Okay, so this is my first Generator Rex fanfic, and my first family & hurt/comfort story. This should be interesting. Hopefully I won't kill my own story. I'm going to talk about last night's flashback episode of Generator Rex for a second before I get to the story. That was the greatest episode EVER! There was Holix, and father/son fluff between Rex and Six, and…and…*blows up*. Okay, I'm a little hyper right now, so I'm just going to stop myself from ranting about that episode any further and get to the story. Hope you like it!

"Rex! Move!" Six commanded, promptly pushing the teen out of the way of the evo.

"I can move on my own!"

"Yes, but you almost died on your own." Six retorted.

"Was that sarcasm?"

"Just cure the evo before I have to kill it."

"Right." Rex ran up to the evo, jumped on its back, and put his hand on it to cure it. "I got it, Six. I got it." Rex was curing the evo, when all of a sudden his powers flat-lined. "Okay, maybe I don't have it. A little help, Six?"

"Looks like it's contain or kill now…" Six thought out loud, "And since they're no agents nearby; it's kill." The agent ran over to the evo, pulled out his katanas, and began fighting it.

"We don't have to kill it!" Rex defended. "I could call in backup!"

Six was too busy fighting to really consider what Rex had just said. It took a while to sink in, but he eventually replied, "There's not enough time, Rex. If we don't take care of it now, there's no telling what this evo could do to the civilians."

Six swung his katana at the evo, but it caught the blade of the sword. The evo screamed in pain and then got angry. It lifted Six's sword and flung him away, but the agent just countered with a flip, and was able to land on his feet.

Despite the fact that the evo was stronger than him, Six continued to play offense. He jumped in the air to attack, but was hit by one of the evo's arms. The agent flew back and hit a car that was parked in the road, and he appeared to be knocked out.

"Alright, that's it. No one knocks out my partner." Rex formed his B.F.S. His bio-metrics were back up. He hit the evo and it cowered back a step. Rex ran up to the evo, which was slightly in shock, and cured it.

"Thank you! Thank you so much." The man that was once the evo walked over to Rex and shook his hand.

"Well, beats the hug that one naked guy gave me…"

"What?" The man questioned.

"Oh, just thinking out loud." Rex suddenly realized that Six was still lying against the car. Usually he'd be back up on his feet by now. "Six!" Rex ran over to his partner.

"Are you alright! Six!" He waited, but there was no reply. "Six, wake up Six!" Rex picked up the agent and began to shake him back and forth so that he would wake up.

"Would you cut that out?" Six slapped Rex's hand away, stood up, and straightened his tie. "Why were your bio-metrics down?" Six asked as he faced the boy.

"I'm not sure." Rex said

"Looks like we need to go see Dr. Holiday…again today." Six walked toward the transport ship.

"C'mon Six!" Rex ran to catch up with the man, "I don't need to see Holiday again."

"One; yes you do. Two; we need to figure out why your bio-metric levels keep dropping. Three; I though you loved seeing Holiday."

"I do love seeing Hottie Holiday…and I'm sure she loves seeing me too." Rex flexed his muscles, which deserved him a slap in the side of the head from Six. "Ow! What was that for!"

"Don't call your superiors 'hot'. Especially when they're about ten years older than you." Six said. He was standing outside the ship with Rex, waiting for the boy to get in.

"Oh, Six. We both know you're thinking the same thing. Now am I right?" Rex said with a smirk on his face as he elbowed the agent in his side.

"Get in the ship." Six decided to stop waiting for Rex to get in the ship, and to just push him in. When the he pushed Rex into the ship, the boy lost his balance and fell on the floor. The agent just ignored him and got into the driver's seat.

"C'mon Six. I know you have a huge crush on the doctor." Rex said while standing up and walking over to the annoyed man.

"Sit down now, or I'm driving this ship while you're standing." Six started the ship and was prepared to drive away, whether he was sitting or standing.

"What? Afraid of a little competition?" Rex said while flexing his muscles once again. Six just drove the ship straight up, which caused the standing teen to lose his balance and roll to the back of the transport ship.

"See, that wouldn't have happened if you were sitting down." Six said.

"Well, now I have another bruise, thanks Six. Hm…that just means I'll have to spend more time with Holiday." Rex teased Six.

The agent just rolled his eyes in return, which didn't really matter because the teen couldn't see through his glasses. After about ten minutes, Six finally managed to get Rex to shut up. Something about the promise of pizza just made the teen do whatever the agent wanted.

"Are we there yet?" Rex questioned.

"Rex, I though we agreed you would stay quiet if we got pizza later."

"What kind of pizza? I need to know if this deal is worth it."

"I honestly do not care, Rex."

"Okay. Then…can we get a pineapple, pickle, green olive, and salami pizza?" Six stared back at the teen with an eyebrow raised. "What? Too weird for you?" Rex questioned.

"A little…" Six just decided to ignore the boy and get back to driving.

"Well, since we're done talking about pizza, let's get back to the topic of Hottie Holiday." Rex said while putting his arms behind his head and leaning back.

"Her first name is not 'Hottie', Rex." Six said, not bothering to look back at the boy.

"Then what is it?"

"If you don't know her name already, then she probably doesn't want you to know."

"How do you know that?"

"Has she ever told you?"


"Then she probably doesn't want you to know."

Rex stared at Six for a second before the whole concept of what the man said kicked in. "Okay, so I can't know her name. How long have you two been dating?"

"We're not dating, Rex."

"Everyone knows you both love each other." Rex taunted.

"We don't love each other; we're friends, but nothing more." Six corrected.

"Six and Holiday sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g…" Rex began singing. Six turned to face him.

"I will throw you out of this ship if needed." The agent threatened.

"You wouldn't."

"You really believe that?" Six said while raising an eyebrow at the boy.

"Eh…I'll keep quiet."

"That's all I asked for." The agent turned back to face the ship's control panel, and continued driving back to base.

"So…are we there yet?" Rex questioned. Before he knew it, the agent had stood up, grabbed him by the shirt, opened the hatch, and had thrown him out of the ship. Rex began screaming and then he remembered that he had his boogie pack. He equipped it, and began hovering after the transport ship. "Why the hell did you do that!" He said into his communicator.

"Because you were annoying me." Six said, without any regret for throwing a fifteen year old out of a ship in his voice.

"How much longer is it to base?" Rex asked. Suddenly he was hit in the head by something. He caught it in his hand and looked down at it. 'Six's earpiece…'

He looked up and saw base in the distance. It looked like it was about five miles away. A few minutes later he arrived in the ship hold along with Six.

"You threw me out of a ship! In the air!" Rex yelled while pointing his index finger at Six.

Six stared at the boy, "You had a jet pack." He said while walking away.

Rex just stood in place, dumbfounded by the agent's comment. Then he ran after the agent. "What if my nanites stopped working again! It's been happening all day, so how did you know it wouldn't happen when you threw me out of a ship!"

Six stopped walking for a second and shrugged. "Lucky guess."

"You mean…I could have died if you guessed wrong!"

"Yup." Six said, while once again, walking away from the boy. The agent found it fun messing with Rex. But Rex should know that one; Six wouldn't let him die, and two; he could have just jumped after the boy if his nanites did stop working. Now, would he let Rex know that? Nope.

"Well…I-I'm telling Holiday!" Rex threatened.

"Go ahead and tell her. She won't care."

"What do you mean she won't care! She's like my mom!" Rex stopped talking after realizing what he just said…he just called his crush his mother.

Six tried his best not to smirk, but he just couldn't help keeping a smile off his face.

"Shut up." Rex said while picking up speed and walking past the agent.

"I wasn't talking."

"But you were smiling."

"Maybe a little." Six said while letting a small smirk slip onto his face once again.

Rex looked up at the agent. "And you're still smiling."

Six stopped walking and stood in front of a door. Then he just watched Rex continue walking away. "Rex, you just walked past the medical bay."

Rex corrected himself by spinning on his heel and turning around. As he walked past the agent, he said, "I meant to do that."

"Sure you did." Six said while walking into the medical bay after Rex.

Holiday was sitting at her desk, doing paperwork, when she looked up and saw Rex and Six. "Back so soon?"

"His bio-metrics dropped again." Six stated.

"Rex, that's the third time today. And it's only 6 pm." Holiday said while standing up and walking over to Rex. She pulled out a thermometer and shoved it in the boy's mouth.

"Ow!" Rex said, his voice muffled. Neither Holiday nor Six appeared to care about the boy's comment, because they both just walked away and started talking.

"What happened this time?" Holiday asked Six.

"I don't know…he doesn't either." Six answered.

"There was no…emotional outburst beforehand?" The doctor questioned.


"No shattered overconfidence?"

"Not that I know of."



"Well that's a first." The doctor said. She put rested her hand against her chin while she was thinking. "I'll see if he has a fever before we theorize any further." She walked over to the boy, pulled the thermometer out of his mouth, and glanced at the number on the side. "98.6…completely normal. Care to tell me what happened today?"

"I-I don't know Doc. I just…nothing happened. Something always triggers it, but not this time."

"I don't know what to tell you Rex. I'll try taking a blood sample and running some tests though." Holiday took a needle out of her lab coat pocket and shoved in into Rex's arm.

"Ow! And I though the thermometer hurt! A little warning next time Doc!"

"Sorry Rex, but I know you hate needles, so it probably would have been worse if you knew I was going to take blood."

"Well next time, could you let me know before you shove a needle in my arm!"

"Sure, Rex. You can go now if you want to."

"Thanks Doc." The teen stood up and started to walk out of the room. "Oh, before I go, I just though you though know that Six has a huge crush on you." Rex ran out of the room, afraid of the agent killing him after that remark.

"At least I didn't call her my mom!" Six yelled after the boy.

Holiday stared over at the agent. "Long day?"

"Long day." Six said, turning away so that the doctor couldn't see that his face was red.

"Is he telling the truth?" Holiday asked the agent.

"What?" Six asked, trying to pretend he was confused.

"Is Rex telling the truth about your possible crush on me?"

"No. We're friends. And partners. Nothing more, nothing less." The agent stoically stated.

"Alright, fine with me." The doctor said while putting her hands in the air, "but…why are you blushing?"

The agent stood in shock at the doctor's comment. "I'm not blushing."

"Really? Because I think that's what it's called when your face is red because you're embarrassed." Holiday said while crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow at Six.

"I'm not embarrassed."

"But your face is still red."

"How do you know I didn't get hit in the face while I was fighting?"

"Your face wasn't red when you walked in. It turned red when Rex talked about your supposed crush on me. And it's still getting redder not that we're going into detail about this."

"The medical bay is hot. It must be at least seventy degrees in here, and I'm wearing a suit."

"Fine, fine. Just keep telling yourself that…" The doctor teased.

"I'm leaving. Goodnight doctor." Six started walked out the door.

"Goodnight Six." She said before he exited the room. Once the doors closed behind him, she said, "I feel the same way…"

Six wasn't sure what he was doing now. It was too early to go to sleep, and he couldn't go back and talk with Holiday after that little episode. Maybe he would go kill Rex…that sounded nice.


Did you like it? I had trouble starting the story, so I don't really like the beginning too much. I feel like this is a really good ending for this story, but I really don't want to make it a one shot. So…I'm going to try coming up with another chapter. It's probably going to have my OC in it. The chapter should either be up in a couple days thanks to Thanksgiving break. Until then! Oh, and R&R!