Chapter 5


When Chloe arrives at Watchtower she realizes she completely forgot about the text she got from Oliver earlier. And as she walks into the elevator she has her fingers crossed that Watchtower is up and running again. And that the boys didn't destroy everything. But from what she remembers they can't really get in that much trouble, Oliver did say he 'grounded' them… didn't he? With that thought in mind the elevator opens and she walks over to the door hesitating just slightly before opening it.

Suddenly she smells Chinese food. "Hey, Sidekick." Oliver says as he walks over to her.

"Hey, how'd it go?" She asks.

"Well I told the kids to go outside if they decided to rough house again or I'd take away there toys… so, so far so good." Oliver answers with a smirk.

"Don't you think we're starting to take this baby sitting the 'kids' thing a little too seriously?" She questions thinking that all she has heard lately is the 'kids' did this and the 'kids' did that. But not even a second later she gets her answer. Just not from Oliver.

"BART!" Victor bellowed.

"What?" he asks innocently.

"Stop acting all innocent! You know I love egg rolls! That's why I ordered extras!" he yells

She looks at Oliver. And he raises an eyebrow pointedly at her. You sigh and you both walk over to the arguing 'kids'. "What's going on?" she asks.

Victor looks at you and whines "Chloeee" he drags out your name, sounding exactly like a 4 year old. And you thought he was the mature one of the three. "Bart ate all of the egg rolls!" He complains.

Chloe looks at Bart questioningly "No I didn't." he says with a smirk.

"Yes you did! Tell the truth!" Victor yells furious.

"I am telling the truth." hey says in a matter of fact way. He continues "AC had one too." She looks at AC.

"What. It came with my meal." He says defensively.

She sighs and looks over at Bart sternly. And he shrinks back a little bit. She hides a smirk and looks at Victor. "It's fine. Bart will go pick some more up." She looks back at Bart "Wont you Bart?" She asks in a way that leaves no room for arguments.

Bart smirks again "Well I would, but I'm pretty sure there isn't any Chinese restaurants open at this time of night." He responds looking like he just won the argument.

Victor deflates and starts pouting. "No biggie" She says as she glances at her watch. She continues… "It's about lunch time in China." She look back up at Victor to see him look up and smirk at Bart.

Bart's head dropped forward "Oh man…" Bart groans defeated. AC and Oliver snicker.

Chloe claps her hands together a couple times "chop chop Impulse. Victor's hungry." She raises an eyebrow at him expectantly. "I'm going I'm going." He gets up slowly and sticks his lower lip out in a pout before speeding off.

"So… how's my Watchtower?" She ask no one in particular.

Victor and AC look guilty. And Oliver answers. "They didn't mess it up too badly. I had Bart get Emil over here right away and they got everything up and running again, almost like it never happened."

She nods. "So how did it even happed?" she wonders out loud.

"I told you already. Don't you remember?" Oliver asks.

She snorts. "Well yeah you said the kids were playing ball in the house…" you trail off. "Wait. They were seriously playing ball in the hou… watchtower?" She asks correcting herself. Oliver chuckles quietly smirking before he nods in answer to her question. 'Looks like they wish they were Bart now.' He thinks.

She glares at AC and Victor. And they both start rambling off at the same time.

"Well, you know, Bart suggested we toss this football around…"

"Bart had this awesome football and well I like playing football…"

She cut them off. "So it was Bart's fault?" She questions.

AC scratches the back of his head nervously. "Well technically I threw it when it happened." He admits.

Victor jumps in feeling too much that it was his fault, to let AC take the blame. "But I was the one who crashed into it."

AC continues "But I threw it really hard…"

Victor interrupts "But I dodged it and I crashed into the equipment."

AC try's again "But I was the one that…"

She cut them off again. "Just." She takes a deep calming breath and continues. "Don't let it happen again." She tell them. And they both nod vigorously.

"Never again." "We wont." They both proclaim at the same time.

"Good." She says. She looks at Oliver and she can tell he is trying to be serious but she can still see the amusement lighting up his eyes. "Where were you when this happened?" She asks.

He looks at her and responds. "Working like the good boy I am." He grins glad he turned down the invitation to play. The last thing he wants is the wrath of Chloe after him.

"On what?" She asks curious.

He laughs when he remembers what he was working on. "Actually I found a new 33.1 facility." He answers.

"Okkk, and that's funny because…..?" She asks him confused. He pulls her over to a virtual map on the computer table. And points to a green dot.

The second She sees where it is she doubles over in laughter. If she thought she was laughing hard earlier today… that nothing compared to now.

Victor and AC walk over to Oliver. "What's so funny" AC asks him.

"The location to an new 33.1 facility I found" he responds smiling.

"Where?" Bart asks coming out of nowhere.

Oliver points to the green dot on the map again. And they all bust up laughing.

"What!" Victor exclaims in the middle of his laughing fit.

"No way!" Bart says still laughing.

"Dude!" AC throws in.

"I can't believe him." Chloe says finally catching her breath. "…So, how in the world did you find it? Or do you normally use your satellite to check up on Antarctica?"

"Funny" he rolls his eyes and then answers her. "Anyways, I've noticed he had a lot of shipments going out at the same time and of course he tried to hide it so it took me a while but I finally traced it…. allll the way to the south pole."

"So, when are you going to go take it down?" She asks him.

"Don't know yet. But I'm kind of excited. I've always wanted to see penguins in real life." He jokes.

You snort. "We do have zoo's you know." She throws back.

"But it's just not the same." he mock pouts. She laughs for a moment before noticing the boys went back to there food.

"How was your afternoon with Lois?" Oliver asks. But seeing her in such a good mood after the boys almost destroyed her watchtower he is guessing she enjoyed herself.

"It was really good. I miss spending time with her." She sighs. "We're doing karaoke next week." She tells him with a bright smile.

His eyebrows shoot up. "Really? I never would have guessed our Watchtower likes karaoke." He says surprised, her smile so infectious that he found himself smiling in return.

"Well, Lois made me go up and sing with her one time and we ended up having so much fun that it kind of became our thing." She shrugs.

He goes to comment when he hears her stomach growl.

"Hungry?" he asks with a smirk.

She turns a little pink embarrassed that it was so loud. "Popcorn and coffee only go so far." She responds.

He chuckles "Come on." He nods to toward food "Lets eat." He turns her around and gives her a slight push over to the food. Walking over to the boys who are currently digging into the food.

"Finally!" Bart exclaims. "We thought you were going to stay there all day." She rolls her eyes at him taking a seat next to Oliver. "I brought back some egg rolls." he tells her with a smirk pointing to the mountain of egg rolls in the middle of the table.

"Bart when I told you to get egg rolls I meant half a dozen… not every egg roll in China." She tell him exasperated.

"What can I say I was feeling extra hungry" with that he shoved two in his mouth. And she just shakes her head at him.

"Idiot" AC mutters.

"What did you say Ursula?" Bart snaps at him.

"Here we go" She mumbles. Oliver grabs a couple of egg rolls and hands one to her with an apologetic look.

"Oh I think you heard me midget." He snaps back.

She pulls out her cell and text Lois.

Do you want to move up karaoke to tomorrow?