"Ill talk to you tomorrow, alright?" I chuckled in between words. I could hear Adam's breathing threw the phone as I pressed it closer to my ear.

"Good Night...Dont let the bedbugs bite." He whispered.

"I won't." I smiled. Adam always called me to say good night. After Eli left two years ago, Adam had always been by my side. He was my best friend.

The doorbell rang shortly after I placed the house phone away. I peered at the grandfather clock in the dining room.

9:34, but who would be knocking this late? Thunder shook and bolted across the sky as I opened the door. Rain poured hard while a male stood in a grey sweatshirt stood in front of me. He was tall and strangely familiar. He looked up at me, his blue crystal eyes gleaming. A fresh wound under his right eye shined. I finally got a good look at his face.

"Fitz?" My eyes grew bigger as my whole body froze.

I felt like my heart was about to burst threw my chest any minute. What was Mark Fitzgerald doing on my door step? He was supposed to be in Juvie! I didn't understand what was going on. I wanted to slam the door in his face and run. I couldn't. I wasn't that kind of person.

"I didn't know where else to go." Fitz's voice had no emotion; he spoke in a monotone voice. He shoved his hands into his pockets. Even if I was in my own world for a second, the rain continued to pour while Fitz stood patiently waiting for an answer.

"You can stay here." I blurted out, obviously not thinking before I spoke.

Fitz just chuckled.

"Saint Clare, is letting me stay the night? Never thought this day would come."

He smiled before shuffling into the house. My body warmed up when I felt his arm touch mine. Why did I feel so oddly attracted to Fitz all of a sudden?

"Here, take this shirt. It's my dad's old one." I pulled out a large white v-neck from the dresser in the guestroom.

"Thanks." Fitz threw his soaking grey sweatshirt in the corner. I closed the dresser and turned to look at him, he wore no shirt on but only his black jeans, which were sagging low on his hips. I quickly averted my eyes, trying not to stare. I couldn't help myself.

"Im sorry saint Clare, am I tempting you?" He teased, walking a bit closer. I felt warm hands touch my waist, pulling me back closer.

"Fitz.., Don't," I sighed. His cold lip on my ear, then jaw line, then neck.


One button off my blouse.


Second one.

I knew I shouldn't do this, but something in my heart said I should. That if I don't ill regret it. So I spun around to face Fitz.

"Iv always loved you Clare." His whisper made me shake.

My body got Goosebumps. It was time I forgot about Eli. I mean, he had moved away after Vegas night and left me. It was done. I had new feelings now and I was ready to try new things. I slipped off my blouse and inhaled Fitz's scent in-between kisses. I fell back onto the bed.

"What took you so long, Fitzy boy?"