallly care..."


Serena Van der eoodsen and Nate Archibald, were proud of their best friends, because they were finally going for what they really loved, but did they really have to do it the day of Blair's wedding to another man.

When they looked into each others eyes and realized the same thought went through they're minds, yes. Yes they did, because no matter what Blair and Chuck did it always big.

They glanced at the people in the church, some had expressions of anoyance, others were bored, but it ws one person in particular that had caught both their eyes, Lily Van Der Woodsen-Bass-Humphrey.

Her face glowed, therewas a big wide smile across it, she was happy that her son, charles had finally done the right thing even if it was on the girl's wedding day. But what can you do, better late that never in her opinion, but one thing was bothering her, why were they outside so long had something occured?


Outside Blair was scared because Parker was fuming and she had never seen him like this, he was mad because of what chuck had just said, and not only taht but also the way he said it to him. Slowly, as if he were explining it to a child.

Chuck had explained to parker that he was going to take Blair, sweep her off her feet, win her heart back and that Parker was not exactly part of that plan, but that thing that hurt Parker the most was the way Blair's eyes sparkled for Chuck in a way that had never sparkled for him.