I own no one but my own people.

A/N With about 50 million other stories to update, why not add on one more?

December 25th, Olivia's apartment, 6:38 AM.

"Olivia, get up! Come on come on, wake up!" Calvin's joyous voice cried loudly.

Olivia muttered unintelligently and rolled over on the futon she had recently acquired her eyes still shut.

Calvin jumped on the bed and kneeled on the bed and Olivia rolled over again in an attempt to ignore his movements. "Olivia, get up!" he called once more

Olivia raised her head briefly and glanced at her watch for a moment before she sighed and put her head back on the pillow and closed her eyes again, the dim lights on the Christmas tree blinking a soft red and green against her face. "It's six thirty in the morning, Calvin; I just went to bed forty minutes ago. Wake me up in about two hours. Go get some more sleep yourself," she mumbled, half knowing there was no way he would be able to sleep again once he had seen the brightly colored wrapped gifts under the tree that were addressed mostly to him.

He gently pushed on her shoulder, refusing to let her fall back asleep for even a moment. "Come on, Olivia, you didn't buy me all of those gifts if you didn't want me to open them!"

Olivia lazily shook her head, her eyes still closed. "I had nothing to do with it, Santa brought them."

Calvin stopped his persistent jumping and raised a brow in disbelief. "I'm eleven… not five. Now please, please, please get up!"

"Can't you wait at least an hour?" she asked in a last ditch attempt to get more sleep.

"You can sleep AFTER we're done. Come on, Olivia, please!"

Letting out a sigh Olivia nodded and sat up and stretched. "Fine fine, I'm awake."

Calvin's smile almost took over his entire face as he rushed over to the tree. "Hang on a second," Olivia told him as he reached for one of the gifts addressed to him.

Olivia could see the impatience in his face and couldn't help but chuckle at it. "First things first, I need my coffee. You can open your stocking while I make it, okay?"

Calvin nodded eagerly, excited to be able to open at least one thing when Olivia got off the bed and went over to the mantel and grabbed the basic red and white stocking that was full of various things for him.

"Thank you!" he told her as she handed it to him, the smile on his face growing bigger if possible.

"You're welcome," she replied tiredly as she made her way into the kitchen and turning on the lights as she passed them.

She grabbed the full pot of coffee that she had made just before she fell asleep and grabbed a cup from the cupboard and poured the semi warm liquid into the cup.

"Cool!" Calvin's excited voice rang out as he pulled out a blue I-Pod shuffle from the depths of his stocking, his words somewhat muffled from the candy he had in his mouth that had filled his stocking. "Thanks, Olivia!"

Olivia smiled at him as she put the cup inside the microwave and warmed it up for a minute. "You're very welcome."

While she watched him empty out his stocking, she went over and grabbed a throwaway camera from the desk drawer and opened up the package.

"Calvin," Olivia called out as she pointed the camera at him.

Calvin looked up from examining the I-Pod and grinned at her.

Olivia chuckled and smiled as well as she took the first picture of their first Christmas together.

The timer dinged a minute later and Olivia took the coffee out of the microwave and went over and sat back down on the futon where Calvin was nearly shaking with anticipation. His stocking contents, which consisted of the I-Pod, a poster of the yellow Transformer, candy, a chocolate orange, and a 50 dollar I-Tunes card, all laid on a neat pile on the edge of the mattress.

"Now can I open my presents?" he asked as she wrapped a blanket around herself and took a sip of coffee.

Olivia nodded. "Yes, go ahead and open them."

Calvin grinned as he raced under the tree and grabbed one that was hidden all the way under the tree. "Why not start from the outside and work your way in?" Olivia suggested as she took another sip of the coffee. "And be careful under there I don't want you getting hurt on the light cords."

"I will, and I'm starting back here because," he told her, his voice somewhat muffled as he dug deeper under the tree. "I wanted you to open mine first."

Olivia bit her lip as Calvin finally grasped a thin square package from under the base of the tree and pulled away from the pile of presents and went over and sat down next to Olivia and held out the package.

Olivia looked down at the package that was wrapped in red and green striped paper with a shiny gold paper bow on top. "Calvin, you didn't have to get me anything," she told him as she forced the tears that she knew was coming away.

He shrugged in indifference. "I wanted to."

Olivia took a deep breath and managed a sad smile as she took the package from him and opened the paper up revealing a black velvet jewelry case.

She opened the case and gasped softly at the contents in it.

"Calvin, it's beautiful," she muttered as she looked at what was inside the case; a gold plated link necklace with a dark red colored gemstone that was nestled in between two crystal gemstones.

Calvin blushed deeply and looked down at the floor and shrugged. "Thanks," he muttered. "It only cost like 40 bucks, but…"

"Calvin, I could care less how much it cost," Olivia told him honestly as she looked away from the jewelry. "It's beautiful and I love it."

He perked up and looked over at her. "You really like it?"

Olivia nodded. "Yes. Thank you."

Setting the necklace down on the mattress she reached over and hugged him. He stiffened up for a moment before he hugged her back. "You're welcome."

They hugged one another for a few moments longer before Olivia released him and smiled at him. "Now, go open your presents."

Calvin grinned widely before he nearly leapt off of the futon and landed on the floor grabbing the box that was closest to him.

Olivia grabbed the camera and put it to her eye ready to snap the picture of his first present. He had just torn the bow off when there was a knock on her door.

Olivia glanced at her watch for a moment before she put the camera down and got up from the couch and walked over to the door unable to hide her chuckle when Calvin mutter "why did she get me Star Wars for PS3 when I don't even… holy crap."

Olivia smiled as she heard the rustle of presents knowing he was looking for the large box that contained his new gaming system, that Olivia had conveniently put in the back of the presents and behind the tree, as she looked through the peep hole narrowing her eyes in confusion as Calvin's case worker as well as a scraggily looking man with greasy knotted brown hair and blood shot hazel eyes who looked like he hadn't had a bath in a week in his late thirties stood outside her door.

Olivia opened it and didn't even try to fake a smile at the case worker, a decent looking brunette man with honey colored eyes in his early forties named Jeff Waters who had made it his mission in life to get Olivia to say yes to a date with him.

He wasn't a bad guy by any means, he was smart, kind, funny, single… it's just she didn't want to ruin any chance of having Calvin placed in a home, and if it ended badly, she wasn't sure if or how he would retaliate.

"A surprise visit on Christmas day?" she asked in surprise as she gave the man who stood beside him a minor glare as he looked her up and down. "Talk about catching me off guard."

"This isn't a surprise visit, Olivia," Jeff told her, and she was surprised to hear the sorrow in a voice that was usually flirting with her. "It's something more serious."

Olivia looked between Jeff and the man. "What's going on?"

Jeff cleared his throat and nodded towards Calvin who had decided that he would follow Olivia's advice and work from the outside then go from the inside and was now opening up a box that contained a pair of jeans, the video game and an official Giants hat set beside him . "It's best we talk about it in private."

Olivia narrowed her eyes in confusion before she turned back to Calvin who was too invested in the gifts to notice who was at the door. "I'll be right back, Calvin, I'm just gonna be outside for a second."

Calvin nodded and began opening up another gift before Olivia went to close the door, but the man slammed the door back open and shoved past Olivia.

"Mr. Cason, please!" Jeff pleaded but he didn't listen to him.

He made a move to go over to Calvin who now stood up and looked at the man wearily. "Who are you?" Calvin asked as he put the half opened package down.

Olivia stepped in front of him glaring at him. "Get the hell out of my house now!"

The man smirked and up close Olivia at once noticed his eyes look strangely familiar.

"I will," he told her, his voice low and raspy, the smell of alcohol almost overwhelming her. "But I'm taking my son with me."

Olivia's mouth fell open and she looked at Jeff who nodded solemnly. "It's true. He came to the office last night, said he had to sleep off a bender and we would get him today. Meet Richie Cason, Calvin's father."

Olivia swallowed hard looking from a stunned Calvin back to the man who looked almost smug. "Where's the proof, he could be lying to you. He might be some bum off the street."

"We have sufficient evidence, and we had the DNA tested. I'm sorry," Jeff told her honestly, "but it's a perfect match."

Richie smiled smugly. "Thanks for taking care of my boy, but I got it from here." He reached out and put a hand on her shoulder but she wrenched away, glaring at him. "He's drunk. I'm not letting him go with him while he's drunk," he told Jeff.

"That's my kid!" Richie snarled. "You have no right to take him from me!"

"So where were you the first eleven years of his life?" Olivia snapped as she crossed her arms in front of him. "Where were you when his mother abandoned him with a complete stranger?"

"I'm here now, that's all that matters. Calvin, grab your shit and let's go."

Calvin remained silent as he looked from Olivia to Richie his mouth parted in confusion.

"I said let's go!" Richie ordered trying to get past Olivia but she blocked his way again.

"You stupid bitch," Richie growled as he pushed Olivia away from him and making her stumble.

"Don't hurt her!" Calvin shouted as he ran up to Olivia and stood in front of her, looking him in the eye only a moment before he looked away from what felt like a mirror.

Olivia at once pushed Calvin behind her glowering at Richie who gave her the same look of absolute and upmost loathing.

"Everyone calm down and Mr. Cason if you so much as lay a finger on Detective Benson again, I'll have you arrested!" Jeff snapped as he got in between Olivia and Richie giving him the same look that Olivia was given him. "Now Detective Benson is right. You're drunk, and as his case worker I'm not letting you take him home today. Sober up, and we'll come back tomorrow alright?"

"No," Olivia told them both shaking her head. "He's not taking him ever."

"He's my son!"

"I don't give a shit!"

Richie took a step closer to her and the two looked at one another for a moment before he suddenly reached behind him and grabbed Calvin's wrist tightly and pulled him out from behind Olivia.

"Let go of me!" Calvin shouted as he tried to yank out of his grasp but he wouldn't relent.

Olivia pushed Calvin as out of the way as she could before she kicked Richie as hard as she could in between his legs.

Richie let out a high pitched scream and doubled over and clutched his mid section; letting go of Calvin in the process.

Olivia grabbed Calvin's arm and pulled him towards her, hugging him tightly.

"Alright, let's go and let's go now," Jeff told him looking up at Olivia. "Olivia, I'm so sorry," he apologized honestly. "I didn't mean-."

"Just get that piece of low life crap out of my apartment!" Olivia growled.

Richie took a few deep breaths before he forced himself to stand upright once more, panting heavily. "He's my son. I have every right in the world to have him."

"Not today you don't," Olivia snapped.

Richie and she looked at one another for a moment before he chuckled once more. "Fine… you get him today; I'll get him the rest of his life."

Olivia glowered at the man in front of her; almost shaking with rage. "You will never," she snarled as she held Calvin closer to her, "take this child away from me."

He smirked and took a step closer to her. "We'll see about that."

"Let's go now!" Jeff shouted as he took a hold of Richie's shoulders and began to lead him away from Olivia and Calvin.

With one last apologetic look towards her, Jeff pushed Richie out the door and shut it behind him.

"Who was that?" Calvin asked his voice slightly higher than usual. Olivia knew it was because he was withholding tears.

Olivia took a deep breath and kneeled down next to him at eye level. "That was supposedly your father. But I swear, Calvin, unless you say the words 'I want to go with him', I'm not letting him near you again, alright? And… and if you do decide you want to go with him," she added, forcing the words to leave her mouth. "I swear that'll be your decision and your decision only. I'm not going to tell you what you can and cannot do, alright? And whatever you will do is fine with me, okay?"

Calvin simply nodded and took a deep breath and cleared his throat. "Are you… are you alright?"

Olivia nodded and gave him a sad smile. "I'll be fine. How about you?"

He shrugged and casually rubbed his wrist from where Richie had grabbed it. "It hurts a little but I'm cool."

Olivia looked him over for a moment before she nodded. "Alright then…" She took a deep breath and forced as much of a smile on her face as she could muster. "You wanna open up your other presents now?"

Calvin forced his own smile on his lips and nodded before going back to the pile of presents working on the half opened CD he had started on before they had been interrupted.

Olivia also walked back to the futon and sat cross legged on it wrapping herself up with the blanket and taking tentative sips of her coffee watching as he harbored way too much excitement for a rock CD that he only knew two of the songs on it, trying to get both of their minds off of what had just happened, and being totally and completely unsuccessful.

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