"Sokka! Take the reigns! Get Appa in close. We need to find Toph, now! Zuko, Katara, you're with me!"

Wordlessly, they sprang into action as the sky bison beneath them bellowed. Sokka wrenched the reigns hard to the left and kicked Appa into a dive.

"Yip yip, buddy! Yip like you've never yipped before!"

The bison seemed to understand, and reacted with a violence that nearly knocked Aang off his feet. They banked hard to the left, and then Appa just let himself stop flying. For a second they were in free-fall, screaming wordlessly as they clung to the saddle. Zuko stretched out an arm and grabbed Sokka by the back of the neck as he rose out of his seat. Then the bison tilted, slapped the air with his tail, and they were slammed onto his back as he shot forwards, cutting through the air like a knife. A Mask swirled towards them and caught momentarily on one of Appa's horns, before a dart of water from Katara sent it shrieking away, its face a ruined mess. In moments they were alongside the rapidly-descending airship, its engines running at full power in a futile attempt to keep the doomed vessel aloft. Several of the suriving repair crew clinging insect-like to the hull threw over a line and reeled them in.

"Where is Bei Fong!?", Aang roared over the tortured rumble of the engines, to a crewman whose face was red with the burns of spot welding. He gestured back with a still-steaming rivet gun, pointing to the bottom of the vessel.

"Cargo bay, last I heard! Repelling boarders! Captain's ordered us to abandon ship, Avatar! I'd get out of here if I were you!"

"Not without Toph!", he shouted back. "Sokka, get us to that cargo bay!"

"Going as fast as the big furball can!", he retorted as they descended below the hull. They'd been flying relatively high up, but the ground was still approaching worryingly quickly. Not only were they falling, but the hills were rising- Omashu was close.

In seconds, they'd reached what was left of the cargo bay, now a ruined gaping hole in the bottom of the airship- something had burst it like a rotten fruit, and the metal was still-

A Mask tumbled out of the bay, wailing as it tried fruitlessly to tear a forearm-sized chunk of metal free from its head.

"Only one person could do that.", Zuko observed as drily as he could over the din of battle.

"We've got to save her! Sokka, bring Appa up!", Katara commanded, readying her waterskin. They rose slowly, Aang steeling himself for whatever horrors he'd see inside the bay. They worked their way slowly through the tangled mess of girders- one close enough for him to reach out and touch, and then-

"Catch me catch me CATCH MEEEEEEE-oof."

Toph fell out of the ruined space above them, rolling uncontrollably before landing in an unceremonious heap in the saddle. Apparently un-phased, she leapt to her feet, dusting herself off.

"Well that shouldn't have worked. Just lucky you decided to touch the ship. Guys, I need your help."

"With what?", Sokka shot back, "We need to get out of here! There are monsters everywhere! Now's our chance to book it!"

"There are people trapped onboard, Sokka. I can save them."

Katara cast a worried glance up at the still-descending ship, then down at the rocky, looming ground.

"Toph, I'm sorry," she said softly. "We don't have enough time. The ship is going to crash. Staying here is suicide."

The little blind girl shook her head, jaw clenched.

"No, it's not. You've got the greatest Earthbender in the world with you. Aang, I need you and Appa pushing up as hard as you can, okay? I'm going to slow the ship down enough that the crew can land it."

Aang knew better than to question her. As she planted her feet as best she could in the saddle, he stood back, conjuring up a swirling column of rising wind beneath them.

"Appa, buddy, give it all you've got!"

Toph raised her hand, fists clenched as if she was straining against some great force. Aang felt the metal plates in his second hand Ember Group outfit begin to shake and clatter, and the air filled with a low groaning noise. Zuko had to clap a hand over the hilt of his sword to keep it from rising out of its sheathe.

"Toph, what are you-?"

She let out a wordless bark of effort, veins standing out on her hands and temples. Above them, the airship twitched as if it had been stung by a bee. The metal girders around them bent and twisted, curling and bending- curling and bending upwards. Slowly, inexorably, the airship began to rise as Toph hissed between clenched teeth.

"I- Am- Toph- Bei- Fong!"

"Rock!", Sokka shouted in a panic. Zuko shook his head, nonplussed.

"Sokka, she's bending the metal!"

The Water Tribesman pointed dead ahead.

"No, rock!"

There was indeed a rock in the way. Or rather, a smallish mountain. There was no time to swerve aside. Aang closed his eyes despite himself. And then he opened them in shock as he felt familiar whispers in his mind. He gazed in wonder as the tattoos on the backs of his hands flickered faintly and then began to glow. He raised his hands, palms out, and the mountain moved aside. The voices in his head- the Avatars- were growing stronger. He looked up at the airship above him, slowly deforming as Toph's Metalbending grip fought against gravity. Then the voices spoke through him.

"Toph Bei Fong. Yours is a remarkable talent. Rest now."

He exhaled a breath as vast as the winds, as powerful as the earth, as deep as the oceans, as vibrant as the sun. And then darkness overtook him.

He awoke on his back, in darkness save for the everpresent green-brown glow of the Spirit World. All around him were the towering shapes of stone buildings, their empty windows gazing down on him, their locked doors like accusing mouths- it could only be Omashu. He was in some kind of wheeled cart, rolling through Omashu. And then Katara leaned over the edge of the cart, and he relaxed.

"Hey," he croaked. Her eyes widened, and then she smiled.


And nothing more needed to be said. He tried to rise but was overcome by a wave of dizziness, wobbling before Katara caught him and helped him up.

"He's awake, everyone," she said softly. The cart stopped, and then they were gathered all around him- even Appa.

"Welcome back, Avatar," Sokka proclaimed, beaming. "Good to see you've got your old glow about you, Twinkletoes."

He looked down at his hands, which were resolutely refusing to glow. Taking a deep breath, he reached within himself and found- yes.

"I have the Avatars back," he said, and suddenly everything was better.

"Great," Zuko said, but Toph cut in.

"It was amazing, Aang! I've never seen you like that before!"

There was a brief pause before Zuko sighed and cradled his face in his hands. Aang chuckled, then straightened, the magnitude of the situation coming back to him.

"The airship was all right?"

Katara nodded firmly.

"We saw them land pretty heavily in the outskirts of the city, but they made it. I have no idea where the rest of the fleet is."

Sokka tisked his dismissal.

"Their fleet, their problem. As far as I'm concerned, Team Avatar is on their own again and that's exactly how it should be!"

Aang swung his legs over the edge of the cart- still filled with some old, dry cabbage leaves- and stood unsteadily, taking in the darkened, lifeless city, its lively colours somehow dimmed and false, like a mask discarded by an actor. He knew Omashu well, and if he wasn't mistaken they were somewhere in one of the upper levels of the city, near the top-level sled stations. Fighting back brief vertigo, he steadied himself.

"What's our plan?"

Zuko cast a glance up at the bulk of the mountain city's vertical face towering down over them.

"Even if he's gone crazier than usual, Bumi's still a friend, right?"

Aang sighed.

"Let's hope so. He stopped responding to my letters before this all started, but he's our only shot. Toph, I know you might want to go-"

She sighed theatrically.

"If I knew what rolling your eyes meant, I'd be doing it right now. Look, I've come this far without my parents, and the fact that they're secret commando spies changes nothing. The Ember Group are the bad guys here. Heck, the White Lotus are too. But we're- yes, Sokka, we're Team Avatar. And we're together. And we're gonna kick butt and restore balance. Or whatever, Twinkletoes. It's your show."

Aang smiled.

"All right team, huddle up."

They gathered around, Appa shuffling in closer. Aang took a deep breath, and the reassuring whispers of the Avatar State flowed through him.

"We're stuck in an empty city full of spirit monsters sent by Koh the Face-Stealer."

Toph shrugged.

"Okay. So that's what those were."

Sokka cocked an eyebrow.

"You're not even surprised?"

Toph shrugged. Again.

"Eh, Avatar stuff. I'm used to it. Keep going, Twinkletoes."

"Right. Um, empty city. Masks- Spirit monsters. The Ember Group fleet is approaching rapidly, and they're gonna want us back under their control. Bumi's in here somewhere, and we're not sure if he's friend or foe. He might have guards with him, who knows. So, the plan is- Find Bumi. Get the heck out of here. We can figure out how to end this war later. For not, Bumi. Zuko and I will take the lead. Sokka, Katara and Toph, you're next, Appa in the back. Toph, if you sense something let us know sooner rather than later. And keep it quiet-"

"We were already doing that, Aang. Team Stealthatar, go!"

"-Thank you Sokka. All right, we ready?"

They shared a quiet group hug.

"Let's go. The way to Bumi's palace should be a right at the end of this street."

The gang broke up, Aang taking his place at the front. He was scared, he was in an unknown place, and he didn't know who his enemies were, but he had the Avatar state and he had his friends. That was all he needed. It was a straight shot down the road- right at the mask shop on the end, and then they had a clear path to the road that faced the palace.

Zuko stepped out into the street and bumped into someone rounding the corner. There was a brief struggle, and then a sharp crack like an Ember Group weapon firing. Zuko collapsed to the ground, yelping. They reacted automatically. Aang rushed forwards, throwing up a low wall of earth as Katara dragged Zuko bag with a water whip, already going for his foot. Sokka dove forwards with Toph hot on his heels, taking cover behind the low barricade which was already shaking under the impacts of gouts of fire burning like cat's eyes in the darkness-

"Up the street! Heave!", Toph shouted, and Aang gave a mighty push. Fighting in an Earth Kingdom city had its perks- the cobbles of the street shook as they sent a wave of stone rushing towards the Firebenders attacking them. The air was alive with fire, both from the benders and from the Ember Group soldiers firing at them with some kind of slug-throwers. He glanced over the wall and caught a glimpse of one of the larger steam-armoured ones, raising a heavy weapon.

"Toph! Armoured guy! Bigger wall!"

They smacked the earth together, forming a solid hemisphere of stone which shook like a bell as the heavy weapon fired, sending something solid smacking into the rock. Toph crouched, punching mechanically and sending slabs of cobble soaring up the street as Katara joined them, wiping blood off her hands.

"Zuko got hit in the foot. He's bandaging it, but he'll be fine."

Sokka crawled up to them, sword in hand.

"What the heck am I supposed to do?! I can't use a sword in these conditions!"

He turned up the street, voice mocking.

"Fight us like men, you cowards!"

The response came from far too close far too quickly.


A figure dropped from the buildings above them, going for Toph. She rolled out of the way as Sokka leapt to his feet, drawing his sword. Aang dove forwards to help him but was interrupted by the arrival of a pair of Firebenders driving a curtain of flame before them. He turned the dive into a roll, sweeping the ground away from beneath their feet and redirecting their flames back into the faces of the rank of soldiers behind them. Someone came at him with a pair of knives but he kicked out a spray of water, sending them flying as he bounced to his feet and took out a Firebender with an air-assisted rabbit punch to the center of the chest. More Firebenders were pouring through, assisted by two figures with unfamiliar Ember Group weapons in the back. They had moved closer and were firing past the stone shield now, sending slugs whizzing down around them.

He pushed the shield wider, feeling something small and heavy catch and stick in the light plates of his Ember Group uniform with a clang. In a brief moment of stillness, he reached down and pulled it out of the dented plate. It was a throwing knife, about as long as his finger. A very familiar kind of throwing knife.

Something mechanical and person-sized crashed through the stone shield, a pair of fan-shaped blades on the end of its steam-assisted arms whirring through the air as they deflected the shards of ice Katara hurled at it. Aang gazed in wonder at the steam-powered fans. Then at the knife in his hand. Then at Sokka, as his attacker gently tapped him on the shoulder and sent him staggering. And then he heard an unearthly screech and looked up as half a dozen Masks descended from above. He stepped backwards, train of through completely derailed as the swirling monstrosities descended.

"Behind you, Aang!"

A throwing knife shot past his face and buried itself in the Mask that had been creeping up on him.

"Thanks, Mai!", he responded automatically. And then the realization hit him.


Mai was not one commonly given to shock or wild displays of emotion. She'd moved beyond childish displays of morose emotionlessness, obviously, but she still felt strongly that Fire Nation nobility, and the (admittedly, unofficial) Fire Lady especially, should carry themselves with a certain gravitas and nobility of bearing. She was thus somewhat disappointed when she found herself gawping openmouthed at Aang, who gawped right back. Then she gawped at Suki, who had lowered her whirling mechanical death fans and was gawping at- yes, that was Sokka, and he of course was gawping at Suki. Next she gawped at Ty Lee, who was gawping at everyone, the Avatar's sky bison included, and finally she gawped at Zuko who was not gawping but doing that awkwardly cute frozen look of total and utter disbelief, like the one he'd made the first time she-

Any amusement she could take at the totally surreal nature of the frozen tableau of total surprise laid out before her was interrupted by the Elric brothers ramping off the broken wall of raised stone and simultaneously punching one of the monsters so hard it exploded into lightning. Started back to awareness, she noticed the monster descending on Zuko and instinctively lashed out with one of her rope darts, wrapping it deftly around his middle.

"Get over here," she said in iron tones as he was yanked towards her, the Elrics barely missing the top of his head as they landed near the Avatar. And then he was half-collapsed against her, and she was holding him in her arms and despite herself she felt a blush rise to her cheeks.

"M-mai-?", he choked out. She kissed him.

Al landed on both feet, raised his gun in one hand, and fired. Completely missing the monster that had been attacking- yes, that was definitely Zuko. Some deeper part of his subconscious considered that realization and whether or not he should start freaking out about it, then set it aside. He had other things to worry about. He dropped the rifle, bringing his fists down and scooping up two fist-shaped columns of earth which pinned the- the thing to the wall. Ed followed his lead, alchemical spear in hand, and leapt up the columns before driving the point of his weapon through the center of the thing's face. Its death scream seemed to wake everyone up.

"They're friendlies!", he screamed. "Royal Guards, focus fire on the monsters!"

The Firebenders, who had hesitated as the tableau unfolded, got back to work with considerable alacrity. The four remaining monsters spun and whirled as the air around them burned, twisting and elongating to find openings in the burning curtain beneath them. One did, rushing at Suki. She turned- a moment too late- and the creature impaled itself on Sokka's sword, still clawing forwards. She brought her steam projector up and blew it to pieces. Al didn't stay still enough to see what happened next- the remaining three had broken through and were going for Aang, who was battering at them with huge gusts of wind. A whirl of movement later, and he found himself alongside the Avatar, encased in a globe of whirling air. He scooped up the rifle, cocked it and fired at the nearest creature, which seemed unbothered by the bullet. Ed joined him in the sphere, throwing himself through the whirling winds with a yelp.

"Aang!", he roared, "how the heck do you kill these things?!"

"You made one explode just now! You tell me!", the Avatar yelled back, attention still on blowing away the incoming monster. Al looked at his brother and shrugged.

"We have no idea what we just did, Aang! I felt something solid and tried to transmute it!"

"The only- oof solid part of a Mask's body is the core in the face! Try that!"

He made eye contact with Ed, who nodded. Al pressed his hands to the earth as one of the monsters swooped low.

"Aang, stop bending- now!"

The shield of air dropped. The monster descended. Al forced the ground under his brother upwards, and the smaller alchemist collided with the creature in midair. There was a moment's brief struggle- it wobbled- and then Ed yelled something incoherent and obscene and it dissolved with a scream of electrical discharge, sending him tumbling to the ground. The remaining two monsters, apparently discouraged, backed off, departing with a duo of rapidly-receding shrieks. Al helped his brother off, and then surveyed the situation as a bemused-looking Royal Guard sergeant approached him.

"Mister Elric, sir. We're all clear, and the street is secured. I'd, uh, I'd tell the Fire Lord and Lady, but, um. We didn't get trained for this."

Mai and Zuko were still kissing. Sokka and Suki had apparently decided to follow their abandon, and were going at it with some enthusiasm. Ed sighed.

"This is why you don't go on world-saving adventures as a couple."

Al couldn't help but smile.

"What would Teacher and Mister Curtis say if they heard that? Or Hawkeye and the General? Or Winry for that matter?"

Ed laughed sarcastically.

"Har har har. You know what I mean."

Aang and Katara approached, shaven-headed and exhausted but looking happy, all in all. To Al's surprise, the Avatar hugged him and his brother close, tears dancing in his eyes.

"We're all together again," he said. "Thank goodness. After Gaoling, we thought-"

Ed waved his hand dismissively.

"You think a little thing like seeing a city destroyed is gonna stop the Elrics? Pffft. We're fine. How the heck did you guys get here?"

Aang seemed about to start, but something obviously caught him. He looked around furtively, eyes seeming to catch on the weird abandoned mask shop on the corner.

"We should talk, but not here. Something about this city, it-"

Al nodded, and when he spoke his brother did too.

"It's like we're being watched."

They stopped and looked at each other. Ed nodded.

"Yup, okay, that's creepy, let's gather up the lovebirds and go back to the Phoenix."

Aang perked up.

"You have an airship?"

Her footsteps light, an extremely dishevelled and slightly flushed-looking Mai joined them, accompanied by Zuko who looked like he still hadn't accepted what had just happened. She gave Aang and Katara a curt nod, and then spoke, quickly suppressing a slight quaver in her voice.

"We do- ahem- indeed have an airship, Avatar. The Phoenix, last product of Ozai's military drive. The monsters seem to have been ignoring us for now, so we may be safer there than in the streets. As soon as Sokka and Suki are ready, of course."

Sokka popped his head up, face covered in lipstick and mottled smears of makeup.

"Just five more m-"

Katara cleared her throat in a very pointed manner, and the couple released each other, Suki's pneumatic suit hissing. She readjusted her helmet, giggling incongruously.

"Right. War zone. Good to see you all. Sorry."

Al shared a knowing glance with Ed. Today had, all things considered, been a good day.

"You've spent the past month flying around the world just- just wrecking the Ember Group?"


"Zuko, you know how to pick 'em."

Aang agreed with Sokka. He wouldn't say it out loud, but Mai had shown herself to be frighteningly competent. The Phoenix was rag-tag and in some places held together with spit and polish, but it was a working military airship and it had survived this long. He was slightly disappointed she hadn't brought Momo along- the lemur was apparently quite well taken care of on Kiyoshi Island- but that was nothing.

Mai sat forward, her fingers steepled.

"We came here looking for the Ember Group, but if they're after King Bumi then he should be our top priority. Whatever his influence on the White Lotus, he is an asset to- to whatever we are. A few months ago I would have firmly put us in the camp of the Lotus, but…"

Ed crossed his arms.

"But that's not happening. They need to go down, and so do the Ember Group."

"Okay, great 'plan' and all," Toph interjected, "But that still puts us- a single airship- against a gigantic technological army and some kind of invasion from the Spirit World backed by- lemme see here- the Earth King. And the Ember's been trashing every Earth Kingdom army they get their hands on. On top of that the Water Tribes are too busy figuring out what the hell happened to the North to do anything, and the Fire Nation is rebuilding the Capital. I'm no strategist or anything, but we're kind of alone on this one. Application of force in key areas for the purpose of bringing down a larger power is fine, but we've got to think about what resources we can leverage here."

There was a long silence.

"What? It was a long, boring month in hospital, and they had books I could listen to. I did some light reading," she said.

Al spoke up.

"We also need to think about our other goal- getting Ed and I back to Amestris. We're happy to help, but we're not here to end this conflict. When it boils down to it, this has nothing to do with us. The Ember Group wants us because we're from… elsewhere. We're outside the equation. You get us home, that solves all our problems. We just had the bad luck to arrive here as things were getting started."

"Mai, there's no chance we can mobilize the armies of the Fire Nation?"

Mai stifled a yawn and leaned closer to her significant other, eyes tired.

"Not gonna happen, Zuko," she said wearily. "Oh, sure, we could mobilize the reserves and re-arm the airship fleet, but that takes time. If I'd given the order a month ago, maybe, but I was busy trying to get the situation in the Capital sorted out. And in finding you. The Fire Nation can come, but not fast enough."

Zuko sat back, somewhat dislodging Mai.

"Ugh," he moaned. "I wish Uncle was here. He'd have some idea what to do."

Aang frowned.

"Neutral jing."

"Oh come on," Sokka scoffed. "You're saying we do nothing? I know, I know, Bumi's a mad genius, yadda yadda yadda, but still. Waiting to see what happens? Now, when we're back together?"

Katara nodded.

"No, he has a point. We are back together. Our families, wherever they are, are probably safe. Why not sit back and accept that there is nothing we can do to stop this war? We don't do nothing, but we assume that we do everything except stopping it. We can help the people who get caught up in it. We keep the world out of this war to keep it safe."

Aang frowned. An idea- a worrying idea- was building up inside of him. Al caught his discomfort.

"Aang?", he asked. Aang shook himself and then spoke, picking his words carefully.

"Maybe… maybe this is balance. I'm the Avatar. I'm meant to restore order to the world. But what if that order is changing? The world's become unrecognizable in the past few months. Isn't that a sign? Is this the new balance? This war? I wish I knew. I need to meditate long and hard on this, because- because I don't want to be wrong. I don't want to be the Avatar who didn't understand where the world was going and fought to change it in the wrong ways. I- I feel lost. More than ever. I'm sorry. I just don't know."

They sat there silent for a long, long time. The little conference room in the bowels of the Phoenix was full of hissing pipes and the hum of the ship's engines, and the meaningless noise of industry hung over them like a cloud. Aang didn't know what to say. He looked up as the bulkhead door swung open, eyes widening as Azula, former Crown Princess of the Fire Nation, stepped into the room. There was something wrong with her face- her eyes were clear and calm, free of the glazed insanity he'd seen in them before, but it looked like her facial features were- were evaporating, wavering like mist as they boiled away from her face in streamers of pink dust. She opened her mouth to speak, and her voice was low and pleasant and somehow sibilant.

"The Avatar, discouraged so easily? And you were doing so well. I'll tell you what. You need a hint? You need a push in the right direction? A little… outside help? Well let's talk."

No one moved or spoke as she strolled over to the low table, pulling up a chair and sitting leisurely alongside them.

"A-azula", Zuko croaked. "Mai, she- she's here? You didn't…"

The Princess shook her head disappointedly.

"Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Mai, you didn't tell him? That you were using his deranged sister as the power source for the genocide machine his father built? It just goes to show couples shouldn't keep any secrets from each other, hmmm? Anyways, Avatar. To business."

"You're not Azula," Aang said. The Princess laughed.

"What tipped you off? The face? Well, this is her body. This is her face. Not her mind, though. She's fine for now, Zuko, Relax. I just needed a way to get my message across- always helps to have a- a pretty face."


"An excellent deduction, Avatar. Now, then. Your predecessors owe me, Avatar. There is a debt to be repaid. However, in light of… current affairs, I'm going to make you an offer. I'm willing to waive that debt. In exchange for which you'll need to do something for me. I'd put on my business face, but in this body I'm… limited."

"What do you want, Koh?"

The Face-Stealer smiled a wide, pleasant smile.

"Why, you're going to help me annihilate the Order of the White Lotus!"


It has been 11 months, almost to the day, since I last updated this fic. For that, I apologize. Lots has happened in the meantime- I finished a year of university, started working full-time, wrote a lot, published very little... But such is life.

I cannot promise that I will ever properly finish this fic. It would be safe to call this chapter the end of the second act of three, or maybe the third act of five. Either way, there's still a great deal of Harnessing the Elements left which I may never write in full. I promise you this, however- if I ever decide to totally abandon this fic, I will never abandon you, my readers (assuming you're still around). The final chapter of this work will give a brief summary of the rest of the story, as well as tie up remaining plot threads. It will not be a full, proper chapter and may not be much more than a longish point-form list, but I promise you I will not leave you hanging.

Thank you for your patience.