So guess what? This story is officially off hiatus! The muse has found its way back, although I have to say that this story is still not my priority, I will try to update it at least twice a month. Many thinks to Edward's-team'you-go-girl for getting me up off my lazy but and making me finish this.

Disclaimer: Nope, still not mine.

As I got ready for my "date" with Alice that night, I was practically giddy. I wasn't sure If the move was finally catching up with me, or if it was just Alice herself. Just being around her was…intoxicating. She was like a whirlwind of energy and happieness, barely contained inside the body of a beautiful girl. I had never known anybody quite like her before, but I was incredibly glad that she had decided to single me out for friendship.

I had bought a good deal of fashonable clothing earlier, at Alice's insistence, and I dressed in some of them that evening. As I checked my makeup in the mirror, I felt nervous. I was being rediculus, I told myself firmly: Alice had already shown herself to be a good friend, not to mention a remarkably non-judgemental person. Why was so nervouse that she was going to "dump" me once she realised just how plain and boring a person I was, especially compared to her. I was inturrupted from my thoughts by my doorbell ringing.

I greeted an apparation. Alice looked-in a word-gorgeous. Her spicky hair framed her face in a way that I could never, not in a million years pull off.

We went to a small Itallian restaurant, and whiled away the time discussing our lives. Alice told me how she had been adopted by a wonderful couple named Carlilse and Esme when she was a baby, and how she believed in supernatural. I, in turn, regaled her with tales of growing up in Pheonix, Arizona. I thought that my own stories must seem frightfully dull in comparison, my Alice listened like they were some kind of magic. She had spent her childhood traveling form place to place, and to her the idea of a single place in which to build childhood memories seemed like a happy dream. Eventually, like girls at a sleepover, we left behind such "deep" topics, and turned to…boys.

"I," said Alice, "Have had four steady boyfriends-and by steady I mean a relashinship lasting over a week-and one girlfriend. Your turn."

I was taken aback by her forthrighness, but I had to keep myself from laughing, as it seemed like such an …Alice thing to say. To wrap up all her former relashonships into a little package and lobb it at me like a brick. "I," I said "Have had only one boyfriend-if that's what you can call a pinply boy in my sience class with whom I went out twice. But I have never even kissed a girl. Though of course," I added hastily "I have no problem with it."

"No problem with never having kissed a girl?"

"No, no problem with bisexuals or gays."

"I see." There was silence for a minute, before I noticed Alice smirking at me.

Are you saying?" Alice said, "that you've never been kissed?"
"I was kissed - once" I admitted. "But I've never kissed a girl"
"Well, What are you waiting for?" Alice exclaimed "Go ahead,kiss me." She puckered up.
I slowly leaned my head forward. The kiss was soft and sweet, A girly kiss. The soft pressure of her lips against mine pulled away all to soon.
"There" Alice said in satisfaction. "Now you can officially say you've kissed a girl.

I just stared at her, the kiss leaving me breathless. What was this girl doing to me?

Please review! Untill next time!