A/N: Hi there, this is my first fic in the HP fandom and I would like a couple of reviews. I don't want flames, I can deal with them but I just don't want them around so please keep that in mind when you see the phrase "NO Flames" in the summary. Anyway, this fic is about Buckbeak's feelings after he kicked Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. This is rushed in my opinion but I would like some reviews for it.

There are some things you can't do. Apparently kicking The Pureblood Malfoy and injuring his arm is one of them. "No Buckbeak, no! What would Dumbledore say?" I heard the Giant one Hagrid cry and I relented my beatings on the boy cowering beneath me. I bent my head and let out a cry of remorse directed at the Giant one. I was sorry that the Wise one Dumbledore would be ridiculed and the Giant one Hagrid would be punished for my actions but I had no regrets as to what I had just done to the Pureblood Malfoy.

The Golden boy Potter had left with his classmates as I lost control and I couldn't help but look at him regretfully as he hurried away. He had given me a sense of calm as we flew together and I felt at one with him. No human except the Giant one Hagrid had ever connected with me as the Golden Boy had and I wanted more than anything to feel his weight on my back again as I spread my wings.

The Pureblood struggled to his face and cursed, shouting out insults at me and the Giant one Hagrid. I eyed him warily and wanted to slam my hind leg into his arm again but I held back my temper. I watched as the Giant One Hagrid offered to help the Pureblood but he waved the Giant one away and ran to rejoin his classmates, promising to inform his father of this "incident."

"Oh Buckbeak, what have you done?" the Giant one Hagrid asked me sadly and I nudged him affectionately. He patted me, his hand brushing the side of my head that I liked the most and bent down to pick up my chain. He wordlessly tugged at it gently and I followed him as he led me past the thick trees of the Forbidden Forest.

The Giant one Hagrid meant a lot to me. He had raised me as a fledgling and fed me, protecting me from danger for which I was eternally grateful. I would not however let some Pureblood insult the Golden Boy Potter. I do not know why I had reacted the way I did, the Pureblood had merely sauntered up to me, obviously jealous of the Golden Boy and thought I was some sort of dumb beast that he could control.

It had nothing to do with the fact he had not bowed, I did not mind so much if people approached me without bowing, living apart from my kind saw to that but it had been the way that the Pureblood walked as if he could control everything he saw. He had had to be punished and someone had to pull him from his childish fantasy. If the only way to do that was injure his arm, well then so be it.

The Giant one Hagrid was close to my heart, but I would do anything for the Golden Boy Potter, the one who vanquished the Dark Lord, even if the price was death.