Author's rambling:


My guinea pig survived the operation, and though he still doesn't eat much I believe everything's gonna be okay from now on. I'd like to thank Foxy-san from Dattebayo Devon for all the empathy. It helped me a lot, to know that someone understand.

...and thanks, all the people who were thinking about us! (aaaaand for reviews which are making me ecstatic xP)

Okay, enough of my personal bullshit. Here comes your brand new chapter, yay! I'm not really satisfied with it, but pff, whatevuh, I'm never satisfied with my work anyway. Hope you'll like it more than I do!

Ohh, if you only knew the things I'm preparing for this story! Wet dreams, sucides, another worlds, sexual harassment scenes, misunderstandings and so on...! *maniacal laugh*

You'll see~


PS: I've just seen the last episode of Togainu no Chi, featuring Crying Princess Akira, Flying Immortal Nano and Red-Sparkling Vampire Shiki. Gosh, my brain. Just... ouch.

Dramatic, wasn't it?

Well yes, I made it sound a little more terrible than it had been. But didn't you want this story to be interesting? I bet everyone just loved the scene with Shizu-chan barging in and…

What? Of course that he DID punch me! Everything I've told you is true, it's just a little… colored. In fact, I'd been unconscious for about 30 seconds or so. It's not like he killed me.

So, when I woke up…

You know, I've just realized something funny. This story has many awkward moments, but among all of them, waking ups are the worst. Each time, I'd been regaining my consciousness just to be confronted with either utter confusion or mild embarrassment.

This particular scene is the first type.

My senses were coming back rather gradually. First thing I knew was someone brushing strands of hair off my forehead, barely touching my skin, but doing it with gentleness that was unfamiliar for someone like me. Still balancing on the edge of awakening I leaned to the touch, making the unknown hand rest fully on my cheek, warming it up. Then I realized that the person was talking, although I couldn't understand its words.

"…ak…." I did my best to focus and clear my mind just a little. "….up"


"…ke up!"

Make up? I thought bluntly. No, my eyelashes are naturally long, thank you very much.

"Please wake up, Izaya-kun."

Now that makes more sense… wait, what?

My eyes snapped open to focus on one rather familiar blonde who had been leaning above me and trying to bring me back from my trip around the universe, carrying very worried and anxious look on his face. It was his hand that was caressing my face and his voice I tried so hard to focus on.


I checked the color of his eyes almost automatically. No. It was the other one, the calm one, the one I knew the less.

So I guess there was nothing wrong in letting him pet me a little~

Sadly, my moment of relaxation was violently interrupted when my hazy mind had cleared itself a little more and I heard other voices coming from somewhere beyond my eyesight.

"Why have you done that?" someone exclaimed "You could have killed him…"

"If only it could be so easy!" well this one HAD to be Shizu-chan. I've never met someone who could scream as loud as he could.

"You don't understand! He cannot die! I came all this way here to prevent it!" that other person answered, hints of desperation in its voice, almost as if the speaker was about to cry any second now. "I don't want to die! I didn't do anything wrong!"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Exactly." Said the another voice, which I believed belonged to the one who was called Delic. "What is it all about? You should at least explain it to me, as well as your escape."

"I own you nothing. And I didn't ask you to go after me!"

My head was aching, and aching even more when I was listening to this stupid, meaningless argument. Their voices were ringing in my ears, resembling the sound of a telephone you don't want to answer. I sat up, slapping away the hand of the still-unknown blonde who had tried to help me with this action, and finally letting anger replace my confusion I shouted out:


Ah, silence. How is it possible I've never noticed how much I love it?

My eyes scanned the room. Delic, Shizuo, the blonde with blue eyes and… scrap of white clothing of someone who hid behind Shizu, okay. I'll take care about it later.

"You!" I pointed at the blue-eyed blonde. "What's your name?"

"It's Tsugaru, Izaya-kun." Was a quick, yet calm response. "I'm glad to see you awake and unharmed."

"Whatever. You!" My finger moved towards Delic. "Yes, I played with you and seriously, you HAVE to find someone to take care of what you're wearing, because I wouldn't use this ugly suit of yours even to wash the floor in my kitchen. And you, Shizu-chan!" I gave out my best evil laugh. "You're gonna explain all this shit HERE and NOW or else you're all gonna die in prison for housebreaking and physical abuse! Wouldn't it be nice if I framed you for something you're really responsible of, Shizu-chan?"

"So you can freely frame me for murder CAUSE I'M GONNA KILL YA!" he shouted and the figure behind him immediately jumped out to calm him down.

"No, no, no! Calm down, Shizuo-san! We all know you're not a murderer, right? Right? Say something, Tsu-chan!"

Tsugaru stood up and started to talk, but I wasn't listening to him at all. My whole attention focused on the person dressed in something what resembled pink and white copy of my own clothes, who had apparently noticed my interest because he turned around and shot me a smile, placing his hands behind his back. His face was perfect reflection of my own, despite of pink eyes which were carrying so much innocence and positive energy I could never, ever mistook them with my own. If you asked me about any comparison for this guy I would say he resembled… music. Yes, in some way. Don't make me explain it, I don't understand it myself. But the most important thing was I didn't really feel surprised by seeing him there.

"I know you." I said slowly, trying to remember from where. His smile only widened.

"So you didn't forget! Perfect, that should make the things easier." He stated cheerfully and offered me a hand which I took a hold of to steady myself when I was standing up. "My name is Psyche, and I'm happy to finally meet you in person, Izaya-san. I'm sorry about all this, I was planning to visit you alone but these two" he gestured towards Delic and Tsugaru "went after me and so we're here."

"Okay, sure, whatever, but… what are YOU doing here?" I asked Shizu-chan, who crossed his arms on his chest and tch-ed lightly, avoiding my eyes. I noticed his ears were all red.

"I've met this thing on the street so I rushed after it thinking it's you, flea." He spat "But as soon as I've catched it it started to cry and act completely NOT like you. So I've came to conclusion that it's one of your disgusting toys and I've decided to take it directly to its sick owner."

"Oh that's so nice of you… but you were WRONG!"


"Um… sorry, but could you please stop arguing?" Psyche asked weakly "Just for a second? I'm sure you both want to know who we are and…"

"SHUT UP!" we both didn't let him finish the sentence. "Well isn't it just like you, Shizu-chan?" I continued, pouring gorgeous amount of venom on every little word that was leaving my lips. "If something makes you angry you immediately think about me! But wait… if it's true, you must think about me all the time! I'm so touched!"

"The only time I think about you is when I'm visualizing your slow and painful death you fucking louse!"

"Ohh~ liar. Thoughts like these are coming to you only when we're together! I bring the best out of you~"


"Oh please! Why can't you just stop?" Psyche's tears-filled scream came from somewhere near, not really drawing my attention which was currently focused on mocha eyes burning with rage… however the next thing I've heard shot straight to my brain and exploded with flurry of unwanted pictures that my flexible imagination immediately started to produce.

Because what he said was: "And to think that I believed I can just come here and make you two fall in love with each other!"

My brain had translated "fall in love" into ridiculous scene of me and Shizu-chan running towards each other through the enormous field of bright yellow sunflowers before I shook my head and ousted the vision with angry "That's DISGUSTING!"

"Unwillingly… but serves you right." Shizu-chan said, obviously experiencing the same type of misinterpretation as me myself.

Which, to be honest, was probably the only thing that could make us shut up.

"Wait a second, Psyche. What did you say about… uh, just what did you say?" I asked weakly, the argument long forgotten. My pink-eyed twin blushed a little and his eyes had darted towards Tsugaru before he decided to look at me, looking guilty.

"Well… you see, it's a long story. Basically… what can I say… it's just that we… I mean, I... so I came to… uh, they came after me, right… but the thing is…"

"Let me explain." Tsugaru interrupted calmly, gently placing his arm around the brunette's waist and pulling him a little closer. Then he smiled at me. "Psyche tried to say that we came here to make you happy, Izaya-kun, and what can make human more happy than love?"

The only response I found in my little "clever-answers" store was silence. These people. Came here. To make me. Happy. To make ME happy. Oh yes, I wasn't happy with the life I was living. I was ECSTATIC. Maybe except of that particular moment, when I was slightly irritated. You know, it's strange but… beginning with my parents, every time when someone tries to make me happy I end up in complete despair.

I fucking knew I shouldn't open that damn door, I thought miserably, waving goodbye to my sweet everyday life which was already packing its suitcases and rushing through the door towards the elevator.

What had broken this respective silence was full of clamor voice of Delic, who stated:

"There is nothing wrong with my clothes and I would never come here if I knew you're such an ass."

963Q-karin: thanks for advice ;) I did what you've said.

And now...


*waves and runs away*