Whoa snap! I haven't written anything for a while! But what can I say, I have been really busy with school and marching band and my muse kinda abandoned me for a while. But I was eating generic lucky charms (with a drug star on the box!) and reading DenNor fics when I had this idea!

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia, but I do have the first two seasons on DVD and the first volume of the manga. And I have a box of drug star generic lucky charms! (the aldi brand, fyi)


The routine was simple. Every morning Norway would get up and have his normal breakfast. Just a bowl of cereal and, of course, the customary cup of coffee or six. Plus sometimes some fruit if he was feeling particularly healthy that morning. Sometimes the type of coffee and he almost never had the same kind of fruit twice in a row, but one thing never changed. Every morning, almost without fail, he had a bowl of Lucky Charms.

Now, unlike most fans of lucky charms, Norway didn't eat it for the marshmallows. They were too sweet, in his opinion, but the actual cereal part was just right for him. Now, this is where the other part of the morning routine comes in. Every morning, the stray marshmallows from Norway's cereal always some how found their way to Denmark, who happily at every last morsel of overly sugary goodness.

Of course, giving them to Denmark didn't mean that Norway always left breakfast with out the overly sweet taste of marshmallow.


There, some implied yaoi at the end to placate the fangirls. Anyway, written in about five minutes on a Saturday morning. Seems like a good way to start of the day.