Crazy Cousins and Trouble Making Kids

Chapter 1-


"And then he just acts like nothing is out of the norm… like he didn't just spend 10 minutes in the bathroom. His fifth trip might I add. Right after his third trip out to get me more coffee, all before lunch… Guhhhh!" Lois bursts out running her hand irritably though her hair.

Chloe sighs and mentally roll her eyes at Clark. You would think after years of hiding his secret he might be able to come up with better excuses then that.

"Big dumb alien" She mutters silently.

"What?" Lois asks.

Chloe once again lets out a sigh. Before taking a sip of her coffee. "You know he probably just doesn't feel good today." she tries.

"Chlo, are we talking about the same Smallville we both know, and love to irritate? I have only seen him sick once and let me tell you, he isn't sick. And that still doesn't explain the coffee!" Lois exclaims holding her cup up as if you don't know what coffee is.

"Well…" Chloe starts but gets cut off.

"I mean he can't just go to the other side of the room and refill my cup… nooo he has to go down the street 2 blocks to Starbucks!"

"Maybe he…"

"I didn't even ask him! And I didn't even have it for 5 minutes before he went to go get me another one!"

"You trained him well." Chloe snickers.

"Chloe…" Lois glares at her.

"Lois…" Chloe whines mockingly back.

Lois sighs "Sorry, I know this is suppose to be our Chlo/Lo time… but Smallville is driving me insane with his baby sized bladder. You know I should be the one always in the bathroom with all the coffee he gets me." she starts again.

Chloe raises an eyebrow almost challenging her to keep going. Lois huffs "Yeah yeah, I'm officially stopping now." Chloe smirks and takes a victory sip of the coffee she ordered, happy she finally got the subject off of Clark.

"So…" Lois says, and at seeing Chloe wince slightly she smiles. Chloe knows that tone all too well. It's the I'm-about-to-bring-up-a-subject-I-have-no-right-butting-into tone. "…How's Oliver?" Lois asks with a twinkle in her eye.

Chloe's face turns a light shade of pink. "Lois." she says warningly.

"What? I'm just wondering if you got over the stupid Nothing-can-happen-because-we-work-together excuse." Lois says letting Chloe know she doesn't agree with her logic, then takes another drink of her coffee.

"Lo… can you please just drop it? And its like you said, this is our Chlo/Lo time. And with how busy we have both been we haven't had any for a long time. So please can we just have fun and forget about everything else?" Chloe begs giving Lois her best pleading look.

"But this is fun." Lois teases.

"Lo." Is all Chloe says keeping the same look on her face.

Lois opens her mouth to argue.

"Please?" Chloe says bringing her puppy eyes to the table.

She looks at Chloe a second longer trying to resist but then finally caves. "Fine." She says setting her coffee cup down as if to let Chloe know she gives up. Chloe reach's her hand across the table and sets it on top of Lois'. All the while fighting a grin at her antics.

"Thank you." Chloe says and goes back to her own coffee.

Still pouting a little bit Lois looks back up "So what the heck are we suppose to talk about?" She asks Chloe expectantly.

Chloe opens her mouth to tell her that there is more to talk about then just Clark and Oliver. And even though it may seem like it sometimes… the world doesn't revolve around them, when her bag ribbits at her.

"Chlo… I think you have a frog in your purse." Lois tells Chloe in a serious voice. Chloe actually thinks for just a moment that she thinks there is seriously a frog in her bag when she catches the amusement hiding in her eyes. Staring at each other a moment longer they both burst out laughing simultaneously. After a few moments -and many curious and confused stares being directed at - later, you both calm down enough to sit up straight and catch your breath.

"Seriously Chlo what was that?" Lois asks.

"Oh it's just my phone." Chloe tells her.

"Well that's an interesting choice for a ringer." She says inquiringly.

Chloe chuckles "Yes it is." she responds simply as she digs her way threw her bag for her phone. She doesn't really feel like explaining to Lois why she chose that particular text alert. Or who it's assigned to. Not that Lois would understand if you even tried.

Chloe finally dug her phone out of her bag and read the text. Her smile turning into a frown.

There was a little incident with some wires and well the system crashed. I told them not 2 play ball in the house… but did they listen? Nooo. Don't worry Victor and Emil r on it. And I grounded the kids. Bart and AC r pouting on the couch as we speak. The situation is under control so don't worry and try 2 have fun. ;) -Oliver

"Are you going to leave me?" Lois asks, bringing Chloe's attention back to her. "Cause you look like you really want to be somewhere else right now." she finishes setting down her now empty cup.

Chloe shakes her head and quickly texts Oliver back. No matter how much she may want to check up on the watchtower she keeps telling herself not to. He said everything was under control and she knows he wouldn't lie to her. She's sure that if he had it his way he wouldn't have told her at all… if not for the threat she made before she left that she is to be kept informed of anything that happens that she would want to know about. She shakes her head again but this time to get herself to focus on Lois.

"No, I'm not going anywhere" Chloe stops and thinks for a second. "Well actually we can probably head out and go see that movie now" she says looking at her watch.

"Sounds good." Lois says getting up collecting her things. "You know…" she pauses "I can't remember the last movie we went to go see, just you and me." She says kind of sadly.

Thinking about it, Chloe realizes she can't either. And that used to be one of those things that she and Lois would do together. Well that and having karaoke nights. But she promises herself that she'll make more time for her special Chlo/Lo time. "Yeah me neither." Chloe gets up and grab her wallet out of her bag. Throwing a ten on the table she looks at Lois and gives her a small smile. "Come on, your buying the popcorn." With that Chloe takes Lois' hand and walk out of the coffee shop to hail a taxi.