Okay, this is a 2-shot about what would happen in the episode Bon Voyage, if Bailey's ridiculous hypothesis about how the aqua lounge was flooded was the real reason.

BTW, I am not really going to go into depth about the episode. If some thing in confused, watch the episode on You Tube or something. Sorry!

DC: Don't own anything.

"It's my fault! I'm gonna get expelled and kicked off the ship!" Bailey exclaimed in realization. She couldn't believe her special fertilizer had made the roots of her cornsips grow through the hull of the ship and make the aqua lounge flood.

"No more Bailey!" London yelled happily while jumping up and down.

"Yeah. No more Bailey" Bailey mumbled, plopping herself down on her bed sadly.

"Now, we have found the culprit for what happened in the aqua lounge" Moseby started angrily, pacing in front of the gang, who were all now seated on chairs on the deserted sky deck.

"We found these-" Moseby pulled some roots out of his pocket and flailed them around the kids faces. "roots infiltrating the deck and causing the crack in the window. The question is, who did it?" Moseby scowled.

Bailey couldn't hide forever, so she decided to get it over and done with. "I did" she whispered, stepping forward.

Cody's eyes widened. Bailey, his Bailey, was about to expelled and kicked off the ship. Cody shot a look at Zack, notifying Zack that he was about to do something stupid. Zack understood and nodded, his eyes grave.

"No, she didn't. I did" Cody said, stepping forward.

"No, Cody-" Bailey started, but Zack covered her mouth with his hand and whispered in her ear, "Shut up." Bailey looked at Zack, who was pleading with his eyes for her not to say anything.

"I'm sorry Cody. But this can not be over looked." Moseby started.

"I understand" Cody nodded.

"Therefore, you will be expelled immediately, and a helicopter will come and pick you up soon." Moseby said calmly. Cody just nodded again.

"Dismissed." Moseby said walking away.

As soon as Moseby said that, Cody raced away.

"He didn't do it, did he." Marcus stated, looking at where Cody exited the sky deck.

"No. He didn't." Zack said sadly, also looking at where Cody left.

Bailey then started to cry into Zack's shoulder and he rubbed her back soothingly.

Cody's expelled. He is kicked off the ship. He's leaving. All because of me, was all that kept repeating in Bailey's mind.

Eventually Marcus left, and Woody followed. London didn't know whether to stay or go, but decided to leave.

"Don't worry too much Bailey. This is what he wants. Go and talk with Cody. Make things right" London said quietly, before hugging Bailey and kissing her cheek softly. Then London also left silently.

"Bailey" Zack said softly. She didn't reply, she just kept crying into Zack's shirt.

"Bailey." Zack said louder. She didn't answer again.

"Bailey!" Zack yelled. Finally she softened her crying and looked up at Zack face.

"Listen. I know that your upset that Cody's leaving. We all are. But he did this for you, so you could stay here. Make it right before he leaves." Zack said.

"Yes" Bailey said, her voice cracking.

Cody got back to his cabin and took out his suitcases. He then opened his draws and started to take all of his things out and neatly put them in one of the various suitcase scattered over his bed.

He didn't cry because he was leaving. He cried because now he would never be able to know if Bailey would give him another chance.

He heard the door open and Woody walked in and closed the door behind him, something he never did.

"Why'd you do it?" Woody asked, after he walked to his bed and sat down.

"Do what?" Cody asked, playing dumb.

"Cover for Bailey."

"I don't know what your talking about."

"What all know that it wasn't you who flooded the aqua lounge." Woody stated.


"Sooo, why'd you do it?

"Fine. I did it because Bailey doesn't want to leave. Zack always says to me that he wants me to go home. And Bailey hates me, so there is no reason for staying." Cody growled. Hopefully, this conversation will be over soon, Cody thought miserably. Unfortunately this wasn't the case.

"Cody, that's not true and you know it." Woody said.

"Doesn't matter. I'm leaving soon and nothing is going to stop that." Cody said. Outside, Bailey was about to knock when she heard the conversation inside. Guilt washed through again as she burst through the door.

"But there has to be!" she exclaimed to the surprise to both Cody and Woody.

"Bailey?" Cody asked in disbelief. She hadn't been in his room since the incident with Buck the rat.

"Hi." She said sheepishly.

"Ah, how much of that did you hear?" Cody asked.

"Enough" Bailey said, glaring at Cody.

"OK, I am extremely uncomfortable right now, so Imma go." Woody said, slipping out the door.

When Woody closed the door, Cody returned to packing while Bailey glared at him. She was about to sit on Woody's bed, when she heard Cody say from his closet, "I wouldn't sit there. Woody does all sorts of disgusting things in that bed!" Bailey quickly jumped up and sat on Cody's desk chair.

"Cody," she began.

"Yes?" He called back from the closet.

"OK, come out of the closet!" she exclaimed. He walked out of the closet with various hangers in his hands, each contained an item of clothing, a slight bit different than the last.

"Cody, you don't have to do this. It was my fault, why should you get punished for it?" Bailey inquired, trying to stay calm.

"You deserve to be here more" Cody shrugged.

"That's a lie and you know it. We both deserve to be here." Bailey snapped.

"It doesn't matter, OK! What's done is done. I'm leaving now so just say what you want to say and go!" Cody hollered.

"I'm not saying anything until you tell me why you did it!" Bailey demanded being stubborn.

"Fine! Fine! You wanna know why I did it? I did it because no-one wants me here! Zack has said on numerous occasions that he wishes I would go home! And you hate me so there is no point! If the people I love the most don't want me around, then there is no point!" Cody bellowed.

Bailey pulled in a ragged breath.

"I told you what you want to know, so just leave" Cody seethed.

Outside, Zack shed one tear for his brothers suffering. He knew that Cody had insecurites at times, but Zack never knew how bad it really was. Zack had been listening in on the conversation and couldn't believe what he had heard.

Inside, Bailey walked up to Cody and pulled him in for a hug. "I don't hate you… And, thank you" she whispered, kissing him lightly on his cheek. Then she left, crying silently, not seeing Zack standing next to her.

Next chapter is tomorrow!

What'd ya think? Do you like it, hate it, love it? Give me your opinions!

Lady Alice