Becca Fitzpatrick owns everything, lucky

I hope you like it!

I don't know what the exact time is but from the light that is filtering through my eyelids, I can pretty much assume that it is time to wake up. Keeping my eyes closed I stretch my body, relishing in the sensation of my muscles relaxing. While turning to my side I open my eyes to Patch resting next to me. My heart gives a little flutter and I feel a grin forming on my face. He is so beautiful. His face is calm and peaceful, my eyes roam over his sexy black hair and prominent jaw line. I sigh happily, knowing that this gorgeous man belongs to me. I love when he stays the night. Whenever he's near I feel unbelievably safe, mostly because he's my guardian angel. He must of heard my sigh because slowly his eyelids open, showcasing his sparkling onyx eyes.

"Good morning Angel, did you sleep well?" Omigod his voice was like silk.

I thought that over, hmm sleeping next to him made my night very enjoyable. I felt a blush creep across my cheeks and nodded. His noticed my blush and gave me a smug smirk. I hated how he knew how infatuated I was with him. I felt like that gave him all the power in our relationship, since he hardly ever let his emotions show.

Still grinning he reached over and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear, then let the back of his hand graze over my pink cheek. I couldn't help the sigh that escaped and he ran a finger across my bottom lip.

I like how wild your hair looks, you look sexy.

I groaned. I could only imagine what kind of mess my hair was in. I ran a hand through it and felt a lot of tangles. Yeah, real sexy. How is it that Patch can wake up looking more beautiful than the night before. I looked at the alarm clock and it read 7:03 am. Ugh, if I want to take a shower, which I need, I needed to get out of bed to make it to school on time. Reluctantly, I pulled myself up only to have Patch snake his arm around my waist and pull me towards him. Feeling bold I swung my leg over him so that I was straddling him.

"We need to get ready for school," I said, but even I could hear the unwillingness in my voice.

How about 5 more minutes?

His hands were on my hips holding me against him. I ran my hands up his chest(he was shirtless, showing off his chiseled chest and rock hard abs) and leaned down to kiss him softly on the lips. He moved one hand to the small of my back and the other to my neck. I tangled my hands in his hair, pulling slightly. He moaned in my mouth and I smiled against his lips.

I like this position, Angel. I'd enjoy it even more if we were naked.

Somehow I ignored the innuendo. "Nope, sorry. Come on, we are running late already. Seems like someone shut the alarm off this morning," I said narrowing my eyes at him. He gave me a small smile and shrugged.

"What can I say? I like to watch you sleep, it's fascinating."

I giggled and moved to get off of him, helping him get up too. He wrapped me in a tight hug and gave me a quick kiss next to my ear.

"I'll see you at school, I love you" he whispered in my ear, and I shivered from his warm breath. I clutched him tighter for a second then let go. Maybe we could pick up where we left off… I was getting into it.

I rolled my eyes and he smiled his pirate smile. I sighed longingly and watched him crawl out the window and fly away.

Now I was really running late, damn Patch for being so distracting. I rushed through my shower and dressed quickly. No time for make up so Patch would be happy. I heard tires on the gravel and a honking horn soon after. I ran out the door to meet Vee who was waiting in her Neon.

"Hey baby!" she squealed. "You look like you were in a hurry this morning… Let me guess that boyfriend of yours stayed the night again?" Vee was so perceptive sometimes it was scary. I nodded and blushed.

"Don't be embarrassed Nora, I wish I had a boyfriend to sleep at my house," She assured me. "Details please! How far have you two gotten? Is he amazing in bed? I bet he is, he has that confidence about him." This is how it went the whole way to school, but I really didn't respond. To be truthful the most Patch and I have done is passionate make out sessions sometimes with wandering hands. But that was pretty much it. I knew he wanted to have sex but I didn't know if I was quite ready. My thoughts ran through what happened this morning, and now to think about it our physical relationship was pretty tame. I felt a sharp pang in my chest wondering if Patch was getting bored with me. We were pulling into the school lot now and I automatically searched for his Jeep. Feeling a sense of relief when I saw it a couple of spaces down.

"So? Have you done it? And don't ignore the question again," Vee insisted.

"Umm not yet." I stuttered turning bright red.

"Why not?" She screeched. "He's fucking hot as hell!" She was right there, Patch was the sexiest guy I have ever seen. "And I thought you loved him?," she lowered her voice.

I pondered that. She was right, I did love him. And I trusted him completely. I felt silly for ever thinking I had something to worry about. All of a sudden I knew I was ready. And quite eager if I was being honest.

"You're right, Vee," I told her.

"I usually am babe," she said proudly.

"I think I'm ready, I want to have sex with Patch," as I said it I knew it was the right time. Patch was nothing but patient with me, with the exception with a few innuendoes but that was Patch's personality, and I loved him for it.

"Omigod! I'm so jealous, now I really wish I had a boyfriend," Vee pouted. I laughed at her attempt, her bottom lip was sticking out way to far.

I went straight to my locker knowing that Patch would be waiting for me. As soon as I saw him, desire melted through me. His hair was still damp from his shower and his tight black v-neck clung to him and displayed his amazing body. He was leaning against my locker and looked up as I approached. He truly had the face of an angel, it was so perfect.

I missed you.

"I missed you too," I couldn't help smiling when I looked at him.

He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. He brought our hands up and brushed my knuckles across his lips. I was charmed by the simple gesture. With my other hand I opened my locker and grabbed the books I needed.

As I looked back at his face, I noticed that he was staring at me. "What?" I asked, curious.

"You look beautiful, I love when you don't wear make up," he said genuinely.

I started to blush. "Well I don't, I feel naked without it," I retorted. He raised an eyebrow and I wanted to smack my head.

I'd like to feel you naked.

Ugh I walked right into that one. I let that one go and started toward my first class. Patch walked me to the door and gave me a long kiss before taking his hand and turning the other direction. I watched him walk away and noticed how glorious those black jeans made his ass look. He must of sensed me checking him out because he turned his head back to me and gave me a wink.

Like what you see?

I rolled my eyes, he was so cocky sometimes. But honestly I did like what I saw, and couldn't wait to see it without clothes. God, I was starting to think like Vee.

The rest of the school day went by without anything exciting happening, not counting biology of course. That was my only class with Patch and I could always count on him putting sexual images of myself and him in my mind. I secretly liked the images, but hated that he did it to me in class. He never listened to me when I protested, he would only laugh and make the images more erotic. It embarrassed the hell out of me because I would get all worked up and sweaty. I would start breathing hard and people would give me strange looks. I could only pass my reaction off as anemia so many times.

The bell rang and he walked me to his Jeep. He opened the door for me, and I crawled in. I saw him checking out my ass. "Like what you see?" I repeated his question.

"You have no idea," he responded, the hint of a pirate smile on his lips. He walked around the back and got in the drivers side. He started the ignition and immediately took hold of my hand in his. I smiled at him and squeezed his fingers. He smirked back and then squeezed my fingers.

"I can't stay, I have to work tonight," he mentioned as we were pulling into my driveway. I felt a wave of disappointment. I didn't want to seem clingy but I hated when he was gone.

I sighed. "Okay, will you come over after?." He usually did but I wanted to make sure. The desire to have sex with Patch was still running strong through me.

He let go of my hand to bring it up to my face. I put my hand on his neck and he leaned towards me and kissed a trail along my jaw, to my cheek, then finally to my mouth. He pressed his mouth harder to mine and I opened mine slightly. His tongue found its way inside and met mine. We both moaned as our tongues moved together.

He pulled back slightly and looked directly into my eyes. With a stare like that I felt like he could see right through me. "As long as you want me here, I'll be here," he assured me.

"Well I always want you," I breathed

"Well then, you will always have me," he whispered. His warm breath gave me a shiver down my spine.

"Promise?" I didn't want to seem needy but I really needed him to assure me that he would never leave me. The thought of losing him would kill me.

Nora, I must not be making my love for you obvious enough. Trust me when I tell you that I could never leave you. I am so in love with you that it hurts sometimes. So to answer your question, yes, I promise that I am yours forever.

How did he always know what to say. After saying our goodbyes I got out of the Jeep and watched him leave. One thing was for sure, I was madly in love with Patch and tonight I hoped to consummate that love. The thought made me very excited and I ran inside to clean my room, I wanted everything to be perfect when Patch arrived. Right now 5 hours seemed like an eternity…

I have a few ideas on which direction the story should take but I'm not sure yet, I'm a patchaholic though;) If you love Patch as much as I do, please read and review=D