Logan POV

I can't believe what I'm hearing right now! Its WAY too good to be true in my life! Wait, I'm pretty sure you guys are wondering what is WAY too good to be true in my life, right? Well, let me tell you!

My best friend, Carlos, and I were sitting in the big orange couch in apartment 2J, just watching some T.V. when all of the sudden, Carlos just started to cry.

You might be like 'Oh! Isn't it normal for a person to cry!' or 'Everyone cries once in a while' or maybe even "Guys cry too you know!', and I completely agree with all that, but this is Carlos, he never cries out of nowhere. So as the good friend that I am I had to know what was going on!
"Carlos...are you OK?" I asked.

He turnd his head and just nodded a yes while whipping tears off his cheeks with the back of his hands.
This was not the Carlos I knew, and LOVED. Yes I have to admit to you guys that I have a crush on my best guy friend, and this is a really big part of my life because I was always thought that having a crush on another guy was not normal.
So I had to ask him "Are you sure'cuz you know you can tell me anything with no doubt about it!"
With a bit of frustration and saddnes in his eyes he said "YES! I'm fine!"
Ofcours, as the pushy kind of guy that I can be sometimes,I said "Carlos, I know you WAY too well to know that you are not fine. Whats bothering you?"
He took a second to respond to me. "Well...I kind of never told anyone this...but I think that I might be...gay!"
I just stayed there with my mouth a bit opened in shock for the statement, BUT I also had a bit of hope in me because I might have a tiny little chance of becoming more than friends with Carlos.
"Well, that does NOT bother me a bit! TRUST ME! But why were you crying?" I said

"Well..I have this HUGE thing for this guy..but I don't know if he likes me like that too! and just seen what happened on TV made me think about him!"
"Oh! well that is perfectly understandable! but can I ask you something?" I asked with a little hope and interest in my voice.
"Um..SURE!" he said with clear excitement in his voice.
"Who is you the guy you like?" I asked with an Innocent look and the best puppy dog eyes I gould make.
"You don't need to know!" he told me playfuly with a small grin on his beautiful face.
"Come on...It's not like I'm gonna steal him from you!" (cuz if I could, I would steal YOU from him).
"Are you sure you wanna know?"
"Figure it out yourself"
"OH, I see you want me to get it out of you, right!" I said to him while I gave him a little wink.

And then the the cutest thing happened, he BLUSHED. Because of ME! ahhh, he looked soo adorable with his pink cheeks and everything.
"Do I know him?"
"Is he from the Palm Woods?"
"Is he...um...part of the band?"
"Is it James"
"No, Kendall and James are together! Don't you remember?"
All I said was 'Oh' not thinking of who was left because of all the questions in my head trying to figure it out. Then he did one of the things that I will NEVER forget in my entire life. He KISSED me! On the LIPS! and I'm pretty sure that he didn't expect me to kiss him back, but o his surprise, I kissed him back with everything a had.
After what seemed like an eternity, we separated for air that we DESPERATELY needed, and all I could say was "Does that mean that I'M you crush!"
Then Carlos chuckled and said 'YES' with such innocence and cuteness in his face that I could have melted right there and there.
And as the dorky kind of guy that I am, I said "OH...COOL!"

then we leaned forward for another kiss.