A/N: Ok.. this was constantly pressing on my brain wanting to get the hell outta there..so..yeah. I stared to typ and when i stopped i already had like 14 pageson words O.o

But, yeah, my first M story! Yay! :)

She knew it! She had known all along and this proves it!

Maka has always been the more responsible one. She made sure there was food in the fridge for him, made sure he got up on time so they wouldn't be late for school and she cleaned their whole apartment on her own.

And when she asks him to do something, he'd just snort and give her some dumb excuse. Thankfully she had a book in arms reach every time he said something like that.

It was the same situation at school. Maka would be making notes, paying attention and study, while her lazy assed partner slept or got involved in some sort of challenge with Black Star. One time, Soul and Black Star were folding paper airplanes and then throwing them in the air to see who can make one better. Again Maka was happy she brought a thick book with her.

He was always lazy and never did a thing for her, except in battle. Sure, she was the one who did all the work and dodging attacks, but he would protect her in any way possible and he has a scar to prove it.

Maka sighed for the tenth time that night. She rubbed her arms, but not because she was cold. They lived in the dessert for crying out loud.. she rubbed her arm because it was the only movement she could make, seeing as how people had surrounded her and she couldn't go anywhere. At least, not without having to push and squeeze her way out.

She also didn't felt comfortable in the outfit Liz had put her in. The pink and black tank top was slightly too small and the short, black, denim skirt hugged her hips, making it impossible to walk without making it ride up her legs. She made a mental note to kill the oldest Thompson sister when this night was over. She squinted her eyes when the bright spotlights flashed her way, making her skin glow yellow. The smell of beer and alcohol filled her nose when some guy bumped into a girl on purpose, spilling their drinks all over.

From the outside, the new club looked pretty good. For it's opening night they had put up a few neon signs and laid out a red carpet in front of the entrance. But as you walk inside, the alcohol fills your nostrils. There are drunk people all over the place. Maka and Tsubaki were probably the only sober people there. The rest of their group had all drank a little too much for their own good.

Let's go! It'll be fun, the blue haired assassin had said in class the other day, waving an invitation around their faces. He emphasized on the fact that Shibusen students get free drinks. Of course Soul wanted to go and Black Stars enthusiasm convinced Kid, Liz and Patty too. Maka, however didn't want to, but got dragged along by Liz and Soul anyway.

Maka glared at the assassin, who was currently standing on top of the bar trying to sing a long with some old song she didn't know. She cringed when she found out his voice couldn't hit the high notes. Tsubaki was standing next to him on the ground with a nervous smile on her face and was clapping for her meister.

She looked to her right, finding Kid. He was doing his best to make everyone dance in symmetry, moving them around and giving them instructions. He was pretty much the same after he had some drinks, just a little worse… If that's even possible.

Patty and Liz were in the middle of a drinking contest against a bunch of guys. They gulped down one drink after another with a red glow and a proud grin plastered on their faces. They both slammed down their glass on the counter when they finished their last one and high five each other. Maka was amazed at how much those two could drink and keep their hand eye coordination.

Maka looked around, trying to find Soul who had ran of somewhere with his beer when Black Star began to sing. She never knew he could drink that much. She always thought he knew better, but he proved her wrong. Black Star had pushed a beer can in his hands at the beginning of the night and his hand has never been empty since. And that was four hours ago.

The meister looked at the black watch around her left wrist. She'd been standing in her little corner for forty five minutes. Maka smiled, she was beginning to take after Crona.

Two guys caught her eye. They were standing near the bar and were looking and pointing at her. Maka blushed as she looked away. A lot of guys were looking at her tonight, mostly because of the ridiculous outfit she was wearing. She felt flattered, but it was a bit creepy at the same time.

Suddenly an arm snaked around her shoulders and pulled her close to someone. Maka's body went rigid and a low chuckle filled her ears. She sighed and glared at a pair of crimson eyes.

"Don't scare me like that Soul." she pouted, making Soul grin.

"I've been looking everywhere for you." he said. "Whatcha doing here?"

Maka sighed and relaxed, "Blocking out the sound of Black Star's singing."

They looked over at the bar where Black Star had begun another song. This time he did know the words of the rap song, but was doing a horrible job at both singing and dancing. He swung his arms around, trying out some gangster poses.

"Where have you been?" Maka asked, looking back at Soul again. She had to look up to be looking at his face in stead of his shoulder. He had grown a lot in the past few years, in length and his muscles. Other girls had noticed too. Maka had caught several groups of girls staring at him and whispering things while blushing madly.

Some of those girls had gathered all their courage and asked him out. He hardly ever said yes to such a proposal. Always having some excuse ready, like when Maka asks him to do something..

Soul shrugged, "Walking around a bit."

Maka raised her brow. Walking around? She couldn't even move her leg without bumping into people left and right, let alone actually walk.

"So, you gonna stand here all night?" Soul asked.

Maka cringed a but when she smelled the beer in his breath, "Not really."

Soul let go of her shoulders and grabbed her by the wrist. He pulled her into the crowd of people, pushing them aside quiet easily. They walked over to Tsubaki, who was still clapping for Black Star.

"He's still at it?" Soul grinned, showing his sharp teeth.

Tsubaki sighed and nodded sadly. Maka took a seat on a wooden bar stool and leaned her arms on the counter while Soul sat down next to her

"THIS WILL BE MY LAST SONG!" Black Star yelled to his 'fans' as the rap song ended. "LISTEN TO MY GLORIOUS VOICE! IT WILL SURELY TAKE YOU TO HEAVEN!"

"This is the third time he said that.." Tsubaki said sighing.

Maka laughed at her friends distress. Next to her Soul had finished the beer in his hand and ordered a new one.

"What?" Soul asked when he noticed Maka was eying him.

"Never knew you would drink that much."

Soul snorted and opened his beer can, "It's not that much. Don't worry. Cool guys know when to stop."

A few minutes later Black Star was finally done with his so called 'last song'. Everyone sighed in relief as the music faded. Black Star however, still standing in his finishing pose, had other plans.

"I will now take requests!" He yelled and the crowd groaned in fear for their ears.

Kid slumped onto a bar stool next to Soul and dropped his head on the counter. His skin had a pale color and there were bags forming under his eyes.

"What happened to you?" Soul asked the Death God with an amused grin.

"To many asymmetrical people.." he explained and then muttered something about not wanting to talk about it.

While Soul and Tsubaki tried to get Black Star to shut up and sit down. Maka noticed a girl standing not that far away from them, talking with her friends. Her dark purple hair reached to her shoulders and a pin held her bangs to one side. She was dressed in a black strapless top and an even shorter skirt then Maka was wearing.

Maka knew this girl from school. She had the biggest crush on Soul and wasn't shy about it. She also didn't know the words giving up. Her name is Kari and she's staring directly at Soul's back with a sly look on her make-up covered face.

Her giddy friends surrounded her, seemingly encouraging her to do something. It worked because Kari was now walking towards Maka and the others with a confident posture. Maka glared at the girl as she tapped Soul lightly on his shoulder. Kari gave him a sweet smile when he turned around and faced her.

She held out her hand, Maka caught a glimpse of Kari's manicured fingernails, and asked Soul to dance.

Maka smirked. She already knew what the answer would be. Soul absolutely hated dancing, almost as much as he hated to play the piano in front of a crowd. Maka braced herself for the answer that would devastate the poor girl once again, but the answer that came from his mouth made her wonder if her partner wasn't possessed by some alien.

"Sure," Soul said, instantly wiping the smirk off of Maka's face.

Kari beamed, "But I must warn you Soul-kun, I'm a pretty good dancer."

Maka's jaw practically hit the floor when Soul took Kari's hand and replied to her warning with a toothy grin, saying he'd have to see that for himself. The two walked of into the crowd, holding hands.

Black Star finally decided to stop his singing and jumped onto the ground. He sat down in Soul's empty seat and grabbed the can of beer Soul left. He gulped it down and then smashed the can onto the counter. Grinning to himself he closed Maka's still open mouth, snapping her back into reality.


That's exactly why she was the responsible one! She didn't drink too much! She wasn't dancing with some guy she hardly know. Maka gritted her teeth a little harder as she watched Soul and Kari. They were dancing very close. She payed extra attention to Soul's hands, which were currently resting on Kari's hips pulling her even closer.

Maka turned around and glared at a can of beer. It was all the alcohol's fault. Soul was defiantly not like his normal strange self. It almost looked like as if he was flirting with that girl! Maka sighed, she leaned her face in her hands. She was alone again.

Kid ran off to fix some of the decoration that were hanging a few centimeters off. Black Star decided to take a shot at a professional dance career and dragged Tsubaki along with him. Liz and Patty were done with their game, having beaten every guy in the club and were now dancing like mad men.

"Hey there," a low voice said. Maka looked to her right and found a guy leaning on the counter and smiling at her.

He had short brown hair and dull green eyes. The white shirt he was wearing had a few beer stains on it and he looked drunk.

"Whatcha doin' all alone?" yes, the guy was drunk. Maka had to hold her breath so she wouldn't vomit right there. "Boyfriend ran off with some other girl?"

It didn't took Maka long to figure out he was talking about Soul and Kari. She had been staring at the two for about an half an hour straight without even blinking.

"Oh, no, he's not my boyfriend." Maka said, holding up her hands in defense. "He's my partner."

"So you're from Shibusen."

Apparently the guy took Maka's reply as an invitation, because he sat down next to her. Maka fought the urge to hold her nose tight with the increase of the beer stench. He had one hand on his knee and the other rested on the counter.

"You a weapon or meister?"

"A scythe meister." Maka answered, hoping that would scare him off.

Maka groaned inwardly when he starting laughing, his breath hitting her face extra fast, "That's cool. You wouldn't say you were a scythe meister. No offense, but ya don't look like the type of girl who swing around some blade, killing pre-kishins."

Maka clenched her teeth, a little irritated by the guys words. He noticed and placed his hand on her bare leg with a gentle smile, "See it as a compliment! I'm just saying that you seem more of the girly girl type. You know, the cute ones."

Maka blinked, did he just call her cute? She couldn't stop the faint blush from creeping on her face.

The boy laughed, "The name's Jack. So, how about a dance cutey?"

Even before Maka could answer, someone had pulled her from the stool holding her arm with a strong grip. Maka felt a little dizzy as she put her free hand on her head to stop it form spinning.

"What are you doing Soul?" Maka asked the white haired boy.

"Shut up." he answered through his gritted teeth. It was then Maka noticed he was having a hard time standing up straight. He was holding himself steady by gripping her arm. He also had a different look on his face. Fiercer.

Soul focused on the guy who had talked to Maka, glaring into his eyes, "The hell do you think you're doing with my girlfriend?"

Girlfriend? Maka stared at Soul with wide green eyes, mimicking the look on Jack's face. Jack opened his mouth, but couldn't form any words under Soul's intimidating glare.

"I..uhm..S-she," Jack gulped and pointed a finger at Maka. "S-she said you were her partner, not her b-boyfriend!"

Soul narrowed his eyes, "Get lost before I rebuilt your face." he hissed.

Jack took the warning serious and slid out of the stool before making a run for it. Maka raised her brow at Soul. He was still holding her by her upper arm and it was beginning to hurt a little. She tugged her arm free and turned to face him.

"What was that?" she demanded. "And what happened to Kari?"

"Who?" Soul asked sincere. He was wobbling on his feet, trying his best not to fall down.

Maka sighed, "The girl you've been dancing with for the past half an hour?"

"Oh, her." Soul shrugged. "Dunno."

Maka slapped her hand on her forehead. She looked around, trying to find the purple haired girl. But her search was cut off when Soul finally lost his balance trying to walk over to the bar to ask for another beer. Maka wrapped an arm around his waist to hold him up and put his arm around her shoulders.

"I think you had enough, Soul." she sighed. "Let's go home."

They walked back to their apartment. Soul leaning his full weight on Maka, while they stumbled down the dark streets. After a few attempts Maka finally got the key in the hole and opened the door to their apartment.

She put down Soul on the couch and flicked on some lights. The light made her partner even paler then normal, but that also could be caused by the alcohol.

"Do you want some water?" Maka asked and walked into the kitchen when Soul nodded.

She took a glass and filled it with tap water. She sighed and listened to sound of the water. She hadn't notice Soul stumbling in the kitchen. He walked up next to her and steadied himself by leaning on the counter with his hands. As Maka put another glass under the streaming water, Soul took his chance and took a good look at her from head to toe.

"Wear that more often.."

"What?" Maka blushed as she stared at her partner. He wasn't grinning or smirking, like she had expected, but was staring at her with a serious face.

"Wear that more often." he demanded again.

Maka frowned and took the glasses of water into the living room. Soul followed her and sat down in the couch. Maka put down the glasses of water and sat down next to Soul. She quietly stared into space while taking sips of the water. The small blush slowly crept back onto her face when she looked at Soul in the corner of her eyes. He was looking at her again, without even blinking. No grin, no smirk, his mouth was tight shut.

"What." she grumbled, getting a little annoyed by his behavior. She knew she couldn't blame him, well maybe a little, but it was mostly the alcohol in his blood that made him act like this. She didn't think it could get any worse..

"How come you're boobs look bigger, tiny-tits?" Or maybe it could. Maka blushed bright red and her eyes widened in shock. Did Soul just give her some sort of compliment? Or was he just looking for a new way to tease her? Maka bit her lip as she remembered Liz had given her a pink push-up bra to wear. She inwardly scolded herself for even wearing that stupid thing.

"Well..?" Soul asked raising a brow. Maka swallowed hard, she was even supposed to give him an answer?

"Uh..I-I.." Maka stuttered, she searched in her head for the right words, but they were lost. Soul smirked while watching her stutter. He waited for a few seconds before taking her wrist and leaning into her. He pushed Maka on her back and placed her hands beside her head, on on each side. He put his own next to hers and hovered above her.

"Wha-what the hell do you think you're doing?"

Soul tugged on the hem of her tank top with his right hand. He had a strange look in his eyes as he trailed them from her the top to her eyes.

"I just want to see." he wined, looking like a four year old wanting a cookie.

"N-no!" Maka grabbed the end of her top and held it tightly. She repeated herself when Soul began to pout.

Soul sighed, "I was hoping you wouldn't be so stubborn."

Maka was about to ask him what he meant by that when Soul took both her wrist in his left hand and held them above her head on the couch. His right hand had snaked under her top. Maka struggled to get her wrists free, but the tight grip Soul had on them wouldn't budge.

"Stop it, Soul!" Maka said, she shivered a little as Soul's hand crossed her stomach. "Y-you're drunk."

Soul grinned, "Am not."

Maka frowned. He's defiantly was drunk. His eyes were droopier then normal and a red glow had formed on his cheeks. To be honest, it did made him look cute.

Maka shook the thoughts out of her head, "You are! Now just let me go and I'll won-hmph!"

She was going to say that maybe she wouldn't Maka Chop him into oblivion, but she was cut off by his lips. It wasn't what she expected for her first kiss. Sloppier then she hoped it would be. She liked it anyway, but knew it was wrong. He was drunk and couldn't think straight.

She was so focused on his lips on hers, that she didn't notice his hand getting dangerously close to the reason he was doing this in the first place. Maka frowned when she felt something wet trying to push her lips apart and enter her mouth. Soul groaned in annoyance when her lips didn't open.

Maka gasped, Soul's hand had cupped her left breast and was softly kneading it over the bra. She had opened her mouth and immediately felt Soul's tongue sliding in it and exploring it. Maka felt how his tongue pushed hers, trying to start some sort of a fight.. She really didn't know what to do.. She was completely new to this and her Papa always avoided the subject and kept her away from boys.

The grip on her wrists had loosened. Maka pulled them completely out and pushed against his chest to get him off of her. He left her mouth with a groan to look at her. His red eyes were full of lust and Maka actually felt intimidated by them. She grabbed the hand that was still kneading her breast, making him stop.

"S-soul, get off." she said, trying to sound serious.

Soul smirked, "You don't mean that."

"Yes, I do."

Maka couldn't stop the whimper from rolling over her lips when Soul brushed his finger over her nipple through the bra. He chuckled at her reaction, looking at her face in amusement.

"No, you don't."

Maka clenched her jaw and pulled his hand from under her top, "You're drunk and not thinking straight, Soul. Just get off of me and go to sleep."

Soul's smirk disappeared, but didn't say anything. He leaned over her again, putting his hand on each side of her head. His eyelids were drooping a bit as he looked into her eyes.

"Let's continue this when I'm sober then." he said and laid down on her body. He breathed in the scent of her hair, burying his face in her neck and closing his eyes.

It wasn't until she heard his soft snores that she dared to move again. She rested her free hand – the other one was being smothered by Soul's chest – on her forehead, which felt warm.

She squirmed from under Soul's weight and stood up. She got a blanket for her snoring partner and put away the glasses of water. She sat in their other couch and stared at Soul, trying to calm her chaotic mind.

He is drunk, he is drunk, he is drunk, he is drunk! He didn't meant to do all of..that. He didn't meant to force his lips on her and stick his tongue in her mouth like that! Just calm down. Tomorrow he'll be back to normal and hopefully he'll never bring this up again..

"You okay?" Maka asked in the doorway of their bathroom. She arched her brow as she looked at her partner, who was currently hugging the toilet and throwing the inside of his stomach in it.

"No," he groaned, slouching back on to the ground and hugging his new friend. "Not really."

He looked miserable. His face was almost as white as his hair, the only color coming from his dark, baggy eyes. He had been throwing up almost the entire morning.

"Do something useful and get me something I can clean my mouth with." Soul barked. He cursed under his breath when Maka pointed to a cloth right next to him. Maka watched how her partner wiped his mouth before hanging over the toilet...again.

"Not cool.." he groaned. He sat against the cold wall of their bathroom and rubbed his temples with his pale fingers. He breathed calmly through his nose, closing his eyes. They stayed like that for about three minutes before Soul opened his eyes to look at Maka, who was still standing in the doorway. "What the hell happened last night?"

Maka blinked, "Huh?"

Could it be that her silent prayers have actually been heard? Did Soul really forget about the intimate moment they had shared? She really hoped so. "What do you mean?"

"Whadda you think I mean, woman?" he answered angrily. "The only thing I can remember about last night is Black Star getting on top of the bar and started singing a Beatles song!"

Soul groaned and got back to his new friend, the toilet. Maka's mind tried it's best to think the situation through. Should she tell him the truth? Should she tell him he held her captive while his hand was under her top? He'd probably die from embarrassment. Not to mention he'd say it was uncool and never look at her in a normal way again..

"W-well, that's pretty much what happened.." she said when Soul sat back against the wall. "Kid had some symmetry problems, Liz and Patty did some drinking contests and Black Star and Tsubaki stayed by the bar."

"And we?"

We..Maka felt a strange tug in her chest at the words she had heard so many times. She shook the feeling off and focused back on Soul, who was waiting for her answer.

"We..uhm, we just walked around a bit and had fun."

Soul raised his brows, but didn't ask further. He finally stood up, leaning against the wall with his hand.

He grinned, "What's for breakfast."

She has never been more relieved in her entire life. It seemed as if that night had been completely shut out from his memory. It's like it never happened. They only talked about it in class the next morning, but were cut off short by Stein who had some animals to dissect.

Maka watched how Kid scolded Black Star for making the cut asymmetrical. He snatched the scalpel away from the assassin and handed it to Soul.

"Why don't you do it?" Soul frowned, but took the scalpel.

"I do not want to risk blood splashing on my clothes and therefor making it asymmetrical. Which means I will become garbage."

"Yeah, yeah," Soul groaned. "I get it."

"By the way, Sou," Kid said as Soul pushed the scalpel in the animals skin, drawing some blood. "How did you cope with the hangover."

'Who said I had one?" The last thing Soul wanted was for his friends to know he had clung to the toilet the other morning. Black Star laughed, "You are not gonna tell me you didn't vomit all over the place! You were as drunk as a skunk!"

"I-I was?" Crap. He stuttered. So not cool!

"You was so funny! When you had drank all your beer, you'd just steal another from some girl, you were hit on by a guy and told embarrassing stories about Maka and threatened a guy because he was talking to Maka!"

Oh hell no! Soul slowly looked over his shoulder. Maka was concentrating on the animal and was clearly not making any intentions to kill her partner with the Maka Chop of the century. What the hell did he say about her?

Soul calmed down as he reminded himself that if she had herd anything he said about her, she'd already would've killed him. Still he never took his eyes off of her and her dammed books the entire time.

Later that day, Soul walked down the hallway on his way to the library to pick Maka up. He walked past the lockers with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

Why hadn't Maka said he had been drunk that night? Was she embarrassed about his behavior? He had threatened some innocent guy just because he talked to Maka. Not cool...

That thought brought some new questions in his mind. Where was he? Why did he threaten the poor guy? Was he..perhaps..

No! Soul shook his his head with a faint blush on his face. Of course not! Don't think such a stupid, hopeless thing. He couldn't have been jealous. The guy just talked to her for crying out loud! Soul stopped dead in his tracks as a voice – probably that dammed demon – in his mind spoke.

You're in love, so sad.

The hell is that suppose to mean? Maka is his meister. He lives with her! He can't be in love with her. A cool guy does not fall in love with his meister.


Shut up! Soul let out a hiss through his clenched teeth. He was not in denial! There's nothing to deny about his relationship with Maka, because there isn't one! They are meister and weapon! End of story!

The imp then reminded him of one time when Maka sat next to him on their couch, watching tv with him in silence. She had just showered so her damp hair was sticking to the sides of her round face. The sleeping shirt that was too big for her showed her bare shoulder and the short shorts gave him a great view of her legs. She had scolded him when she caught him staring at her, but Soul did notice the small blush that formed on her cheek's.

Soul smiled at the memory. He'd thought she looked so cute then. Sure, Maka had several cute moments. Like when she just woke up, her hair in a mess and a distant glance in her eyes. Or the way a small smile had crept on her face, trying to hide it so no one would find out she was smiling because of a joke Black Star made. He could go on like that forever..

His thought were cut short at the sight of a girl, standing not that far away from him, but was blocking his path. She had purple hair and was wearing a simple shirt with baggy pants and sneakers. Soul stopped walking and was about to ask the girl to move when she spoke.

"Hi, Soul-kun." she said and looked at him through her hair that fell in front of her eyes. She was trying to look seductive, but it wasn't quite working..

"Do I know you?" Soul asked. The girls obviously winced at his words

"I'm Kari, we danced together..remember?"

Soul blinked. Actually, he doesn't. Kari chuckled at the sight, "Guess not, huh?"

"Yeah, sorry about that." Soul sighed. "I've been having trouble remembering what happened that night."

"Well, from what I can remember, " Kari said sheepishly. "You came in with your meister and friends. Then almost immediately started to drink together with that blue-haired boy, ran off somewhere when he started to sing. After a while you came back with your meister and sat on the bar until I asked you to dance.."

"And I agreed?" Soul asked bewildered by the fact he danced with someone. He hasn't danced with anyone since he left his family..

Kari nodded. "Oh," Soul said and scratched the back of his head. "Uh, what else can you remember?"

The question made Kari blush heavily as she recalled the memory, "We danced for quite a while, but then all of a sudden you left and marched straight to your meister, who was talking to someone..After that you two left.."

"Be honest," Soul asked. "How drunk was I?"

Kari laughed nervously, her blush increasing a little, "Well seeing as when we danced you were closer to me then you normally are with someone and the way how you reacted seeing your meister with someone else...You were pretty wasted.."

Soul groaned in annoyance and slapped his hand to his forehead. Great. Just great! Not only had he made a fool out of himself, he also rubbed up to a girl he can't even remember afterwords and scared a guy off.. His hand slid off his face as he tried to answer a question that had popped up in his head – which he blamed that lousy demon for -.

What happened when he left with Maka?

Nothing! Of course he wouldn't! Maybe acted a little annoying, but nothing too serious...right? Soul's eyes narrowed as he heard the soft, dark chuckle of the demon in the back of his mind. That little bastard knows something..

Soul closed his eyes and then snapped open again. He was in the Black Room in his normal attire. The phonograph was playing the same old tune it always did. Sitting in a red chair was the red bastard himself. He grinned broadly, his way to 'welcome' Soul.

"Soul," He said, voice filled with smug amusement. His long, slender arms opened wide, inviting him in. "What brings you here?"

"Like you don't know."

The demon crossed his arms and shook his head, "If I knew, I wouldn't be asking you now would I?"

Soul walked over to the chair and towered above the demon with his fists clenched, "What happened?"

The demon's grin widened at the hiss that emerged from Soul's gritted teeth when he shrugged. Oh, how he loved to drive him insane. Literally.

After a few more seconds of silence. The demon got annoyed with Soul's control over the insanity and anger he felt and sighed dramatic.

"I was hoping not to bring up those horrible memory's." It said, flinging his hands up in the air and letting them fall beside him.

"Why?" Soul asked, his eyes narrowing again. "What's so bad about them?"

"Unlike you I'm not that found of the girl." The demon confessed sadly. "I immediately shut myself out when you started you're little game, which actually proves to me I must be doing something right after all." The demon snickered at his own joke.

Soul's eye twitched nervously. What kind of game?

"Oh, you were just trying to drag her down along with you.."

"Stop being so awfully vague and just tell me, dammit!" Soul yelled, his anger finally rising up to it's boiling point, making the phonograph skip.

The imp held up his hand in defense, "Alright, alright, don't have to get so loud.. I'll show you.. But don't get mad at me for the things you've done. I was not involved whatsoever."

The last thing Soul saw was the amusing grin of the demon, before all the memory's came back to him. Whether he liked it or not.

Soul's red eyes opened and he was back in reality once again. His head was throbbing as the memory's washed over him like a giant, unstoppable tsunami. He could hear the words he spoke to her, could feel how soft her stomach was. He gulped when the memory of the bra under his hand increased the throbbing.

As the last memory faded, it left a tight knot in his heart and stomach. The last one of those stupid memory's was the angry face of Maka when he had pinned her down and, more importantly, the small glint of fear in her green eyes..

It had been the worst walk home..ever. He couldn't even look her in the eye anymore. Soul ran his hands through his hair as he sat on the couch. He had waved Kari of rather quickly, after having to promise to go out on a date one time. He never knew she was this pushy. The girl had smiled broadly and let him pass after the promise and his phone number.

Soul knew he had to pick Maka up or else she knew immediately something was off and that was the last thing Soul wanted. Maka had left out the details of that night on purpose.. and he can understand why. It would've been way too awkward if she told him right there..

But now, Soul didn't have to worry about her finding out that he knows, because she doesn't know he knows... right. Soul groaned. His plan seemed perfect in his mind, but he couldn't even look at Maka for longer then three seconds. She's so going to figure it out if he keeps it up like this.

He breathed slowly through his nose, his hand pulling on his hair.

"Do you want it to fall out?" Maka joked as she passed him on her way to the kitchen. Probably to start dinner. She said they would eat just soup tonight.

Soul automatically let his hands fall into his lap. He gulped when he looked up to see Maka looking at him with her brow slightly arched. He chuckled nervously in response, then excused himself to his room.

He shut the door louder then he'd planned too, but made his way to his bed. He fell down, face first on his pillow and groaned.

Told you it was bad..

The chuckle of the imp only pissed him off. Soul turned around so he laid on his back and swung his arm over his forehead.

Actually, it hadn't been that bad.. What made him so upset and angry with himself was how he did it. He had forced her. From the look on her face she didn't even want to be doing something like that with someone like him.

Soul shook his head. This wasn't the right time to be feeling sorry for himself. He had to get his cool posture when he's around Maka back or else.. Soul grimaced as he remembered the 400 page book Maka got from Tsubaki a few days ago.

After dinner Soul was busy doing the dishes when his phone began to vibrate in his pants. He quickly dried off his hands and answered it, not bothering to check the number.

"Hello?" He said. Maka walked into the kitchen, deciding to help him a little. She took over as Soul began to talk with the person on the other side. "Oh, hey...No, I haven't forgotten. What? Like, right now?"

Maka glanced at her weapon. He scratched the back of his head as he talked to the mystery person. Probably Black Star wanting to play basket ball, Maka thought.

"I dunno, Kari. You pick."

Wait. What? Kari? Maka stopped her actions to focus more on the conversation. Was it the same Kari he had danced with? The same girl who had annoyed Maka so bad she almost punched the girl right there in that crowded bar?

"Yeah, sound cool. Be there in half an hour." Soul sighed as she closed his cell and stuffed it back into his pocket. He stood next to Maka, not meeting her eyes. "I..uh, gotta date."

Maka felt her heart sink at the words. It was weird how just a few words could make her feel so cold and abandoned. "O-oh," she managed to get out. "With who?"

"Kari," Soul answered with a shrug, not noticing the small wince of his partner at hearing the name of his date. "The one I danced with. We're going to see a movie. Won't be back that late."

"Sure.." Maka nodded sadly. Soul still didn't notice and – when all the dishes were done and put away – grabbed his leather jacket and put it on in one swift motion. He closed the door after him before saying goodbye to his meister, leaving her alone in the apartment.

Maka grabbed the fabric of her shirt, right above her heart. How could it be that she was feeling so much jealousy? And not to mention the feeling she was betrayed and rejected. Maka scolded herself. He is a free man. He can do what he wants..

Maka nodded to herself and shook the feelings off. She sat down in the couch and turned on the small tv. Some stupid romance movie was on, but she didn't changed the channel. Maka watched in silence how a woman was losing the man she loves to another, just because she won't acknowledge her own feelings for him.

Overall it was very stupid. And true, Maka realized with a sharp intake of breath. She felt like some young school girl as she fiddled with the hem of her plated skirt.

Could she...Was she..Did she...? Maka blushed bright red as the words crossed her mind. She's in love with him!

She had been in love with him..all this time! It just took her a while to admit it to herself. But, now that she finally had, she felt wonderful. Her heart was filled with all sorts of strange feelings she had never felt before. There were butterfly's fluttering around in her stomach. Not taking it anymore, Maka stood up and dashed into her room and dropped herself on her soft bed.

Maka buried her face in the soft pillow and pulled the cover over her head. The blush on her face still there for anyone to see. The strange, tight feeling in her chest threatening to burst out of it. She clamped a hand over her mouth when a small squeal left it.

She loves Soul! She loves him..

With that pleasant thought she fell asleep. Only to we waken two hours later by the slam of a door. Maka lazily opened her eyes in annoyance. Who the hell would come in so late?

"So, yeah, this is it." Maka's annoyance faded as she heard Soul's voice from outside her door. He was probably in the living room. But, who was he talking to? Maka frowned as she concentrated to hear them.

"And your room?"

Maka's eyes widened and her heart sank for the second time that day. It was Kari. What was she doing here asking where Soul's room was? Maybe...

"Oh, uh," she heard Soul say. Then she heard two pair of footsteps. They walked past her door and stopped a little further. Maka heard the faint creak of a door open and someone mutter some words, she couldn't understand.

"What about your meister?" Kari asked sweetly.

"Oh, she's probably asleep." Soul answered. Maka heard them walk into Soul's room. "She won't notice a thing.."

Maka shot up from bed and grabbed Soul's Ipod from her desk, with his black headphones attached to it. She put the headphones on her head and the music loud enough for her not to hear anything what's going on in the room next to her.

He wouldn't sleep with her..right? Of course he is, Maka thought bitter. He's in his room. Alone with a very attractive girl, who clearly wants him. Why wouldn't he? With the headphones covering her ears, she fell back to sleep, but with a less pleasant feeling this time.

A/N: There WILL be a second chapter, i'm almost done with it..just a few pages more..:)

Hope you guys liked the first chapter :D