AN: Another late chapter, but I think the important thing is that I am actually updating. We've spent the past 2 weeks trying to switch insurance companies and get a new car, so I've been busy, and EXCITED! We just bought a 2013 Mazda 3 Sport! Considering our old car was bought for $600 and was a hunk of junk, this is AMAZING!

HAPPY FATHERS DAY (late sorry, meant to post this sooner) to the best daddy in the world, who treats his baby amazingly, and the best father I could ask for. The 2 greatest men in my lives are the most amazing fathers in the world (My father, and my baby's daddy). To any readers who are male, if there are any, if you are a daddy, or a soon to be daddy, happy fathers day! To any mommy's out there that play mommy and daddy, or to any same sex couples with children where the mommy may actually be a daddy, or vice versa if you know what I mean, HAPPY FATHERS DAY!

*****This chapter is dedicated to Shell, and Mystery-Guest-Who-Has-No-Name, for reviewing on Chapter 20*****

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*There is a SPECIAL DEDICATION TO SHELL for being the 100th reviewer for Collide! I wish I could thank you through a PM but you don't have an account. Thank you so much everyone who has reviewed and Shell for putting me at 100 reviews!*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Chapter 21: Shock


Even after my parents deaths I never pushed Jacob away, but now, I had to. I had top protect everyone from The Volturi. I trusted that Alice spoke the truth. Unlike Ed… HIM, she never gave me a reason to believe she would lie to me or hurt me. She seemed just as hurt by HIS actions as I was.

I got ready for bed, over dressing in case Jacob thought he should join me halfway through the night. I sat on my bed for a long time, just crying, until I finally decided to lie down and try to get some sleep. I couldn't.

I don't think I had ever been so broken before. Not from losing my parents, not from when my favorite teacher died of cancer, not when my dog died last year. Never.

I stared up at my ceiling, trying my hardest to think of good things. Where did my life go wrong? Why were these things happening to me? Did I anger someone? God, Fate, Karma? Did I do something to deserve all of these bad things or did it happen to be an odd string of coincidences.

As I stared up at my ceiling, the purple changed to blue then darkened to black, with tiny bright spots. I was looking up at the sky, in a winter ruined meadow. As I looked around, I could see the outline of a forest in the dark, just on the outside of the meadow.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again I screamed bloody murder. HIS eyes were staring back at me. Blood red instead of the honey turned black that they used to be. I turned and scurried away on hands and knees but then he was in front of me, blocking my path.

I tried to stand but when I did, he pushed me down to the ground, climbing on top of me, holding me still.

"Isabella, I've missed you. One moment away from you is too long. Haven't you missed me, my love?" He asked. What was wrong with him? I had to get out of here.

"Edward, why would I miss you after what you did?" I asked, fear and nausea obvious on my face.

"Isabella, I'm sorry that I was not gentleman enough to wait for us to be wed, but you must see how much I needed you."

"Stop calling me Isabella! It's Bella! Just Bella! And as for your delusions, why would I want to marry you?" I practically growled.

"Because we are in love, and you are my soul mate. I understand that the boy has you confused. Human emotions are so quick to change, but love like ours, I've waited almost 100 years for."

"I do NOT love you Edward! I would never love you, COULD never love you after what you did to me! You think I enjoyed it? You think I wanted it? You raped me! Those weren't screams of pleasure, they were pain! YOU RAPED ME YOU ASSHOLE!" I could feel the rage building inside me as I screamed at Edward for what he did.

Realization showed through his features as I said what he did, "Love, that was not rape, I know that you wanted it, and I'm sorry I took your virtue before we were both ready, but I knew that If I waited any longer, you would have deluded yourself into thinking you had feelings for that boy. You are but a human, and as a human, your feelings will change so quickly, but I know your true feelings."

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" I screamed louder than I thought possible, shaking with the rage that was building inside me. Next thing I knew, I was on all fours, and I had fur, and a snout, and oh my God! I was a werewolf! Just like Sam. I could smell a sickeningly sweet scent and instinctively knew it was coming from Edward.

I lunged at my enemy, the creature that had defiled me, causing me to be used and impure. I tore at his throat, but he grabbed me around my ribs and started to crush me. He slammed me into the ground, pinning me and undoing his pants. I screamed.

I screamed awake, holding my hand over my mouth hoping no one had heard. Holy cow! What was that? I waited a few minutes to see if anyone came, and when no one did, I knew I had kept quiet.

What was that dream?

I wasn't able to get back to sleep that night.

When I noticed the sun coming up, I decided to go take a shower. I remembered to bring clothes with me this time, luckily.

I turned the water on and let it run until it reached the temperature I liked before undressing. I tried not to look at myself, but when I started to scrub, all I could see was bruises all over my wrists, my leg, and stomach. I was sure from the way I felt that the second I looked in the mirror, my lips would be bruised as well.

I broke down, falling to the floor of the bathtub, crying my heart out. Why me? I mean, I'm sure everyone asks that. If it isn't 'why does this always happen to me?' it's 'Everything was going to great, why now?'

I knew not to blame myself, but Edward's words from my dream kept coming back to me. Did he really think of me as his soul mate? Just the thought of how delusional he might be as me heaving into the drain, hurting my stomach as I hadn't eaten since lunch the day before.

When I was finally done in the shower – making sure this time to keep my eyes shut while I washed, in hopes that I could forget, even momentarily, about what occurred last night – I got dressed in long sleeves and jeans – Not unusual for this time of year – and applied makeup to my face to hide the bruises there.

I went downstairs, and to not alert anyone to my pain, or feelings, I kept to my routine. I made breakfast – A simple meal of French toast and bacon with some strawberries – I made coffee perfectly for Charlie, and poured some orange juice for myself and the boys.

I really didn't feel hungry, but I had to eat, and if I didn't, they would think something was wrong. This Sunday would be the longest yet.


When all of the guests had left, and the decorations had been taken down, the family went into the living room and sat down, except Rosalie and I, who knew exactly what had happened. Jasper could tell we were angry, but he didn't know why.

"Carlisle, we need to talk about Edward. You all saw what happened from the party. Luckily all of the guests thought it was a party trick."

"Yes, I completely agree. That wolf attacked Edward! What the hell is going on? I thought there were no more wolves in the area?" Emmett spoke.

"He didn't attack without cause, and he didn't kill him. He knew even though Edward deserved death, that there was a treaty." I replied, knowing Edward was still alive, but unable to see exactly where he was.

"Now, Alice. No one 'deserves' to die." Carlisle said, not understanding what had happened. "Now how about…"

"Yes, he fucking does Carlisle." Rosalie interrupted, "He raped Bella, now she knows our secret so she doesn't try to get Charlie after him. What was he thinking? Singer or not, you don't do that to someone!"

"Rose." Emmett came over to his wife and wrapped her in his arms, understanding why she was so angry. "I didn't know. He will be stopped. I won't let him get away with it."

"Everyone just stop." Carlisle said, "No one is going to kill Edward. I understand he did wrong, but death is not the answer. He will come to his senses when he is not around her. We will make preparations to leave if need be. But until that time comes, we will just be cautious."

"But Carlisle." Rosalie started.

"No buts Rosalie. Edward is a part of this family. He is my oldest son and he will not be punished until we have had a word with each other, and when that time comes, I will choose the punishment. You have to understand, he is 17, living in a world unlike the one he grew up in, and has just found his singer. He will do stupid things, but he will not get an unjust trial to prove his mistake or that he feels guilt. I trust Edward, and I think he just lost control for a minute. It isn't like this hasn't happened before. Emmett, you had found your singer before. You understand. Give him space and time. End of discussion." And with that, he and Esme were gone.

"What is he thinking? He's going to get Bella killed! I like her." Alice stated.

"We all do Ally." Jasper said, coming up and wrapping his arms around me from behind.

Sorry this isn't as long as I would have liked but just so much is going on. My daughter will be 6 months soon, just got a new car, have a mortgage potentially being approved, and trying to take care of 4 pets as well while Daddy brings home the bacon working almost 60 hours some weeks. (His dad's a slave driver, I swear) but the money is good. So by myself I'm pretty busy taking care of the living beings under my household – Not all, the ants are dead – and cleaning the house.

Please pretty please review. I have so many followers and only 2-5 review each chapter. Please Please Please?