Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

12 Years later-

"Casey, come here." Scarlet called out to her daughter, Cassandra Rosewood- who was cooing to her owl. Casey pushed her cart over. "Get ready to get on the train, it's leaving in five minutes." The mother said.

"Are you kidding? You're kidding! I don't think I can get anymore nervous without puking my guts out!" Casey exclaimed with a hand still on her owl's cage.

"Oh, relax, Casey." Scarlet told her daughter. "I thought we already went through this. There is no need to be nervous!"

"Oh, yes there is, Mom. What if the people there don't like me? What if fail in school? I mean, I don't think I studied enough! I-" Casey rambled on.

Meanwhile, Scarlet studied her daughter. It was a miracle she was even alive. Scarlet herself nearly died from the war twelve years ago. It still burned in her mind, refusing to leave. Nightmares about it happened every now and then, and she would wake up screaming with a very worried Casey standing at the door.

Casey was eleven. She had her fathers pale skin, her mothers bright blue eyes, his fathers valiant chin, and both parents raven black hair. She was pacing around her cart, listing the things that made her nervous. Quite obviously, she worried a lot.

All too soon, the whistle on the train puffed smoke and shrieked its horn, making everyone jump.

"Mom! Mom! I've got to board the train now!" Casey ran over, her bright blue eyes darted around.

"Yes, you do." Scarlet hugged her daughter. "But we won't be gone for long. I'll see you at Hogwarts, remember?"

"Right, your the Potions Master." Casey waved and left.

Scarlet nodded and watched her daughter enter on the train, immediately making new friends. It was true- her job at Hogwarts was the Potions Master. Although it broke her heart whenever she entered the dungeons, she still loved her job. But, every now and then, tears would spring out about Severus. She only had one picture of him. It was when they were young, stupid, and still at Hogwarts.

Without even thinking, her hand went to her pocket and pulled out that one picture. Scarlet's blue eyes flickered to it. There, in the picture, was Scarlet laughing. While Severus smirked. Their eyes found the camera, and shocked expressions flashed on their faces. Both of them shoved their hands in front of it, and Scarlet could see no more. Then, it replayed over and over. A tear trickled down her cheek as she remembered the time the picture was taken by Abby. Scarlet put it back in her pocket. She knew Severus was somewhere where nothing could ever hurt him ever again. And, she knew it wasn't long before they would be back together, up in Heaven.


YES, IT'S FINALLY THE END! Thanks for reading! I already started a new story (A Decided Fate), which is an OC/DM… so, it would be great if you read that one too. Thanks so much!