Lady Darkness:
A Slytherin's Legacy

Summary: When evening breaks and the sun melts into the ground, a dark moon arises. The world is split between two forces – yin and yang. Ever darkness has its light. Our lives are a balance between good and evil. That is...until the heir to the Legacy of Slytherin is born, and the scale tips. Her name...? Hermione Cassandra Riddle. The new Lady Darkness.

Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership to Harry Potter, or anything related to it.

Pairings: Hermione/Draco, Ginny/Blaise, Possible Luna/Theo

Note: This is the re-write for my other story 'Lady Darkness: Era Obscurum'. I wasn't totally happy with that, so after lots of encouragement from my reviewers, I have decided to start this one. Updates may be a bit slow, since I'm juggling around a lot of things, but this depends on the reader response I get. Either way, I hope this story will grow into something you and I both will love! Plus, if you want a few spoilers, go check out the Footnote!

Prologue, Part 1
Reflecting on the Past

The alley was dark and deserted, so much so that it was almost eerie. A hooded figure appeared at the opening to the alleyway, her heart thudding loudly. She rushed into the dim place, breathing heavily. She dodged several crates, and a particularly menacing looking black cat. But she kept sprinting, her long legs stepping in large strides. She never stopped once, but only when she reached the large wall that blocked her path, that she became aware of the imminent danger she was in.

Her hands clenched the sides of her robes, and she slipped her hand into one of the large, bottomless pockets. She bit her lip, and as the faint sound of footsteps grew louder, she became more frantic. She rummaged around in her pocket until finally; her hands grasped the object she was looking for. In a swift move, she pulled out a long gold rod. Her pursuers ran past the corner, and entered the area where she was hiding.

Two men stumbled into the corner, matching glass bottles in their hands. They sauntered over to the 19-year-old girls, their eyes clouded with lust. They were both near-identical in appearance, and their shaggy, rough look made it blatantly clear that they weren't sober at all. They were speaking to each other, their words a gurgle of rude, indecipherable speech. Their eyes were trained on the girl in front of them, and it was evident that they were undressing her in their mind.

The girl growled at them, her voice a mixture of fear and fury. Her cap slid off her head, revealing a pale, porcelain-like face, and a heedful of honey curls. Dark ebony eyes glinted in the darkness, almost menacingly. She was daring the men to move forward. The rod in her hand clicked, and expanded, until it formed the unmistakable figure of a staff.

The air around the staff rippled slightly, and the brunette was about to strike the offenders, when somebody jumped in front of her. The staff-wielding female took a few minutes to process the fact that somebody had actually come to her defence. She gaped slightly, as she took in the figure in front of her. It was a boy – she could tell by the way he was standing. But he was unlike any other boy she had seen.

His body radiated power. But his was mixed with hate and bitterness. She knew what he desired – his core was itching for a gruesome, bloody revenge. The brunette shivered, involuntarily, and tightened the grip on her staff, and watched the back of the boy who had so willingly jumped to take any attack. His black hair was tousled, and his coat was disarrayed, but he didn't seem to care.

He had lowered himself to a defensive stance, and he had his hands stretched out before him. A silver ball of energy appeared in his hand – only the size of a peanut. One of the men's eyes narrowed, and he clumsily pulled out a wooden stick – his wand. His companion quickly followed his lead, almost tripping over a rock when he did so. The brown-eyed girl took note of this, and watched as the energy ball in his hand steadily grew larger.

She pursued her lips. Drunk or not, those two hulks were Aurors, and there reflexes would be quick. She needed to do something, while her defender was charging up his attack. She sucked in a breath, and clenched her fingers near the top of her staff. It gave off a soft yellow glow, before it turned into a small, shining baton, with a simple jewel-encrusted design near the edge. She smiled down at her new weapon, and she promptly slashed it downwards, before the men could even blink.

A small, pink line appeared on the ground, between her rescuer and the attackers. The line squirmed, almost as if it were slime. A thin tendril squeezed out of the crack, and wrapped itself around the ankles of the two men. The teenage boy must have seen this, because a small smirk appeared on his pale face, and the orb in his hand tripled in size. He stepped backwards, and thrust the ball forward.

It sped towards its target at full-speed, and hit them both with deadly accuracy, hurling the two men over the wall, and into the empty darkness. The boy looked at where the two men were last standing, and stood up, carefully. He dusted himself off, and turned around, not even bothering to check where the antagonists were. After all, it wasn't his fault. They shouldn't have even tried to rape a girl in his hide-out.

Meanwhile, the brunette girl was staring at the boy's back, warily. While she was no doubt extremely grateful for his brazen act, her instincts told her to be careful around the boy. She didn't want to get on the bad side of someone with as much power as he seemed to hold. Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward to thank her unlikely hero, but a blaze of uncertainty hit her in the midst of her step, and her world started to go blurred and dizzy.

The last thing Celena Ellanora Ravenclaw saw, before she fell into the arms of her rescuer, were two crimson red eyes looking down at her.

It were days like these that Molly Weasley truly felt ashamed of what she had become.

Her husband, Arthur Weasley, was sitting at the edge of the kitchen tab, and handful of hefty bills in his hand, and his forehead creased in frustration. Molly knew what he was thinking, and she had thought the same thing when she had scanned over the neatly printed notes. They were not going to be able to pay off the bills. They would have to get out another loan again, which would reduce their spending money by thousands.

Molly looked down at her hands, unable to shake the lingering what ifs that clouded her head. Arthur had once had a good-sized allowance under his arm, and she, too, had once had several vaults under her name. She herself had once belonged to the prestigious line of Prewett, and was envied by the offspring of various other, less-important pureblood families.

The House of Prewett was hardly an ancient family, but it did have quite a lot of money in its name. Unlike other pureblood families, the Prewett's honoured female as heirs instead of males. It was a distorted tradition, with unknown roots, but it was a custom. Molly had been the oldest daughter of Orvana and Marcus Prewett, and therefore the heir to Prewett. But, she was also arranged to marry none other than Regulus Black.

At that time that she had found out about the man she was supposed to marry, she had fallen in love with the handsome, red-haired Arthur Weasley. In a fit of teenage rebelliousness, she had run away and eloped with Arthur, instead of the rational heart-to-heart talk she should've opted for. When things started to get troublesome for them, Arthur's father leant a hand, and split half of the Weasley family with them, despite the fact that he had to feed Arthur's little brothers.

However, whilst Arthur's dad had been kind and understanding, Molly's parents had been the polar opposite. Furious and disgusted with their daughter, they had scorched her name off the Prewett Family Tree, consequently breaking all blood ties with her. Despite Molly's disparate pleas of forgiveness, they snubbed her, publically denouncing Molly, an act that had put the red-head into months of depression.

Then her sister had struck the worst blow. After Orvana Prewett had passed away, the new Head of Prewett had marched over to the Weasley Household, shouting profanities at her, and telling her, in a cold, frigid voice, how everything – even her Mother's death – had been her fault, and how much she wished that Molly would just curl up and die. Then, Anna Prewett had packed up her bags, changed her name and moved to France, never to be heard from again.

She left, leaving Molly almost penniless, and completely heartbroken.

Arthur glanced up from his papers, and ran a hand through his dark red hair, shooting Molly a reassuring grin. Molly looked down at the small bump that shaped her stomach, and couldn't escape the smile that broke out on her lips. Maybe she was ashamed of what she had become, but there was no way she regretted how her life had turned out.

There were some things about Sieren Lovegood that the normal world didn't know. Things that civilians would laugh off, and claim completely and utterly false...things that her co-workers just wouldn't be able to comprehend. Things – little secrets – that she kept to herself...things not even her husband knew.

On the outside, Seiren was a beautiful woman, with long, trailing blonde hair, and large, silvery-blue eyes that sparkled with hidden mischief. Someone who claimed to know Seiren well would probably describe a similar person – one who was always happy, and smiling, making jokes and generally being a bubbly, lovable person.

What most people didn't know about her was that she wasn't 'good' at all. Seiren had an obsession – an obsession with killing things. Some may call it justice, or even execution, but all Seiren cared about was seeing her opponent's blood splatter across the floor, and hearing the triumphant crunch of their bones cracking. The soulless look in their eye as they stared up at the towering blond...the way their body twisted as the scarlet liquid streamed out of their body...

Maybe that was what had driven her to apply for a job in the Department of Assassinations – the only Ministry department that even came close to the level of secrecy in the Department of Mysteries. It was only when You-Know-Who started to take over, though, that Seiren had actually considered joining the Department. As soon as she had confirmed the request, a handful of request came through, all of which Seiren stealthily completed. She did all of these without leaving a single clue, or even arousing her husband's suspicion.

Yes, she had been a great assassin. Everybody in the Department of Assassinations respected her, and some even called her their idol, though she personally didn't see how she was so admirable. Her Boss had been thoroughly disappointed when she curtly informed him about her decision to leave. Some of her co-workers had worriedly asked her the reason why she had resigned, but she had given them all the same response – a sly wink and a cute smile. Just like anyone would've expected from Seiren Lovegood.

Seiren looked down at the pink rose in her hand. She had sworn to never go back to assassination, ever. And, she would do just that. She would do it for her husband, Xelliphus, and for the baby girl that was growing inside her stomach. For her daughter – Seiren smiled at the thought. Yes, she'd do it for Luna Lovegood.

October 31st, 1981. That day would forever be burned into Celena's mind. The brunette woman was a curled on the living room sofa, her head buried in a pillow. Her hair was matted, and her cheeks were flushed. Tears poured down her cheeks, her make-up smudged. Her dress wasn't ironed properly, and it clashed with her hair colour. In general, Celena looked like a mess.

Sitting next to Celena, a two-year girl was staring at the wall, blankly. She was dressed in a light blue dress, and her short, curly hair framed her soft, baby cheeks. Sitting on the large armchair, she strangely represented a porcelain doll, with her emotionless face. Unlike her mother, she just couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that her father was gone.

What did 'gone' mean exactly? And why did her mother look so sad? Why did she keep muttering strange words like 'death' and 'Potter'? And what was 'Avada Kedavra'? So many questions flittered around in her inquisitive mind, but she didn't dare ask any of them. Even though she had just turned two a little over a month ago, she had enough sense to realise that asking questions would only make things worse.

And so, Hermione Cassandra Riddle sat curled in the armchair, staring out the window, blissfully unaware that the subject of her mother's despair would also be the one thing that would change her life forever.

End Prologue, Part 1

Hey, everyone! Well, this is the first part of my new re-write, so I hope you like it! Everything will be split into several parts, and I have the notes written down for the entire Prologue. I just need to type up the 2nd and 3rd parts of the prologue, which are a lot more interesting. This is chapter is basically just a filler chapter, and I just want to get the past down. As time goes down, these things will be referred to a lot, so I need you loo~vely readers to understand the minor plotlines first.

Anyway, addressing the differences between the re-write and the new story. Well, I won't reveal the whole plotline, but basically, it will be longer, better written, more evil and more fluffy! All the characters you know and love will come in earlier, and you'll be able to see how the story progresses, from the point of view from various different people. So, you'll be able to read how the drama unfolds. There are also major differences in the basic lines between 'Era Obscurum' and 'A Slytherin's Legacy'. I won't be killing Hermione off that quickly (if I even decide to kill her, that is) and there won't be lots of 'Voldemort Reserructions'. So basically, Voldemort rises once, and only once. BUT, Hermione will be aiding him while he rises. I can't say anymore, because if I do, I'll spoil the whole story.

Sooo~! This chapter is dedicated to all my lovely reviewers, whom gave me a huge response for the idea of a re-write. Over 20 people! I'm frankly amazed and thoroughly flattered. I know that some of you liked the whole 'fast paced action' in my previous story and that Prologue, Part 1, is hardly very dramatic, but don't worry. I'm a sucker for major twists and things. Soooo, I'll give you a little spoiler: In Prologue - Part 3, expect a few death scenes. Anyway, the last two parts of the Prologue are basically outlining parts of Hermione, Ginny and Luna's childhood, and how they slowly lose the innocence that they were hailed for.

I'll stop babbling now, since you're probably not reading this useless Author's drone. For now, nothing is important in the footnote, but in the future, I suggest you read these, because they may contain my perspective of the chapter, which will help soothe any confusion. I already know everything that is going on, but the way I project it might be a bit confusing, so if you don't understand something - Tell me! I promise I will address the issue, either by PM or by answering it in the little footnote. (If I get lots of questions, I may create a FAQ section, like in my Azkaban story)

So, if you like this story, review~! The more reviews I get, the more I'm encouraged to get my ass off the chair and start typing up those dramatic scenes. Trust me, you'll see three very dramatic scenes next time! I should know - my notes told me!

Bye for now~!

Your luuurvely writer,
Dark Lady x