I'm Driving.

For a brief moment the whole world spun, nothing made sense and the only sound was the insane ringing in his ears. Hands gripped him but he couldn't focus on who it was or what they were trying to do, the only thing he could focus on was the ringing, and the exploding pain in his head. His hand clamped over his ear, in some sort of vain attempt to block out the sound or the pain. Preferably both.

Voices, sirens, it didn't matter; nothing made sense. He closed his eyes. He didn't know why it just seemed like the right thing to do. Maybe because when he closed his eyes the world shut down and he didn't have to deal with that nauseous feeling as things around him spun making him dizzy. It was a little to late though and he was on his knees, he didn't care he didn't have the energy to get up. Or for that matter really were up was.

The hands that gripped him pulled him up and he followed them keeping his head down and eyes closed. A voice trying to cut through the ringing, calling out his name, maybe that would help. He tried to focus on that voice. Trying to use it to block out everything else.

Minutes passed and he could actually hear it was Dave Rossi now, the concern in his voice was obvious. A few more minutes passed and Aaron Hotchner lifted his head, looking at the other profiler. Taking a moment to compose himself before speaking.

"I'm fine." Came his usual response.

"Of course you are.." Dave replied with a hint of sarcasm. "Come here..." He took Hotch's arm and guided him away from the scene letting him sit. Dave knelt down in front of him, watching as the younger agent pulled himself together.


"Want to tell me what's going on?" He new what it was, but he want to give Hotch a chance to speak up.



"It's just… When that gun went off. It was so loud right next to me and… it almost felt like it was exploding in my ear."

"I should get a doctor…" It was more a statement on Dave's part than a question.

"No. Its easing now, it's getting better."


"Dave." The younger agent cut him off "Honestly Its fine. It's almost back to normal."

Dave nodded knowing that he wasn't going to get anywhere with Aaron, there was no way he'd get him to agree to a doctor. He moved to sit beside the injured Agent as someone handed them a bottle of water and Dave watched Aaron take a drink, noting at least he seemed to be able to cope with that task; which was much better than not being able to stand not so long ago.

At some point Dave had ended up holding onto Aaron's gun, he wasn't even really aware of taking hold of it but he handed it back watching it get slipped in its holster on Aaron's belt.

"We should be getting back." Aaron spoke up, suddenly becoming aware of the people watching over at him and not feeling entirely comfortable under the constant gaze of the local PD as well as his concerned team.

Dave stifled a laugh prompting a glare from his friend. "Sorry." He shrugged. "But you'll never just stop will you."

"Are we heading back now or not?" Aaron stood to prove a point.

"Yeah we are. But guess what..."


"I'm driving." Dave stood and moved to the driver's side of the SUV before Aaron could offer any sort of argument. He grinned as he opened the door. "Coming?"